samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 181-182 of 182

Song of the Hidden Vale
ID: 484 Status: Open
- Description -

A small valley nestled in the foothills of an imposing mountain range is home to a small but cheerful family of Samanayrs.

- Lead Stallion -
Zest of Pumpkin Spice
Owned by amazondreamer
- Lead Mare -
Swirl of Peppermint Mist
Owned by LvSoulFriend

Song of the Sapphire Dreams
ID: 493 Status: Open
- Description -

King is a proud stallion, with a habit of "collecting" pretty things, including his mares!
He prefers mares with blue, wings or shiny things!
He cherishes and adores all his mares, enjoying each of their personalities and the traits that drew him in.
If you get a baby from this song please let me know! We're nosey ;D

- Lead Stallion -
King of the Sapphire Corvids
Owned by Willow
- Lead Mare -
Shard of the Frosted Dream
Owned by Janalee

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