samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 46-50 of 182

Song of the Open Skies
ID: 143 Status: Open
- Description -

As you approach a small group of trees gathered around a hotspring at the base of a cave studded cliff a splash of color catches your eye. Glancing up you step back in surprise. Where you expected to see a parrot instead a rainbow hued little winged equine is staring back at you. Bobbing his head, causing the two feathers in his mane to bounce he whistles a greeting.

"Hey ho styrangeyr! These ayre my hotspyrings. Eyrrr...mine and my mayres' yratheyr."

His proud sideways glance draws your eye to two less brightly colored equines. As you watch one of them swoops down from her perch on the cliff face and hovers in front of you, her feathery crest up, positively beaming.

"Welcome tyraveleyr to the Song of the Open Skies."

The other mare remains perched, watching you warily.

"You may visit, but bewayre oveyrestaying youyr welcome."

The sound of hooves draws your attention upwards as another winged equine trots up to the cliff face, a mess of wings and feathers as she turns around to greet you. "Welcome!" she twitters happily and floats down towards you. "Do enjoy youyr stay!"

The Song of the Open Skies is an Open Song. Anyone is welcome to request a breeding, but please let me know if any foals are born so that I may keep the list updated.

- Lead Stallion -
Dance of the Rainbow Light
Owned by Origami_Dragon
- Lead Mare -
Cuddle of the Southern Skies
Owned by Origami_Dragon

- Mares -
Sweep of the Bold Isles
Owned by Origami_Dragon
Cusp of Calling Solstice
Owned by Harroway
Chaos of Chromatic Catastrophe
Owned by AsaraDragon
- Offspring -
Twirl of the Carefree Youth
Foal of Sweep of the Bold Isles
Song of the Coastal Breeze

Song of the Triumphant Dusk
ID: 146 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

This is a Semi-Open Song. The stallion is always available.

Mares OPEN to outside breedings without permission:

- Star of Summer Dusk -

- Falling of Uncertain Sunset -

- Reflection of the Bright Mirror -

Mares CLOSED to outside breedings without permission:

- Facet of Shadowed Rainbow -

- Lead Stallion -
Triumph of the Cobalt Sea
Owned by Jennalyn
- Lead Mare -
Star of Summer Dusk
Owned by Cameron

- Mares -
Facet of Shadowed Rainbow
Owned by Pristine
Falling of Uncertain Sunset
Owned by Janalee
Reflection of the Bright Mirror
Owned by Saiki
- Offspring -
Cobalt of the Faceted Sapphire
Foal of Facet of Shadowed Rainbow
Song of the Sapphire Skies
Dreams of Cobalt Summers
Foal of Star of Summer Dusk
Song of the Flying Dreams
Gem of the Evening Shore
Foal of Facet of Shadowed Rainbow
Not currently in a Song
Phase of the Lunar Strand
Foal of Facet of Shadowed Rainbow
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Dissonant Rainbows
ID: 173 Status: Open
- Description -

This is an open Song, so you need not ask permission to breed any of the Sams.

- Lead Stallion -
Sleeping of Twilight Clouds
Owned by Krystaura
- Lead Mare -
Sparkle of Molten Icicles
Owned by Krystaura

- Offspring -
Sparkle of the Twilight Ice
Foal of Sparkle of Molten Icicles
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Summer Solstice
ID: 180 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Leaf is so excited that his song is growing! Flurry requires permission to breed. All that Asara and Yildun require is a forum message letting them know that Sunshine or Guardian feature in your breeding plans. We like to know when our Sams might be having babies! :)

- Lead Stallion -
Leaf of the Edging Frost
Owned by AsaraDragon
- Lead Mare -
Sunshine of Eternal Summer
Owned by AsaraDragon

- Mares -
Flurry of the Green Winter
Owned by superdoug
Guardian of the Treasured Home
Owned by Yildun
- Offspring -
Bud of the Edging Winter
Foal of Flurry of the Green Winter
Song of the Thundering Bravado
Sprout of Winter's End
Foal of Flurry of the Green Winter
Song of the Sprightly Shrub

Song of the Mysterious Winds
ID: 183 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

This is a Semi-Open Song. The stallion is always available.

Mares OPEN to outside breedings without permission:

- Keeper of the Blood Stone -

- Mystic of the Burning Storm -

Mares CLOSED to outside breedings without permission:

- Mist of the Mysterious Forest -

- Passage of the Bold Storm -

- Lead Stallion -
Scorch of the Burning Winds
Owned by Jennalyn
- Lead Mare -
Mist of the Mysterious Forest
Owned by LvSoulFriend

- Mares -
Keeper of the Blood Stone
Owned by Lexington
Mystic of the Burning Storm
Owned by Saiki
Passage of the Bold Storm
Owned by Yuiven
- Offspring -
Murmur of the Distant Storm
Foal of Mystic of the Burning Storm
Song of the Quiet Embrace
Mystic of the Swirling Steam
Foal of Mystic of the Burning Storm
Song of the Vibrant Jubilee

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