samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 1-1 of 1

Song of the Paradoxical Absurdity
ID: 228 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

This is a Semi-Open Song. The stallion is always available.

Mares OPEN to outside breedings without permission:

- Plummet of the Plump Berry -

Mares CLOSED to outside breedings without permission.

- Twilight of the Winter Desert -
- Caper of the Bubbly Heart -

Seeking other strange, and unexplicable mares that don't fit in with the regular run-of-the-mill crowd.

- Lead Stallion -
Tumble of the Sunlit Surf
Owned by Delicious
- Lead Mare -
Twilight of the Winter Desert
Owned by Varuna

- Mares -
Plummet of the Plump Berry
Owned by Bluestarwolf12
Caper of the Bubbly Heart
Owned by Tasmen
- Offspring -
Bumble of the Buried Shore
Foal of Plummet of the Plump Berry
Not currently in a Song
Dance of Heart's Desire
Foal of Caper of the Bubbly Heart
Not currently in a Song
Drop of Heart's Rest
Foal of Caper of the Bubbly Heart
Song of the Silent Shoreline
All images and text on this page are © Sushidragon - all rights reserved
Database coded by Jenn