samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 41-45 of 182

Song of the Mimsy Borogroves
ID: 128 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

While Glow of Electric Brilliance is available for breed without contact, all of the mares of the Mimsy Borogroves -must- obtain permission from their caretakers before submitting a form. New mares are always welcome to join!

- Lead Stallion -
Glow of Electric Brilliance
Owned by SuperDoug
- Lead Mare -
Shade of Hidden Azure
Owned by SuperDoug

- Mares -
Flare of the Furthest Flame
Owned by Nighthenge
Tail of the Daylight Comet
Owned by Echos

Song of the Contemplative Thought
ID: 132 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

The air holds an overwhelming sense of calmness, and of knowledge and of the stirring of great minds. You see, before you, a gray Samanayr stallion, standing straight and tall like a powerful tree, head turned to the sky. His mane and long foot tufts, beaded with small glass baubles that glitter like fresh morning dew, flutter in the slight breeze. He looks at you, rigidly formal posture never breaking, and blinks once - slowly.

"Welcome," he says, voice smooth and level. "Please, watch your step, and do be quiet. I have no wishes to be troubled at this time." A sigh comes forth from his tiny body, and he tilts his head back up to settle his blue gaze on the sky above.

This song is semi-open.
Shifter and Memories can be bred without permission. However, if you would like to breed Shadows or Glide, please contact their respective owners for permission.

- Lead Stallion -
Streak of the Weeping Sky
Owned by Rekyrem
- Lead Mare -
Shifter of the Quiet Ocean
Owned by Rekyrem

- Mares -
Shadows of Falling Twilight
Owned by Takaeji
Memories of the Forgotten Ancients
Owned by Rekyrem
Glide of the Regal Swan
Owned by Puuka
- Offspring -
Age of River's Path
Foal of Shifter of the Quiet Ocean
Song of the Ancient Forest
Drift of the Swaying Tide
Foal of Shifter of the Quiet Ocean
Song of the Wandering Spirits
Memory of the Ancient Sky
Foal of Memories of the Forgotten Ancients
Song of the Sterling Brilliance
Recollection of the Ancient Path
Foal of Memories of the Forgotten Ancients
Song of the Cyclic Way

Song of the Bright Horizon
ID: 133 Status: Open
- Description -

This is an open song. You are perfectly welcome to request a breeding without asking anyone's permission beforehand. However, if you recieve a foal I do request that you inform me either through PI or the Samanayr forum. My username on both sites is Saiki.

This song has room for two more mares.

- Lead Stallion -
Puddle of Reflective Sky
Owned by Saiki
- Lead Mare -
Dawn of the Joyful Earth
Owned by Origami_Dragon

- Mares -
Heat of the Jungle Ablaze
Owned by Delicious
- Offspring -
Surprise of the Joyful Sky
Foal of Dawn of the Joyful Earth
Song of the Inspired Spontaneity

Song of the Crystal Sun
ID: 136 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Song of the Crystal Sun is a semi-open song. All mares except for Affinity and Nebula are currently available for breed without permission from their owners but please check with either Echos on PI or Jennalyn and silvermoondragon on the forums that the mares are not already being used.

- Lead Stallion -
Tone of the Spring Crystal
Owned by Echos
- Lead Mare -
Celebration of the Fiery Sun
Owned by Jennalyn

- Mares -
Singe of Endless Summer
Owned by silvermoondragon
Affinity of the Affectionate Empath
Owned by Jennalyn
Nebula of the Eternal Skies
Owned by AranelSaraphim
- Offspring -
Serenity of the Empathic Tone
Foal of Affinity of the Affectionate Empath
Song of the Incandescent Earth
Trill of the Opaline Song
Foal of Celebration of the Fiery Sun
Song of the Motley Spirit

Song of the Divine Fate
ID: 139 Status: Open
- Description -

A Song for those who speak with the gods.

- Lead Stallion -
Mist of the Rising Sea
Owned by Sarnah
- Lead Mare -
Flicker of the Greater Fires
Owned by Unyko

- Mares -
Mystic of Blurred Reflections
Owned by Sarnah
Whisper of the Midnight Riddles
Owned by Sarnah
- Offspring -
Mystic of the Celestial Storms
Foal of Mystic of Blurred Reflections
Song of the Enduring Legend
Mystic of the Hallowed Earth
Foal of Mystic of Blurred Reflections
Song of the Ancient Gods

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