samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 1-2 of 2

Song of the Rainbow II
ID: 090 Status: Closed
- Description -

The second Song of the Rainbow.

- Lead Stallion -
Fire of the Falling Skies
Owned by Sushidragon
- Lead Mare -
Sky with Spanning Rainbow
Owned by Sushidragon

- Mares -
Mystic of the Living Earth
Owned by Sushidragon
Heat of the Blazing Sun
Owned by Sushidragon
Flame of Deepest Shadows
Owned by Sushidragon
- Offspring -
Falling of Celestial Flames
Foal of Sky with Spanning Rainbow
Song of the Frozen Flame
Flicker of the Greater Fires
Foal of Heat of the Blazing Sun
Song of the Divine Fate
Journey of the Sailing Star
Foal of Flame of Deepest Shadows
Song of the Waning Autumn
Mystic of the Growing Dawn
Foal of Mystic of the Living Earth
Song of the Singing Light

Song of the Rainbow III
ID: 091 Status: Closed
- Description -

The third Song of the Rainbow.

- Lead Stallion -
Hint of Cresting Sunlight
Owned by Sushidragon
- Lead Mare -
Mystic of the Spilling Waves
Owned by Sushidragon

- Mares -
Points of Broken Soil
Owned by Sushidragon
Fanning of the Smoking Flames
Owned by Sushidragon
Dew of Morning Grass
Owned by Sushidragon
- Offspring -
Dancer of the Autumn Fields
Foal of Points of Broken Soil
Song of the Autumn Foliage
Dancer of the Ember Slash
Foal of Dew of Morning Grass
Not currently in a Song
Echo of the Sweet Depths
Foal of Dew of Morning Grass
Not currently in a Song
Flight of the Dark Angel
Foal of Fanning of the Smoking Flames
Song of the Shifting Twilight
Medley of the Fallen Reflection
Foal of Mystic of the Spilling Waves
Song of the Arctic Reflection
Memory of the Forgotten Bliss
Foal of Points of Broken Soil
Song of the Waning Autumn
Mystic of Blurred Reflections
Foal of Mystic of the Spilling Waves
Song of the Divine Fate
Mystic of the Storm Caller
Foal of Mystic of the Spilling Waves
Song of the Wind Dancers
Reflection of the Tender Moonlight
Foal of Mystic of the Spilling Waves
Song of the Obsidian Abyss
Shade on Golden Velvet
Foal of Points of Broken Soil
Song of the Translucent Clouds
Singer of the Starlight Music
Foal of Dew of Morning Grass
Song of the Winter Light
Soarer in the Crimson Haze
Foal of Fanning of the Smoking Flames
Not currently in a Song
Strider of the Turquoise Horizon
Foal of Mystic of the Spilling Waves
Song of the Fiery Spirits
View of the Forest Canopy
Foal of Dew of Morning Grass
Song of the Woven Wood
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Database coded by Jenn