samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 16-20 of 182

Song of the Shifting Twilight
ID: 029 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Flames of the Hazed Eruption requires permission. The other mares do not.

- Lead Stallion -
Caller of Twilight Earth
Owned by LostDollie
- Lead Mare -
Dusting of the First Snow
Owned by Unyko

- Mares -
Flight of the Dark Angel
Owned by Nightfeathers
Flames of the Hazed Eruption
Owned by Fyrebird
Whisper of the Forgotten Dream
Owned by Mouse
- Offspring -
Draft of the Burning Earth
Foal of Flight of the Dark Angel
Not currently in a Song
Fall of Forest Ash
Foal of Dusting of the First Snow
Song of Tears Fallen
Falling of the Autumn Sunset
Foal of Flight of the Dark Angel
Song of the Waning Autumn
Gliding of the Twilight Angel
Foal of Flight of the Dark Angel
Not currently in a Song
Shining of Tropical Gems
Foal of Dusting of the First Snow
Song of the Changing Seasons
Wanderer of the Gentle Earth
Foal of Whisper of the Forgotten Dream
Not currently in a Song
Wanderer of the Lonely Stars
Foal of Whisper of the Forgotten Dream
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Shining Snowfall
ID: 030 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Patches of Autumn Fields requires permission.

- Lead Stallion -
Call of the Winter Warmth
Owned by Tervenna
- Lead Mare -
Patches of Autumn Fields
Owned by Tervenna

- Offspring -
Colors of the Returning Spring
Foal of Patches of Autumn Fields
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Waning Autumn
ID: 031 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Falling of the Autumn Sunset
Owned by Raenia
- Lead Mare -
Memory of the Forgotten Bliss
Owned by Aholland

- Mares -
Journey of the Sailing Star
Owned by Orasteele
Frost on the Autumn Pumpkin
Owned by Twiztid
- Offspring -
Passage of the Autumn Star
Foal of Journey of the Sailing Star
Song of the Traversing Winds

Song of the Waxing Moon
ID: 032 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Mystic of the Changing Moon requires permission.

This song has room for one moon/night sky themed mare.

- Lead Stallion -
Mystic of the Changing Moon
Owned by Lexington
- Lead Mare -
Tides of the Calling Moon
Owned by Echos

- Mares -
Shadow of the Lunar Sky
Owned by Bluestarwolf12
Gleaming of the Midnight Moon
Owned by Lexington
- Offspring -
Mystic of the Crescent Moon
Foal of Gleaming of the Midnight Moon
Not currently in a Song
Seclusion of the Moonlit Shores
Foal of Tides of the Calling Moon
Song of the Ancient Forest

Song of the Woven Wood
ID: 033 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
View of the Forest Canopy
Owned by Yildun
- Lead Mare -
Stir of the Sea's Sword
Owned by silvermoondragon

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