samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 116-120 of 182

Song of the Frozen Mountains
ID: 354 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Melody and Chortle require their owner's permission to breed.
Dance and Cozy are open for breeding without permission.

Contact Bluestarwolf12 if you have a mare you think would fit into this Song. There is currently room for 1 more mare.

- Lead Stallion -
Dance of the Frozen Stars
Owned by Bluestarwolf12
- Lead Mare -
Melody of the Distant Mountains
Owned by LostDollie

- Mares -
Cozy of the Woolen Warmth
Owned by Rikkugirl
Chortle of the Wind-tossed Pines
Owned by Seren

Song of the Flying Dreams
ID: 355 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Breeding is open between Dream and:

[*] Flight of the Abysmal Blade

[*] Meditation of the Drifting Moon

Breeding with Retreat of the Timid Twilight will require gaining permission from SilverDapples on the Sam Forum.

Please do message me if and when foals are born so I can update everything! :)

- Lead Stallion -
Dreams of Cobalt Summers
Owned by Cameron
- Lead Mare -
Flight of the Abysmal Blade
Owned by Cameron

- Mares -
Meditation of the Drifting Moon
Owned by SunBlind
Retreat of the Timid Twilight
Owned by SilverDapples

Song of the Joyous Abandon
ID: 357 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Pride does not require permission, Oracle requires permission from Pathos.

- Lead Stallion -
Pride of Prismatic Skies
Owned by CassiaDawn
- Lead Mare -
Oracle of the Wind-Borne Spirits
Owned by Pathos

- Mares -
Calling of the Ocean Skies
Owned by silvermoondragon
- Offspring -
Inception of the Sunlit Skies
Foal of Calling of the Ocean Skies
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Spring Sands
ID: 359 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Song of the Spring Sands was started with Dusk and Dawn, two Deserts who continue to live in the desert that has always been their home.

If you're thinking about asking to get your mare into the song... Dusk and Dawn live in the desert, your Samanayr must be able to live there comfortably, for their sake!

Splinter of the Bloodied Ice is open for use, but contact HybridSiren to let her know that her mare is being used.
Mystic of the Balanced Truth is open for use, simply let Delicious know if any breeding was successful.

Alert SilverDapples if you have been successful in a breeding which a foal is born so that Dapples may update the song's page.

- Lead Stallion -
Dusk of the Sprawling Sands
Owned by SilverDapples
- Lead Mare -
Dawn of the Spring Flowers
Owned by Origami_Dragon

- Mares -
Mystic of the Balanced Truth
Owned by Delicious
Splinter of the Blooded Ice
Owned by HybridSiren
- Offspring -
Sunset of the Desert Plains
Foal of Dawn of the Spring Flowers
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Fruitful Plain
ID: 361 Status: Open
- Description -

This song is opening for breedings and to additional mares.

- Lead Stallion -
Kindle of the Tentative Flame
Owned by Jaes
- Lead Mare -
Quirk of the Impulsive Creek
Owned by tierasa

- Offspring -
Flare of the Setting Sun
Foal of Quirk of the Impulsive Creek
Not currently in a Song

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