samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 31-35 of 182

Song of the Fantastic Hearts
ID: 055 Status: Open
- Description -

Please Note: This song is hearby declared open fostering: Any who wishes has permission to apply for a breeding from this song. I do, however, ask that you send me the info. & URL if you get a foal, so that I can put it on the Offspring list. I love to see the babies! *g* Email:

- Lead Stallion -
Wandering Heart of the North
Owned by Silvanon
- Lead Mare -
Hope of Winter's End
Owned by Silvanon

- Mares -
Streak of the Crystal Dancing
Owned by Silvanon
Scent of Lilacs Blooming
Owned by Silvanon
- Offspring -
Bloom of the Northern Lights
Foal of Scent of Lilacs Blooming
Not currently in a Song
Prance of Heart Bells
Foal of Scent of Lilacs Blooming
Not currently in a Song
Waft of the Wandering Lilac
Foal of Scent of Lilacs Blooming
Song of the Tragic End
Wanderer of the Distant Winter
Foal of Hope of Winter's End
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Journey's End
ID: 056 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Revelation is a proud and honorable stallion. He's been through quite a journey to get to where he is now, and he's both proud and humbled by his experience.
**Waltz requires permission to breed.**

- Lead Stallion -
Revelation of the Triumphant Sun
Owned by Harroway
- Lead Mare -
Flight of Earth's Elation
Owned by Harroway

- Mares -
Still of the Everlasting Sea
Owned by Harroway
Spire of Summer's Warmth
Owned by Harroway
Waltz of the Ponderous Aurora
Owned by RikkuGirl
- Offspring -
Dawn of the Joyful Earth
Foal of Flight of Earth's Elation
Song of the Bright Horizon
Nebula of the Eternal Skies
Foal of Still of the Everlasting Sea
Song of the Crystal Sun
Stillness of the Mazarine Sun
Foal of Still of the Everlasting Sea
Song of the Crystal Falls
Triumph of the Cobalt Sea
Foal of Still of the Everlasting Sea
Song of the Triumphant Dusk

Song of the Earthen Shield
ID: 057 Status: Open
- Description -

We have room for three more mares. Glitter has no aversion to any traits or colors. Just drop me a PM if you have a mare that you'd like to have join the Song!

Glitter is somewhat of what you might call a knight in shining armor - he's chivalrous, strong and proud. He'd stop at nothing to protect the mares in his Song and to provide for them. Sometimes he's far too serious for his own good, and could benefit from mares who will teach him how to have fun every once in a while!

- Lead Stallion -
Glitter of the Granite Heart
Owned by Harroway
- Lead Mare -
Tumble of the Dusty Twilight
Owned by Calomel

- Mares -
Splash of the River's Bend
Owned by Janalee
- Offspring -
Glint of the Blooded Sword
Foal of Tumble of the Dusty Twilight
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Rippling Currents
ID: 085 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Deepening of Water Shadows
Owned by JadeEye
- Lead Mare -
Pebble of the Sepia Bedrock
Owned by Kaetz

- Mares -
Vivacity of the Prismatic Hues
Owned by Fyrebird
- Offspring -
Pebble of the Crushed Granite
Foal of Pebble of the Sepia Bedrock
Song of the Gentle Brightness

Song of the Sardions Flaming
ID: 086 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Stalker of the Bloodred Sardius
Owned by Unyko
- Lead Mare -
Heat of the Racing Wildfire
Owned by Unyko

- Mares -
Heart of Crystaline Fires
Owned by Unyko
Smoke from the Lonely Sun
Owned by Unyko
Mystic of the Flaming Shadows
Owned by Unyko
- Offspring -
Trespass of the Shadowed Fires
Foal of Mystic of the Flaming Shadows
Not currently in a Song

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