samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 21-25 of 182

Song of the Sterling Brilliance
ID: 040 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

If you would like to join or breed with this song, please PM Pristine or Echos on Pony Island, or Jennalyn on the Samanayr Forums. Breeding with Autumn does not require permission BUT please notify Pristine and Jennalyn that you are using the stallion/mare.


Winter has no hold on the Spring when it wants to begin; the thaw and melt begin when the light of emerging spring graces the winter’s frosty grip, and melting snow turns to streams of molten silver. As the water trickles and rushes toward awaiting rivers, the song of this sterling brilliance rings out from every thirsty blade of grass to every sun-greeting bird to every Samanayr’s heart.

- Lead Stallion -
Stream of Molten Silver
Owned by Pristine
- Lead Mare -
Light of the Emerging Spring
Owned by Echos

- Mares -
Autumn of the Jasper Vineyard
Owned by Jennalyn
Memory of the Ancient Sky
Owned by Rekyrem

Song of the Sharp Citrus
ID: 041 Status: Open
- Description -

This is an open song. You are perfectly welcome to request a breeding without asking anyone's permission beforehand. However, if you receive a foal I do request that you inform me either through PI or the Samanayr forum. My username on both sites is Saiki.

This song has room for two more mares who fit the fruity/citrus theme, or who have lots of spines/horns.

- Lead Stallion -
Nectar of Tart Fruit
Owned by Saiki
- Lead Mare -
Zest of the Tart Lemon
Owned by Saiki

- Mares -
Tang of the Sharp Orange
Owned by Saiki
- Offspring -
Honey of the Sweet Nectar
Foal of Zest of the Tart Lemon
Song of the Summer Sun
Snap of Lemon Twist
Foal of Zest of the Tart Lemon
Song of the Jungle Hunters
Tingle of the Acid Taste
Foal of Tang of the Sharp Orange
Song of the Wanderer's Heart

Song of the Highland Hills
ID: 044 Status: Open
- Description -

This is an Open Song, meaning that anyone who wishes to request a breeding with the members is allowed to.

If you receive a foal from this song, please PM me on the forum or email me at roczath[at]gmail[dot]com with its information and address so that I can update the offspring listing. I will also be adding the foal's image to the Song's page for records, so please be prepared to allow that.

- Lead Stallion -
Blaze of Highland Glory
Owned by Nathalia
- Lead Mare -
Fluff of the Bright Berry
Owned by Jennalyn

- Mares -
Vivacity of the Breezy Spring
Owned by Kagari
Arc of the Peaceful Koi
Owned by Nathalia
Wraith of Fallen Bones
Owned by Esperanza
- Offspring -
Bone of Buried Glories
Foal of Wraith of Fallen Bones
Song of the Guarding Statues
Koi of the Glorious Pond
Foal of Arc of the Peaceful Koi
Song of the Glorious Sea

Song of the Mountain Dew
ID: 045 Status: Open
- Description -

This is an Open Song, so please feel free to apply for a breeding! All I ask is that you update me with any foals you receive.

- Lead Stallion -
Dew of the Crystal Grass
Owned by Harroway
- Lead Mare -
Tumble of the Plains Runner
Owned by Jennalyn

- Mares -
Gift of the Festive Season
Owned by Mouse
Shining of Rainbow Skies
Owned by Harroway
Fringe of the Argent River
Owned by Raenia
- Offspring -
Rest of the Crystal Plains
Foal of Tumble of the Plains Runner
Song of the Jungle Shore
Sparkle of Dewy Grass
Foal of Shining of Rainbow Skies
Song of the Resonant Echo

Song of the Willful Spirit
ID: 046 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Scatter may not look like it, but he can put his hoof down when need be. While Crumble is his lead mare, he can handle her with just the right amount of control and gentleness. He's very sweet and kind and would love nothing more than to let his Song be the way it is.

* Beat requires permission to breed *

- Lead Stallion -
Scatter of Refracted Rain
Owned by Harroway
- Lead Mare -
Crumble of the Burnt Leaf
Owned by Harroway

- Mares -
Spark of Hidden Quartz
Owned by Harroway
Beat of Syncopated Rain
Owned by AsaraDragon
- Offspring -
Glimpse of the Hidden Opal
Foal of Spark of Hidden Quartz
Not currently in a Song
Foal of Beat of Syncopated Rain
Song of the Abyssal Reef
Reflection of Sunlit Rain
Foal of Beat of Syncopated Rain
Song of the Loyal Heart

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