samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 36-40 of 182

Song of the Searing Flames
ID: 087 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Ashes of the Dying Fire
Owned by Zerana
- Lead Mare -
Thorns of the Folded Rose
Owned by Zerana

- Mares -
Mystic of the Growing Earth
Owned by Zerana
Gradient of the Rainbow Fallen
Owned by Seriah
- Offspring -
Fern of the Alighted Greens
Foal of Mystic of the Growing Earth
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Tarnished Elements
ID: 101 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

The Mystic mare requires permission.

- Lead Stallion -
Blurring of the Zebra's Purity
Owned by Unyko
- Lead Mare -
Clearing of the Turquoise Sky
Owned by Unyko

- Mares -
Charcoal of the Ravaging Inferno
Owned by Unyko
Iridescence of the Midnight Darkness
Owned by Unyko
Mystic of Drifting Clouds
Owned by JadeEye
- Offspring -
Echo of Black Iridescence
Foal of Iridescence of the Midnight Darkness
Not currently in a Song
Forging of the Midnight Pyre
Foal of Charcoal of the Ravaging Inferno
Not currently in a Song
Thief of the Sapphire Wind
Foal of Clearing of the Turquoise Sky
Not currently in a Song
Toxicity of the Tarnished Rainbow
Foal of Iridescence of the Midnight Darkness
Song of the Distasteful Scorn

Song of the Wild Growth
ID: 112 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Jasper of Dappled Stone
Owned by Unyko
- Lead Mare -
Granite under the Smothering Moss
Owned by Unyko

- Mares -
Garden of the Pebbley Meadow
Owned by Unyko
Owned by Unyko
Misery of Strangling Vines
Owned by Unyko
- Offspring -
Autumn of the Jasper Vineyard
Foal of Misery of Strangling Vines
Song of the Sterling Brilliance
Misery of the Strangled Dapifer
Foal of Misery of Strangling Vines
Song of the Outcast Souls
Sprout of the Zealous Vine
Foal of Amazon
Song of the Natural Splendor

Song of the Holiday Spirit
ID: 124 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

In the midst of snow-covered boughs, a celebration is going on. Dancing about in reds, greens, and even whites, the Samanayrs here seem to show the spirit of the season all year round. The stallion seems busy checking on the twinkling lights, but spraes a moment to give you a cheerful smile.

Wreath is free to use, as are Sheen and Stripes. Please be sure to let Sera know if you receive a Sam from this song.

Sheen and Stripes belong to Lexington. Chime belongs to Silvanon. Halo belongs to Dray.

- Lead Stallion -
Wreath of Fresh Pine
Owned by seraaches
- Lead Mare -
Sheen of the Winter Mistletoe
Owned by Lexington

- Mares -
Halo of the Aspiring Angel
Owned by Dray
Chime of the Icy Season
Owned by Silvanon
Stripes of the Winter Peppermint
Owned by ElvenArcher
- Offspring -
Secrets of the Forgotten Carol
Foal of Stripes of the Winter Peppermint
Song of the Prickly Warmth

Song of the Wanderer's Heart
ID: 125 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Journey of Distant Winds
Owned by Echos
- Lead Mare -
Spark of Waking Spring
Owned by fallyntalyn

- Mares -
Slash of the Feral Jungle
Owned by Sandiera
Amity of the Peaceful Copse
Owned by Jennalyn
Tingle of the Acid Taste
Owned by RubySophonax
- Offspring -
Crispness of the Melting Snows
Foal of Spark of Waking Spring
Song of the Vital Spark
Tangle of the Feral Jungle
Foal of Slash of the Feral Jungle
Song of the Thundering River

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