samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 1-1 of 1

Song of the Aurora Borealis
ID: 158 Status: Closed
- Lead Stallion -
Dancer of the Jade Winds
Owned by Aurora
- Lead Mare -
Streak of the Crystal's Light
Owned by Aurora

- Mares -
Pride of the Shining Moon
Owned by JJD
Slash of the Shadow's Spectrum
Owned by Aurora
Farer of the Amethyst Fields
Owned by Alicorn
- Offspring -
Dasher of the Sun's Rainbow
Foal of Wild
Song of the Mountain Springs
Hider in Fire's Forest
Foal of Streak of Crystal's Light
Song of the Burning Rainbow
Prancer on Rainbow Snow
Foal of Slash of the Shadow's Spectrum
Not currently in a Song
Rainbow of the Earth's Dawn
Foal of Slash of the Shadow's Spectrum
Not currently in a Song
Streak of the Crystal Dancing
Foal of Streak of the Crystal's Light
Song of the Fantastic Hearts
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Database coded by Jenn