samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 121-125 of 182

Song of the Winter Celebrations
ID: 362 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Carol of the Gilded Hills
Owned by Orasteele
- Lead Mare -
Delight of the Winter Berry
Owned by Seren

- Mares -
Owned by Jennalyn
Glow of the Joyful Season
Owned by amazondreamer
Glee of the Welcome Gift
Owned by tierasa

Song of the Coastal Breeze
ID: 364 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Wanderer is always open as long as permission is obtained from the owner of the mare you happen to be using. Twirl of the Carefree Youth and Mystic of the Craggy Firth are both open for breeding purposes, no permission needed!

Feather of the Floundering Gull is not open breeding purposes, unless Bluestarwolf12 has been contacted and gives her permission.

Haunt of the Splintered Soul is not open breeding purposes, unless tbiris has been contacted and gives her permission.

- Lead Stallion -
Wanderer of the Endless Flight
Owned by SilverDapples
- Lead Mare -
Twirl of the Carefree Youth
Owned by Willow

- Mares -
Feather of the Floundering Gull
Owned by Bluestarwolf12
Haunt of the Splintered Soul
Owned by tbiris
Mystic of the Craggy Firth
Owned by Echos

Song of Liquid Warmth
ID: 366 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Brew of the Roasted Bean
Owned by CosmicDragon
- Lead Mare -
Bouquet of Vanilla Steam
Owned by CosmicDragon

- Mares -
Pattern of the Delicious Art
Owned by Origami_Dragon
Indulgence of the Chocolate Treat
Owned by NightFlyer
Creativity of the Caffeinated Connoisseur
Owned by CosmicDragon
- Offspring -
Beckoning of the Enticing Aroma
Foal of Pattern of the Delicious Art
Song of the Chocolate Quirk
Temptation of the Exotic Bean
Foal of Pattern of the Delicious Art
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Quiet Verge
ID: 375 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Eidolon of the Ethereal Verge and Abyss require permission for breeding; please contact Jennalyn or Puuka on the Samanayr forum.

- Lead Stallion -
Shifter of the Plunging Undertow
Owned by Janalee
- Lead Mare -
Eidolon of the Ethereal Verge
Owned by Jennalyn

- Mares -
Owned by Puuka
Epiphany of the Unassuming Turtle
Owned by LvSoulFriend
Mystic of the Wondering Waves
Owned by AsaraDragon
- Offspring -
Guardian of the Primal Tides
Foal of Eidolon of the Ethereal Verge
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Summer Breeze
ID: 377 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Heatwave of the Endless Summer
Owned by Echos
- Lead Mare -
Lilt of the Ambivalent Breeze
Owned by Bluestarwolf12

- Mares -
Gleam of Primary Colors
Owned by Operetta

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