samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 6-10 of 182

Song of the Autumn Foliage
ID: 016 Status: Open
- Description -

This is an Open Song, meaning that anyone who wishes to request a breeding with the members is allowed to.

- Lead Stallion -
Steam of the Boiling Geyser
Owned by Jennalyn
- Lead Mare -
Shine of the Decorated Ruby
Owned by Jennalyn

- Mares -
Harvest of the Autumn Grapes
Owned by Harroway
Creeping of the Mossy Stone
Owned by Jennalyn
Dancer of the Autumn Fields
Owned by LvSoulFriend
- Offspring -
Dawning of a New Epoch
Foal of Dancer of the Autumn Fields
Not currently in a Song

Song of the East Wind
ID: 018 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Mystic of Four Winds
Owned by Silvanon
- Lead Mare -
Whirlwind of Spring Coming
Owned by Silvanon

- Mares -
Breath of Sleepers Dreaming
Owned by Silvanon
Storm of Winds Racing
Owned by Silvanon
- Offspring -
Fruit of the Laden Vines
Foal of Whirlwind of Spring Coming
Not currently in a Song
Mystic of the Liquid Earth
Foal of Breath of Sleepers Dreaming
Song of the West Wind
Wind of Midnight Storm
Foal of Storm of Winds Racing
Song of the Edged Winds

Song of the North Wind
ID: 019 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Cold of Arctic Wind
Owned by Silvanon
- Lead Mare -
Chilling of Dark Breezes
Owned by Silvanon

- Mares -
Puff of Flame Heat
Owned by silvanon
Rhythm of the Rainforest Singing
Owned by Silvanon
- Offspring -
Chill of the Drifting Twilight
Foal of Rhythm of the Rainforest Singing
Song of the Distant World
Chill of the Winter Twilight
Foal of Chilling of Dark Breezes
Song of the Burning Waters
Clatter of the Bleached Bone
Foal of Chilling of Dark Breezes
Not currently in a Song
Cold of the Arctic Rainforest
Foal of Rhythm of the Rainforest Singing
Song of the Cold Copper
Glint of the Tinted Blade
Foal of Chilling of Dark Breezes
Song of the River Flowers
Skies of the Gilded Desert
Foal of Puff of Flame Heat
Song of the Breaking Flames
Tale of Distant Treasures
Foal of Rhythm of the Rainforest Singing
Not currently in a Song

Song of the South Wind
ID: 020 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Hint of Winds Icing
Owned by Silvanon
- Lead Mare -
Still of Summer Air
Owned by Silvanon

- Mares -
Gust of Solar Flare
Owned by Silvanon
Nectar of the Roan Flower
Owned by Silvanon
- Offspring -
Hope of Winter's End
Foal of Nectar of the Roan Flower
Song of the Fantastic Hearts
Line of the Winter Horizon
Foal of Gust of Solar Flare
Song of the Whirling Blizzard
Still of Iced Air
Foal of Still of Summer Air
Not currently in a Song
Vintage of the Ice Grape
Foal of Still of Summer Air
Not currently in a Song

Song of the West Wind
ID: 021 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Sweep of Winds Meeting
Owned by Silvanon
- Lead Mare -
Waft of Sweet Cinnamon
Owned by Silvanon

- Mares -
Breath of Lions Waiting
Owned by Silvanon
Breeze of Midnight Walking
Owned by Silvanon
Mystic of the Liquid Earth
Owned by Silvanon
- Offspring -
Branch of the Scarlet Flower
Foal of Waft of Sweet Cinnamon
Song of the Interrupted Melody
Dew of the Crystal Grass
Foal of Mystic of the Liquid Earth
Song of the Mountain Dew
Echo of the Fading Prism
Foal of Waft of Sweet Cinnamon
Song of the Twisted Reflections
Flash of the Brilliant Light
Foal of Mystic of the Liquid Earth
Song of the Winged Suspicion
Hint of Cinnamon Winds
Foal of Waft of Sweet Cinnamon
Song of the Water's Reflection
Hush of the Sleeping Shore
Foal of Breath of Lions Waiting
Not currently in a Song
Journey of Distant Winds
Foal of Breath of Lions Waiting
Song of the Wanderer's Heart
Mist of the Rainforest Waterfall
Foal of Mystic of the Liquid Earth
Not currently in a Song
Mystic of the Swirling Winds
Foal of Mystic of the Liquid Earth
Song of the Unseen Caress
Rhythm of the Rainforest Singing
Foal of Breath of Lions Waiting
Song of the North Wind
Sheen of Tempered Steel
Foal of Breeze of Midnight Walking
Song of the Breaking Flames
Slick of Oiled Soil
Foal of Breath of Lions Waiting
Not currently in a Song

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