samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 171-175 of 182

Song of the Prismatic Seas
ID: 450 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Sams are all freely available, just let FoxyJhai know as she'd like to keep track of any potential babies.

- Lead Stallion -
Burst of the Sunsplashed Tide
Owned by FoxyJhai
- Lead Mare -
Owned by Orasteele

- Mares -
Fringe of the Sulfurous Tides
Owned by orasteele
Pinch of the Azure Crustacean
Owned by Orasteele

Song of the Illusory Clouds
ID: 451 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Sams are freely available for breeding.
Please give SilverDapples a heads up if you're planning on using Rush.
Please give Jaes a heads up if you're planning on using Pluck.

- Lead Stallion -
Haze of the Fanciful Illusion
Owned by FoxyJhai
- Lead Mare -
Arc of the Whispering Cloud
Owned by tierasa

- Mares -
Pluck of the Blazing Plumes
Owned by Jaes
Rush of the Joyful Chase
Owned by SilverDapples

Song of the Promised Lands
ID: 452 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Traveling through this territory, it's entirely possible you won't encounter the rather shy stallion who lives here.

The Song of the Promised Lands is a Semi-Open Song; Bramble requires permission from LvSoulFriend to breed.

Blast still has room for three more gentle mares in his Song.

- Lead Stallion -
Blast of the Bleached Sky
Owned by Origami_Dragon
- Lead Mare -
Bramble of the Sunwashed Prairie
Owned by LvSoulFriend

Song of the Viridian Seclusion
ID: 454 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

A song for those grumpy sa'kriens of verdant hues. Leads are both open, but we'd like to keep track of any potential offspring.

- Lead Stallion -
Spite of Winter's Bite
Owned by tierasa
- Lead Mare -
Tremor of the Creeping Ivy
Owned by FoxyJhai

Song of the Glimmering Archipelago
ID: 458 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Mystic of the Windswept Islands
Owned by SunBlind
- Lead Mare -
Query of the Loqucaious Parrot

The lead mare has not been entered into the database
- Mares -
Query of the Loquacious Parrot
Owned by amazondreamer
- Offspring -
Mystic of the Curious Winds
Foal of Query of the Loquacious Parrot
Song of the Whimsical Merriment

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