samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 106-110 of 182

Song of the Gemstone Prism
ID: 335 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Veil does not need permission for breeding, but please notify Raitalle if you get a foal. All mares do require permission; please message their respective owners.

- Lead Stallion -
Veil of the Moonstone Cove
Owned by Raitalle
- Lead Mare -
Mystic of the Prismatic Spark
Owned by Tervenna

- Mares -
Dive of the Melting Glacier
Owned by Seren
Erosion of the Sand-swept Gem
Owned by SilverDapples
- Offspring -
Foal of Dive of the Melting Glacier
Song of the Approaching Apocalypse
Foal of Dive of the Melting Glacier
Song of the Approaching Apocalypse

Song of the Thunderous Waves
ID: 336 Status: Open
- Description -

The Song of the Thunderous Waves live on a shoreline along a frequently rainy coastline. They are near a deep natural bay formed by a breakwater of jagged rocks upon which waves break violently during the storms. The bay itself has a short beach on one side and a high cliff on the the other. They claim a small collection of hot springs of which only one is large enough to hold more than a single samanayr, most being the size of tide pools.

- Lead Stallion -
Seeker of the Rushing Sanctuary
Owned by oakleafwolf
- Lead Mare -
Gale of the Tempestuous Sea
Owned by Rekyrem

Song of the Springtime Haven
ID: 339 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Spring of Soft Breezes is free for use, but please message Raitalle if you get a foal :) Odyssey of the Drifting Leaf and Journey of the Jeweled Plain are also free for use. Please PM Kagari if you are interested in a breeding with Mystic of the Willful Haven.

- Lead Stallion -
Spring of Soft Breezes
Owned by Raitalle
- Lead Mare -
Mystic of the Willful Haven
Owned by Kagari

- Mares -
Journey of the Jeweled Plain
Owned by SunBlind
Odyssey of the Drifting Leaf
Owned by CosmicDragon
- Offspring -
Flicker of the Spring Flame
Foal of Mystic of the Willful Haven
Song of the Babbling Brook

Song of Enduring Value
ID: 341 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

This is a Semi-Open Song. Anyone who wishes to request a breeding isn't required to ask for permission, barring individual exceptions. For the lead stallion, Flight of the First Snow, you must specifically ask for and obtain his fosterer's permission for an outside breeding; whereas Ebb of the Gentle Current is available for outside breeding without permission.

- Lead Stallion -
Flight of the First Snow
Owned by Yuiven
- Lead Mare -
Ebb of the Gentle Current
Owned by Jennalyn

Song of the Flickering Muses
ID: 346 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

This song is semi-open, some sams will require permission, others are free to use.

No Permission Required:

Muse of the Soaring Soul

Race of the Forest Walker

Requiring Permission:

Sear of the Freezing Flame - PM HybridSiren for permission.

Lush of the Silken Eggnog - PM Rikku for permission

Precision of the Scarlet Strike - PM Jaes for permission

- Lead Stallion -
Muse of the Soaring Soul
Owned by Willow
- Lead Mare -
Sear of the Freezing Flame
Owned by HybridSiren

- Mares -
Race of the Forest Walker
Owned by Willow
Lush of the Silken Eggnog
Owned by Rikkugirl
Precision of the Scarlet Strike
Owned by Jaes
- Offspring -
Mystic of the Skyborne Spirit
Foal of Precision of the Scarlet Strike
Song of the Wind's Ramble
Unnamed 1474
Foal of Precision of the Scarlet Strike
Not currently in a Song

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