samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 111-115 of 182

Song of the Vivid Sunset
ID: 348 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

This is a Semi-Open Song. The stallion is always available.

Mares OPEN to outside breedings without permission:

- Felicity of the Hopeful Glow -

Mares CLOSED to outside breedings without permission:

- Secret of the Vivid Twilight -

- Serenity of the Fresh Breeze -

- Lead Stallion -
Cloak of the Sunset Eclipse
Owned by Jennalyn
- Lead Mare -
Secret of the Vivid Twilight
Owned by Britain

- Mares -
Serenity of the Fresh Breeze
Owned by tierasa
Felicity of the Hopeful Glow
Owned by Nathalia
- Offspring -
Melody of the Sunset Breeze
Foal of Serenity of the Fresh Breeze
Song of the Rainbow Prism

Song of the Spectral Fire
ID: 349 Status: Semi-Open
- Lead Stallion -
Crack of the Twisting Bonfire
Owned by Echos
- Lead Mare -
Sentinel of Spilling Shadows
Owned by Jaes

- Mares -
Boast of the Illustrious Sun
Owned by Orasteele
Frenzy of the Poisoned Prickle
Owned by tbiris
Aegis of Unseen Oases
Owned by CosmicDragon
- Offspring -
Flood of the Gnarled River
Foal of Sentinel of Spilling Shadows
Song of the Curious Tide

Song of the Warm Cheer
ID: 350 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Near the Rainbow Hotsprings lives a song composed of joyful Samanayrs whose desire in life is to bring cheer and joy to other Samanayrs.

Zip is a warm cuddly stallion who adores every one of his beautiful mini mare delights.

Twist of the Candy Cocoa is available for breeding, ask to use any other mares- Zip is always open!

- Lead Stallion -
Zip of the Minted Cocoa
Owned by Seren
- Lead Mare -
Cider of the Last Apple
Owned by SilverDapples

- Mares -
Twist of the Candy Cocoa
Owned by Willow
Sparkle of the Sweet Cranberry
Owned by Puuka
Sip of the Salted Caramel
Owned by silvermoondragon

Song of the Chocolate Quirk
ID: 351 Status: Open
- Description -

This is an Open Song, meaning that anyone who wishes to request a breeding with the members is allowed to.

If any mares are interested but don't want to be Open permission, I'm more than happy to change this to a Semi-Open Song!

- Lead Stallion -
Embrace of Molten Chocolate
Owned by Jennalyn
- Lead Mare -
Chill of the Frosted Treat
Owned by amazondreamer

- Mares -
Garnet of the Drumming Dance
Owned by silvermoondragon
Carol of the Icebound Chocolate
Owned by Origami_Dragon
Beckoning of the Enticing Aroma
Owned by tierasa
- Offspring -
Drumming of the Dreamer's Embrace
Foal of Garnet of the Drumming Dance
Song of the Pygmy's Call
Indulgence of the Chocolate Treat
Foal of Chill of the Frosted Treat
Song of Liquid Warmth
Shift in the Departing Song
Foal of Garnet of the Drumming Dance
Song of the Quiet Embrace

Song of the Mystical Eclipse
ID: 352 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

In his many wanderings, Trespass of the Moon Eclipsed had chanced upon this hidden valley with great tropical trees laced with vines and abundant in fruit and herbs encircled by great red and white cliffs. Water clear, cool, and fresh springs gayly from a central spring encircled with water lillies, cat tails, and soft grass so fresh that he had never tasted anything so sweet. Fireflies dance and twirl in their own light there as glowing night flowers of every color bloom at night. It is here in this magical place where Trespass of the Moon Eclipsed founded his song with his most precious and beloved Mystic of the Dusty Zephyr.

Status: Semi-open
For the Lead Mare and Stallion, permission must be asked to use either by asking the owners. Those already within the song do not need permission to use the Stallion.

- Lead Stallion -
Trespass of the Moon Eclipsed
Owned by LBPhoenix
- Lead Mare -
Mystic of the Dusty Zephyr
Owned by Nova Night

- Offspring -
Enigma of the Painted Eclipse
Foal of Mystic of the Dusty Zephyr
Song of the Night's Reprise

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