samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 71-75 of 182

Song of the Royally Rotund
ID: 236 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

A song for the Pudgy! Stars loves his ladies large and in charge. He is the shy yet charming type and will do anything for his ladies to make sure they are happy and of course.. ROUND.
Stars does not require permission.

Please Ask Permission for any breedings with the LADIES of this song.

- Lead Stallion -
Stars of the Falling Sky
Owned by RikkuGirl
- Lead Mare -
Zephyr of the Phoenix Grounded
Owned by Xenon

- Mares -
Cascade of the Sunset Stream
Owned by Pristine
Delight of Raspberry Cocoa
Owned by fallyntalyn
Summer of Abundant Cheer
Owned by Sweet~Intoxikation
- Offspring -
Joy of the Dancing Lights
Foal of Summer of Abundant Cheer
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Mismatched Sort
ID: 238 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

What seems to be a hastily thrown together Song may just be a bundle of love all about for these dear Sams and Lams!

Our head mare, Metal of the Mountain Vein, needs permission from her owner Shadowphyr. We would also very much like it if you would PM HybridSiren if you breed at all with this song, especially if it's successful! :3

- Lead Stallion -
Fear of the Homesick Wanderer
Owned by HybridSiren
- Lead Mare -
Metal of the Mountain Vein
Owned by Shadowphyr

- Mares -
Crunch of the Autumn Sweet
Owned by HybridSiren
Settling of the Gentle Sun
Owned by Rekyrem
Maiden of the Bounteous Nectar
Owned by CosmicDragon

Song of the Eternal Meander
ID: 251 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

You've stumbled upon the Song of the Eternal Meander! Quite a feat, as these samanayrs travel constantly.

This is a semi-open song: you do not need permission from Rekyrem to request a breed with Wrath, but if you're requesting a breed with Paean or Ferocity you'll need to contact Aranea or Echos.

- Lead Stallion -
Voyage of the Deep Beryl
Owned by Aranea
- Lead Mare -
Paean of the Elegant Dagger
Owned by Aranea

- Mares -
Ferocity of the Flowing Lava
Owned by Echos
Wrath of the Burning Desert
Owned by Rekyrem
- Offspring -
Contemplation of the Bustling Bazaar
Foal of Paean of the Elegant Dagger
Song of the Unmeasured Concord
Flight of the Abysmal Blade
Foal of Paean of the Elegant Dagger
Song of the Flying Dreams
Lyric of the Graceful Heliodor
Foal of Paean of the Elegant Dagger
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Radiant Skies
ID: 252 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Soarer and Mystic do NOT require permission to breed. All other mares require their owners' permission.

- Lead Stallion -
Mystic of the Iridescent Skies
Owned by Bluestarwolf12
- Lead Mare -
Vivacity of Lurid Afterglow
Owned by Delicious

- Mares -
Soarer over Clouded Hills
Owned by silvermoondragon
Rainbow of the Misty Sky
Owned by Xenon
Joy of Delightful Play
Owned by AsaraDragon
- Offspring -
Jubilation of the Beckoning Breeze
Foal of Vivacity of Lurid Afterglow
Song of the Vibrant Jubilee

Song of the Corrupted Umbra
ID: 255 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

If you would like to join this song, please PM either Pristine or CosmicDragon on Pony Island. Currently this song is for only this mare and stallion, but if you believe you own a Samanayr that would go well with them, and you would like to join, just let us know.

When the burning sting of rejection breaks the throbbing heart and leaves it to wither, the quiet dusk descends on the mind, leaving all thoughts to waste away. It is only when the heart becomes twisted that the true shadow falls, long, across the psyche, ready to reap the rewards of the depths of despair. The poison is never far and always potent.

- Lead Stallion -
Poison of the Twisted Heart
Owned by CosmicDragon
- Lead Mare -
Shadow of the Quiet Dusk
Owned by Pristine

- Mares -
Luck of the Celtic Circle
Owned by RikkuGirl
Stillness of the Irradiated Earth
Owned by Raenia

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