samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 146-150 of 182

Song of the Waded Glee
ID: 408 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Skunk of the Dancing Sa'krien
Owned by silvermoondragon
- Lead Mare -
Gala of the Ribboned Night
Owned by silvermoondragon

- Mares -
Warmth of the Mulled Wine
Owned by oakleafwolf
- Offspring -
Delight of the Enchanted Evening
Foal of Gala of the Ribboned Night
Song of the Evening's Romance
Reflection of the Enchanted Evening
Foal of Gala of the Ribboned Night
Song of the Intergalactic Guardians

Song of the Pygmy's Call
ID: 410 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Please let wolfrysk know (on PI if possible) if you plan on using Mote

- Lead Stallion -
Drumming of the Dreamer's Embrace
Owned by silvermoondragon
- Lead Mare -
Mote of the Carrying Wind
Owned by wolfrysk

Song of the Guarding Statues
ID: 413 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Quarrel of the Rough Amethyst requires permission for breeding; please contact Yuiven on the Samanayr forum.

- Lead Stallion -
Clamor of the Charging Lion
Owned by Janalee
- Lead Mare -
Quarrel of the Rough Amethyst
Owned by Yuiven

- Mares -
Bone of Buried Glories
Owned by Nightfeathers
Stare of the Pragmatic Soul
Owned by silvermoondragon

Song of the Intergalactic Guardians
ID: 414 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Permission must be asked for Watch and Reflection.

- Lead Stallion -
Galaxy of the Midnight Sky
Owned by Nova Night
- Lead Mare -
Watch of the Cobalt Coast
Owned by Nighthenge

- Mares -
Reflection of the Enchanted Evening
Owned by Operetta

Song of the Dreaming Dawn
ID: 416 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Fog of the Dream Beginning
Owned by Harroway
- Lead Mare -
Blush of the Radiant Plume
Owned by Jennalyn

- Mares -
Glee of a Summer's Day
Owned by LostDollie
Vantage of the Inspiring Dawn
Owned by Harroway
- Offspring -
Haze of the Fanciful Illusion
Foal of Blush of the Radiant Plume
Song of the Illusory Clouds

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