samanayr database

Song Search Results

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Song of the Majestic Lord
ID: 272 Status: Closed
- Description -

Upon a high hillside of tall, silken grass, where white Aspen trees grow in a forest of golden leaves all year round shields the sacred and immense awe of a waterfall and a deep, crystal clear wading pool lined with myriads of colored stones that seem to shine from the bottom of the pool itself. The light from the golden leaves of the aspen trees shines gold and sparkling upon the clear waters and ivory spray of the waterfall, creating the ideal place for royalty to live. Tropical flowers and abundant fruit trees surround the wading pool and line the retreating river that winds and disappears among the golden forest. The scent of the area is like a concophany of delicious aromas, enticing and regal. Majesty of the Leaping Lords reigns here and any who dare trespass in hopes of taking his beloved land and his beloved Winding of the Ripe Vine from him will face his unbending wrath and quick, graceful reflexes. As you enter the awe-inspiring sight, Majesty of the Leaping Lord appears from the overflow of granduous flowers and fruit just beside the spray of white foam from the waterfall, the beads of dew hanging upon his mane and body like crystals in the golden sun. Close behind him in such a gracious show of dancing elegance steps the lithe form of Winding of the Ripe Vine, her delicate pattern of vines upon her pale form contrasting beautifully in the golden glow eminating from the canopy above her.
Status: CLOSED Only Nighthenge's Winding of the Ripe Vine can breed with this Stallion. Majesty of the Leaping Lord is completely taken by the mare and none else. Sorry for the inconvenience. Blame his Majesty's devotion.

- Lead Stallion -
Majesty of the Leaping Lord
Owned by LBPhoenix
- Lead Mare -
Winding of the Ripe Vine
Owned by Nighthenge

- Offspring -
Winding of the Royal Road
Foal of Winding of the Ripe Vine
Not currently in a Song
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Database coded by Jenn