samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 151-155 of 182

Song of the Gentle Seasons
ID: 417 Status: Open
- Description -


No permission is needed to breed any Sam in this song! However, please note that each mare can only have one breeding per breeding season. This page has more details. If your breeding is successful, please contact Yildun (on the forums or PI), so the offspring can be added. :)


A cool stream runs through a flowery meadow, bordered by the forest. In the foothills of the mountain, near the stream's origin, there is also a small hot spring tucked away for the chillier months, but the weather is usually mild. Even the winters are gentle, with infrequent snow. It's not paradise, but it's close enough.


- Lead Stallion -
Blossom of the Perfumed Breeze
Owned by Yildun
- Lead Mare -
Fall of the Incandescent Foliage
Owned by Warlock

- Mares -
Patter of the Distant Rain
Owned by PoisonedPromise
Rest of the Gracious Raincloud
Owned by Kagari

Song of the Primordial Theropod
ID: 418 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Feather and Strike are Open for breeding, Flash requires Kentouma's permission to breed

- Lead Stallion -
Feather of the Terrible Lizard
Owned by Bluestarwolf12
- Lead Mare -
Strike of the Deceptive Rainbow
Owned by Nighthenge

- Mares -
Flash of the Raptor's Claw
Owned by Kentouma

Song of the Shivering Currents
ID: 419 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Ruby of the Frozen Sea requires permission for breeding; please contact MadMooCow on either PI or the Sam forum.

- Lead Stallion -
Catch of the Polar Anemone
Owned by Janalee
- Lead Mare -
Ruby of the Frozen Sea
Owned by MadMooCow

- Mares -
Destiny of the Anemone's Catch
Owned by RikkuGirl

Song of the Apocalyptic Fires
ID: 421 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Request mare-owners for use. Fury is open.

- Lead Stallion -
Fury of the Baleful Expression
Owned by tbiris
- Lead Mare -
Ashes of Summer's Pyre
Owned by LvSoulFriend

Song of the Arctic Flurry
ID: 422 Status: Open
- Description -

Any may use these Sams for breeding without permission.

- Lead Stallion -
Mystic of the Iridescent Icicles
Owned by Codress
- Lead Mare -
Prowl of the Arctic Feline
Owned by bluestarwolf12

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