samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 173-177 of 182

Song of the Promised Lands
ID: 452 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Traveling through this territory, it's entirely possible you won't encounter the rather shy stallion who lives here.

The Song of the Promised Lands is a Semi-Open Song; Bramble requires permission from LvSoulFriend to breed.

Blast still has room for three more gentle mares in his Song.

- Lead Stallion -
Blast of the Bleached Sky
Owned by Origami_Dragon
- Lead Mare -
Bramble of the Sunwashed Prairie
Owned by LvSoulFriend

Song of the Viridian Seclusion
ID: 454 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

A song for those grumpy sa'kriens of verdant hues. Leads are both open, but we'd like to keep track of any potential offspring.

- Lead Stallion -
Spite of Winter's Bite
Owned by tierasa
- Lead Mare -
Tremor of the Creeping Ivy
Owned by FoxyJhai

Song of the Glimmering Archipelago
ID: 458 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Mystic of the Windswept Islands
Owned by SunBlind
- Lead Mare -
Query of the Loqucaious Parrot

The lead mare has not been entered into the database
- Mares -
Query of the Loquacious Parrot
Owned by amazondreamer
- Offspring -
Mystic of the Curious Winds
Foal of Query of the Loquacious Parrot
Song of the Whimsical Merriment

Song of the Dryadic Mark
ID: 462 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Sakura requires permission for breeding; please contact tierasa on the Samanayr forum.
Softness of the Marsh Loam requires permission for breeding; please contact Orasteele on the Samanayr forum.

- Lead Stallion -
Trinket of the Tree Adorned
Owned by Janalee
- Lead Mare -
Sibyl of the Tumbling Skies
Owned by Pristine

- Mares -
Softness of the Marsh Loam
Owned by Britain
Owned by tierasa

Song of the Rainbow Aflame
ID: 470 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Valor of the Fearsome Flame
Owned by Sushidragon
- Lead Mare -
Exult of the Inquisitive Dragon
Owned by Jaes

- Offspring -
Heat of the Drake's Delirium
Foal of Exult of the Inquisitive Dragon
Song of the Opaline Crown
Resonance of the Wyvern's Blaze
Foal of Exult of the Inquisitive Dragon
Song of the Convoluted Oracles

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