samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 56-60 of 182

Song of the Glorious Sea
ID: 209 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

This is a Semi-Open Song. The stallion is always available.

Mares OPEN to outside breedings without permission:

- Wave of Drifting Reeds -

Mares CLOSED to outside breedings without permission:

- Singer of the Coral Reef -

- Torrent -

- Wanderer of Nebulous Waters -

- Lead Stallion -
Koi of the Glorious Pond
Owned by Jennalyn
- Lead Mare -
Singer of the Coral Reef
Owned by Sweet~Intoxikation

- Mares -
Owned by rekyrem
Wave of Drifting Reeds
Owned by silvermoondragon
Wanderer of Nebulous Waters
Owned by Harroway
- Offspring -
Crescendo of the Molten Seas
Foal of Singer of the Coral Reef
Song of the Warring Affections

Song of the Baleful Threat
ID: 211 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

This is a Semi-Open Song. The stallion is always available.

Mares OPEN to outside breedings without permission:

- Samba of the Savannah Sky -

Mares CLOSED to outside breedings without permission:

- Blaze -

- Flash of the Timid Jewel -

- Current of the West Wind -

- Lead Stallion -
Owned by Jennalyn
- Lead Mare -
Owned by Tervenna

- Mares -
Flash of the Timid Jewel
Owned by Pristine
Current of the West Wind
Owned by Kagari
Samba of the Savannah Sky
Owned by CosmicDragon
- Offspring -
Peril of the Disastrous Flame
Foal of Flash of the Timid Jewel
Song of the Exuberant Mayhem
Sear of the Poisoned Flame
Foal of Flash of the Timid Jewel
Song of the Shimmering Wind

Song of the Jungle Hunters
ID: 212 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Whip of the Baleful Hunter requires permission to breed, please contact LvSoulFriend.

Snap of Lemon Twist requires permission to breed, please contact Echos.

Oath of the Distant Autumn and Expression of the Iced Prism are available for anyone to use for breeding.

- Lead Stallion -
Whip of the Baleful Hunter
Owned by LvSoulFriend
- Lead Mare -
Snap of Lemon Twist
Owned by Echos

- Mares -
Oath of the Distant Autumn
Owned by Harroway
Expression of the Iced Prism
Owned by tbiris
- Offspring -
Clamor of the Resolute Defender
Foal of Snap of Lemon Twist
Song of the Sanctuary's Call
Cynic of the Wretched Nature
Foal of Snap of Lemon Twist
Song of the Vengeful Nature
Fury of the Baleful Expression
Foal of Expression of the Iced Prism
Song of the Apocalyptic Fires
Glimmer of Tranquil Peace
Foal of Snap of Lemon Twist
Song of the Quiet Embrace
Lash of the Hunter's Oath
Foal of Oath of the Distant Autumn
Song of the Cruel Skies

Song of the Arctic Seas
ID: 216 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

This is a Semi-Open Song. The stallion is always available.

Mares OPEN to outside breedings without permission:

- Mystic of the Tidewater Glacier -
- Whirl of the Glacial Wave -

Mares CLOSED to outside breedings without permission:

- Bubble of Arctic Joy -

Space available for 1 more mare, Northern Aquatic only. :) PM Delicious to apply.

- Lead Stallion -
Echo of the Icy Deeps
Owned by Delicious
- Lead Mare -
Whirl of the Glacial Wave
Owned by Delicious

- Mares -
Bubble of Arctic Joy
Owned by LvSoulFriend
Mystic of the Tidewater Glacier
Owned by amazondreamer
- Offspring -
Calm of the Glacial Deeps
Foal of Whirl of the Glacial Wave
Song of the Towering Kelp

Song of Bountiful Snow
ID: 217 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

A song born from the tundra and the tropics.

- Lead Stallion -
Dance of the Swirling Snow
Owned by perryunicornboy
- Lead Mare -
Fissure of Bountiful Rainbow
Owned by perryunicornboy

- Mares -
Tang of Silver Flames
Owned by PonyMama
Silence of the Elvish Snow
Owned by perryunicornboy
- Offspring -
Dance of Bountiful Tropics
Foal of Fissure of Bountiful Rainbow
Song of Misted Tropics

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