samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 26-30 of 182

Song of the Breaking Flames
ID: 048 Status: Open
- Description -

Note: This is an OPEN Song - meaning anyone can get a breeding. Everyone has permission. Just let me know when/if you get a foal so I can link to it

~ Emma (madmoocow[at]gmail[dot]com)

- Lead Stallion -
Edging of Breaking Thunderheads
Owned by MadMooCow
- Lead Mare -
Mystic of the Sparking Flames
Owned by MadMooCow

- Mares -
Skies of the Gilded Desert
Owned by MadMooCow
Sheen of Tempered Steel
Owned by MadMooCow
Shining of Winter Jewels
Owned by MadMooCow
- Offspring -
Crackle of the Static Storm
Foal of Shining of Winter Jewels
Not currently in a Song
Echo of the Dawn Mountains
Foal of Shining of Winter Jewels
Song of the Soft Moonlight
Mystic of the Burning Storm
Foal of Mystic of the Sparking Flames
Song of the Mysterious Winds
Spark of Waking Spring
Foal of Mystic of the Sparking Flames
Song of the Wanderer's Heart

Song of the Heart's Thaw
ID: 050 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

If you would like to join this song, please PM either Kendrah or Pristine on Pony Island. Currently this song is for only this mare and stallion, but if you believe you own a Samanayr that would go well with them, and you would like to join, just let us know.


As soon as they saw each other, they knew - though they may not have shown it - that they were destined to be with one another. Their eyes met across the glade and - though she was shy, and he uncertain - they came to be near one another, and in each other’s presence they found new happiness, and the Song of the Heart’s Thaw.

- Lead Stallion -
Music of the Passionate Heart
Owned by Kendrah
- Lead Mare -
Snow on Cherry Blossoms
Owned by Pristine

- Mares -
Envoy of the Cherished Heart
Owned by Harroway

Song of the Uninhibited
ID: 052 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

This is an SEMI-open Song - meaning you will need permission from Harroway to breed with Sibyl of the Twisting Nebula, and with RikkuGirl if you want offspring from Chilling of the Glacial Skies.

Halfway up a semi-dormant volcano lies a series of hotsprings, heated by the lava flowing beneath a crust of rock. Dense clouds of steam rise from them, blurring your vision. You halt and look around, unsure of how to proceed when you can't see a foot from your nose, when the mist stirs. A whooping cry echoes down from somewhere above you, brightly-hued bat wings clearing the fog with great sweeps as the Lamanayr stallion comes in to land. "Ho theyre, styrangeyr! What byrings you heyre, so fayr up the mountain? Peyrhaps you came to see ouyr resident seeyr about youyr futuyre?" Another shape stirs in the mist, a wingless Desert mare steps forth to glare at you suspiciously. "I am called Dance, and I recommend you watch youyr step, human. This is no place foyr fools." She nods once before disappearing back into the white smog. You jump as something brushes past you, materialising into an indistinct white mare with startled red eyes. She seems as surprised as you are, and rapidly disappears behind her stallion. He chuckles. "That is my dayrling Echo. She is mute, sadly, and veyry shy."

A tall, graceful form flits into sight, staring slightly to the left you curiously, a small smile gracing her lips. "Gyreetings! I am Sibyl of the Twisting Nebula. If you have come foyr a reading, I'm afyraid you will have to come back lateyr, when the stayrs ayre high in the sky."

- Lead Stallion -
Plunge of Burning Skies
Owned by CosmicDragon
- Lead Mare -
Echo of Faded Earth
Owned by CosmicDragon

- Mares -
Dance of the Savannah Winds
Owned by Jennalyn
Sibyl of the Twisting Nebula
Owned by Harroway
Chilling of the Glacial Skies
Owned by RikkuGirl
- Offspring -
Dive of the Melting Glacier
Foal of Chilling of the Glacial Skies
Song of the Gemstone Prism
Plummet of the Twisting Skies
Foal of Sibyl of the Twisting Nebula
Not currently in a Song
Samba of the Savannah Sky
Foal of Dance of the Savannah Winds
Song of the Baleful Threat
Scorch of the Burning Winds
Foal of Dance of the Savannah Winds
Song of the Mysterious Winds

Song of the Summer Rainbows
ID: 053 Status: Open
- Description -

Song of the Summer Rainbows is a song for fun-loving Samanayrs and kin! Located in the tropics, they have plentiful food and water, as well as a two-tiered hot spring, complete with a natural waterslide! There's also a cave for when it rains, and when it gets to be too hot, there's a cold water spring inside the cave to cool off in.


Song of the Summer Rainbows is an open song. If you request a breeding from this Song, please let the owners of the parents know if you receive a foal!

- Lead Stallion -
Bounty of Summer Deep
Owned by LvSoulFriend
- Lead Mare -
Shard of the Watchful Rainbow
Owned by Orasteele

- Mares -
Fissure of the Breaking Sky
Owned by ElphabaWolf
Splash of Summer Strawberries
Owned by yruvian
Abundance of the Cool Summer
Owned by bluestarwolf12
- Offspring -
Cavalier of the Turning Sun
Foal of Splash of Summer Strawberries
Song of the Guardian's Gate
Cheer of the Vernal Sunrise
Foal of Shard of the Watchful Rainbow
Song of the Motley Spirit
Fissure of Bountiful Rainbow
Foal of Fissure of the Breaking Sky
Song of Bountiful Snow
Speculation of the Crisp Morning
Foal of Shard of the Watchful Rainbow
Song of the Summer Sun
Sprawl of the Lazy-Summer Afternoon
Foal of Fissure of the Breaking Sky
Not currently in a Song
Summer of Abundant Cheer
Foal of Abundance of the Cool Summer
Song of the Royally Rotund

Song of the Celestial Lights
ID: 054 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Deep in the darkest part of the forest there is a misty hotsprings. There live the Song of the Celestial Lights. These samanyr love the night sky, and their stallion glitters as though he were a part of it.

Breeding info:

Lullaby is free to use, Bright and Depths require permission. Thanks!

- Lead Stallion -
Glitter of Moonless Nights
Owned by AranelSaraphim
- Lead Mare -
Bright of Winter Noon
Owned by AranelSaraphim

- Mares -
Lullaby of Sleeping Spring
Owned by AranelSaraphim
Night of the Cloudy Moonlight
Owned by AranelSaraphim
Depths of the Endless Horizon
Owned by RikkuGirl
- Offspring -
Shimmer of the Tranquil Daydream
Foal of Depths of the Endless Horizon
Song of the Frozen Daydream

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