samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 51-55 of 182

Song of the Crystal Falls
ID: 184 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

As you reach the top of the narrow switchback winding up the mountain next to a raging crystal clear waterfall, you come to a small valley bowl with a small lake in the center. Pouring into the lake is another waterfall flowing down the back of the valley from the icy snowcaps above. You look around the valley and notice that there is a well worn path that leads up the the waterfall and disappears. Just as you step forward to investigate, a small winged equine steps from the trees along the edge of the valley followed by two more small winged equines, one with a single horn. They stare at you and you stare back for a moment before the first one speaks, "Welcome to ouyr home, we have been expecting you since you stayrted up the path."

This is a semi-open song. All Samanayrs may be used without permission except for Out of the Blue. If you want to breed Out of the Blue, please contact LBPhoenix either on PI or the Samanayr forum for permission.

- Lead Stallion -
Blue of the Open Sky
Owned by silvermoondragon
- Lead Mare -
Stillness of the Mazarine Sun
Owned by silvermoondragon

- Mares -
Out of the Blue
Owned by LBPhoenix
Breath of the Fleeting Rainbow
Owned by Echos
- Offspring -
Luminosity of the Blue Sun
Foal of Stillness of the Mazarine Sun
Song of the Plentiful Plume

Song of the Vital Spark
ID: 186 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Crispness of the Melting Snows
Owned by cassiadawn
- Lead Mare -
Dance of the Drifting Ember
Owned by cassiadawn

Song of the Ancient Forest
ID: 188 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Vision of the Forest Height
Owned by Raenia
- Lead Mare -
Cresting of the Mountain Sunlight
Owned by DragonSpyrit

- Mares -
Seclusion of the Moonlit Shores
Owned by Janalee
Age of River's Path
Owned by Rekyrem
Coil of the Faded Dream
Owned by oakleafwolf
- Offspring -
Height of the Moonlit Mountain
Foal of Seclusion of the Moonlit Shores
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Warrior Soul
ID: 206 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Pride of Ancient Honor, Strike of the Falling Stars, and Tread of the Savvy Stalker require permission for breeding.

- Lead Stallion -
Might of the Chosen Warrior
Owned by Nighthenge
- Lead Mare -
Pride of Ancient Honor
Owned by Nighthenge

- Mares -
Follower of the Indistinct Midnight
Owned by Calomel
Strike of the Falling Stars
Owned by Nighthenge
Tread of the Savvy Stalker
Owned by RikkuGirl
- Offspring -
Midnight of the Warrior's Chase
Foal of Follower of the Indistinct Midnight
Song of the Prismatic Chaos

Song of the Midnight Wind
ID: 207 Status: Semi-Open
- Lead Stallion -
Smoke of Burning Midnight
Owned by Hedge
- Lead Mare -
Trill of the Eager Wind
Owned by Hedge

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