samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 66-70 of 182

Song of the Jungle Shore
ID: 229 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

This is a Semi-Open Song. The stallion is always available.

Mares OPEN to outside breedings without permission:

- Mystic of the Jungle Honey -
- Rest of the Crystal Plains -
- Impression of the Skies Aflame -

Mares CLOSED to outside breedings without permission:

- Kiss of the Bright Sun -

This song is full, and is only looking for babies - no more mares need apply!

- Lead Stallion -
Glider of the Tropical Shore
Owned by Delicious
- Lead Mare -
Mystic of the Jungle Honey
Owned by Jennalyn

- Mares -
Rest of the Crystal Plains
Owned by Saiki
Impression of the Skies Aflame
Owned by cassiadawn
Kiss of the Bright Sun
Owned by Yuiven
- Offspring -
Mystic of a Hidden Land
Foal of Mystic of the Jungle Honey
Song of the Grand Adventure
Premonition of the Jungle's Flight
Foal of Mystic of the Jungle Honey
Song of the Sanctuary's Call
Traveler to the Distant Shores
Foal of Rest of the Crystal Plains
Not currently in a Song
Whisper of the Earthbound Parakeet
Foal of Rest of the Crystal Plains
Song of the Quiet Embrace

Song of the Wandering Spirits
ID: 230 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

As you are traveling through the forest you hear the sounds of a group of small creatures moving nearby. Soon a head pushes through the foliage, followed by a scaly equine body. Emerging on the path the creature stops and looks up at you with cautious interest. As you watch four other brightly colored equines follow him out. They watch you for a few minutes, then continue on their way.

The Song of the Wandering Spirits is a semi-open Song. Veil and Drift do not require permission to breed with. All other mares and Gyre require permission from their respective fosterer. If your breeding is successful please let me know so that I can add the foal to the offspring list.

Gyre's Song is a nomadic one, not settled at any hotspring but rather traveling around to see the world.

- Lead Stallion -
Gyre of the Bleached Sands
Owned by Origami_Dragon
- Lead Mare -
Veil of the Dusted Sun
Owned by Kendarath

- Mares -
Gem of the Scattered Sky
Owned by Esperanza
Sibyl of the Jewelled Cloud
Owned by Harroway
Drift of the Swaying Tide
Owned by Bluestarwolf12
- Offspring -
Foal of Drift of the Swaying Tide
Song of the Abyssal Reef

Song of the Rainbow Depths
ID: 232 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

This is a Semi-Open Song. The stallion is always available.

Mares OPEN to outside breedings without permission:

- Traveler of the Tropical Archipelago -

Mares CLOSED to outside breedings without permission:

- Rainbow of the Glacial Waterfall -

- Glacier of the Steady Seas -

- Sibyl of the Ocean's Spectres -

- Lead Stallion -
Mystic of the Yawning Deep
Owned by Jennalyn
- Lead Mare -
Rainbow of the Glacial Waterfall
Owned by Yuiven

- Mares -
Glacier of the Steady Seas
Owned by Nighthenge
Traveler of the Tropical Archipelago
Owned by Nighthenge
Sibyl of the Ocean's Spectres
Owned by Echos
- Offspring -
Mystic of the Craggy Firth
Foal of Sibyl of the Ocean's Spectres
Song of the Coastal Breeze
Mystic of the Tidewater Glacier
Foal of Glacier of the Steady Seas
Song of the Arctic Seas
Yawn of the Pelagic Void
Foal of Glacier of the Steady Seas
Song of the Sapphire Depths

Song of the Biting Snow
ID: 234 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

This is a semi-open song.

Chill and Flit do not require permission to be bred.

Quirk, Waft, and Rain do require permission. Please contact their owners (Kagari, cassiadawn, and Britain, respectively) to obtain it. Kagari and cassiadawn would prefer to be contacted through their PonyIsland accounts, but can be contacted through their Samanayr forum accounts if necessary.

If you recieve a foal, I request that you inform me either through PI or the Samanayr forum. My username on both sites is Saiki.

- Lead Stallion -
Owned by Saiki
- Lead Mare -
Flit of the Darting Snow
Owned by Nathalia

- Mares -
Rain of the Winter Branches
Owned by Britain
Owned by cassiadawn
Quirk of the Confused Tropics
Owned by Kagari
- Offspring -
Icies of the Gelid Effulgence
Foal of Flit of the Darting Snow
Song of the Luminescent Ice
Mystic of the Iridescent Icicles
Foal of Flit of the Darting Snow
Song of the Arctic Flurry
Foal of Quirk of the Confused Tropics
Song of the Thirteenth Hour
Foal of Waft
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Tapered Drumlin
ID: 235 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Fissure requires permission for breeding; please contact Orasteele on the Samanayr forum.

- Lead Stallion -
Mystic of the Opal Veins
Owned by Janalee
- Lead Mare -
Median of the Translucent Glacier
Owned by Janalee

- Mares -
Nemesis of the Emerald Dream
Owned by AsaraDragon
Owned by Orasteele
- Offspring -
Avenger of the Crystalline Emerald
Foal of Nemesis of the Emerald Dream
Not currently in a Song
Conjuror of the Voodoo Dream
Foal of Nemesis of the Emerald Dream
Song of the Ancient Gods
Unfurling of a Bygone Era
Foal of Median of the Translucent Glacier
Not currently in a Song

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