samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 11-15 of 182

Song of the Deep Forest
ID: 022 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Tiger - permission not required

Mystic - permission required

Please note that some Song members require permission before you can have a breeding from them. For those that don't require permission, please still notify the parents' caretakers when you get a foal.

- Lead Stallion -
Mystic of the Jungle Wind
Owned by Silvanon
- Lead Mare -
Tiger of the Winter Dusk
Owned by Paradox

- Offspring -
Bleak of Jungle Winter
Foal of Tiger of the Winter Dusk
Not currently in a Song
Prowl of the Jungle Dusk
Foal of Tiger of the Winter Dusk
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Blooded Scythe
ID: 024 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Shard of the Broken Opal and Chill of the Frosted Dew both require permission. The other two mares do not.

- Lead Stallion -
Scythe of the Liquid Rainbow
Owned by Puuka
- Lead Mare -
Pooling of the Bright Illusion
Owned by Twiztid

- Mares -
Dasher of the Simmering Embers
Owned by Codress
Shard of the Broken Opal
Owned by Fyrebird
Chill of the Frosted Dew
Owned by Mouse
- Offspring -
Fading of the Broken Rainbow
Foal of Shard of the Broken Opal
Song of the Formidable Spectrum
Gleam of the Scythe's Reflection
Foal of Pooling of the Bright Illusion
Not currently in a Song
Shine of the Spectrum United
Foal of Shard of the Broken Opal
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Burning Rainbow
ID: 026 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Spectre of the Paling Spectrum requires permission. The other mares do not.

- Lead Stallion -
Hider in Fire's Forest
Owned by Sushidragon
- Lead Mare -
Spectre of the Paling Spectrum
Owned by Fyrebird

- Mares -
Splash of the Broken Rainbow
Owned by CosmicDragon
Dance of the Rainbow Wild
Owned by Willow
- Offspring -
Leaper of Hidden Rainbows
Foal of Spectre of the Paling Spectrum
Song of the Amazon Rains
Music of the Rainforest Mist
Foal of Spectre of the Paling Spectrum
Not currently in a Song
Scythe of the Liquid Rainbow
Foal of Spectre of the Paling Spectrum
Song of the Blooded Scythe

Song of the Fading Aurora
ID: 027 Status: Open
- Description -

This song has room for three Northern (fuzzy) mares.

- Lead Stallion -
Hush of Winter Snowfall
Owned by Lexington
- Lead Mare -
Ice of the Fallen Morning
Owned by tierasa

- Offspring -
Query of the Hushed Morning
Foal of Ice of the Fallen Morning
Song of the Evergreen Vale

Song of the Fiery Spirits
ID: 028 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Flame of Serpents Dancing and Flicker both require permission. The other mares do not.

- Lead Stallion -
Strider of the Turquoise Horizon
Owned by Jennalyn
- Lead Mare -
Flames of Serpents Dancing
Owned by JadeEye

- Mares -
Steam of the Shining Flames
Owned by Janalee
Owned by Britain
Fires of Encasing Ice
Owned by Lainie
- Offspring -
Dancer of the Jagged Dawn
Foal of Flames of Serpents Dancing
Song of the Dawn Music
Hiss of the Acid Ember
Foal of Flames of Serpents Dancing
Song of the Dying Embers
Spark of the Slumbering Flame
Foal of Flicker
Song of the Inspired Affection
Speaker of the Listening Heavens
Foal of Fires of Encasing Ice
Not currently in a Song

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