samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 81-85 of 182

Song of the Cruel Skies
ID: 280 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Catastrophe of the Luminous Sky requires permission to breed!

- Lead Stallion -
Flood of the Cruel Butcher
Owned by Harroway
- Lead Mare -
Lash of the Hunter's Oath
Owned by Harroway

- Mares -
Catastrophe of the Luminous Sky
Owned by Xenon

Song of the Lazy Afternoon
ID: 282 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Gaze of the Hypnotic Skies
Owned by Rekyrem
- Lead Mare -
Shimmer of the Shivering Grass
Owned by Rekyrem

- Mares -
Twilight of the Tropical Tides
Owned by Bluestarwolf12
Caper of the Harvest Leaf
Owned by Orasteele

Song of the Inspired Spontaneity
ID: 284 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

- Rider of the Eternal Adventure requires permission from Bluestarwolf12 -

- Lead Stallion -
Rush of the Tidal Dragon
Owned by CosmicDragon
- Lead Mare -
Brushstroke of the Painted Moon
Owned by superdoug

- Mares -
Surprise of the Joyful Sky
Owned by Slydogg121
Dash of the Sonic Rainbow
Owned by Jennalyn
Rider of the Eternal Adventure
Owned by Bluestarwolf12
- Offspring -
Influence of the Old Masters
Foal of Brushstroke of the Painted Moon
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Sanctuary's Call
ID: 286 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Song of the Sanctuary's Call is a safe haven for all. Snuggling up together is the norm, and any diagreement is handled peacefully. And if there is someone who disagrees with peacefulness, well, let's just say that living with a Sa'krien for a sister has taught their stallion some interesting tricks.


Song of the Sanctuary's Call is a semi-open song. Premonition and Quaver are free to use. LvSoulFriend, AsaraDragon, and Puuka would like to know who is using their Sams.

- Lead Stallion -
Clamor of the Resolute Defender
Owned by LvSoulFriend
- Lead Mare -
Lilac of the Endless Spring
Owned by AsaraDragon

- Mares -
Strike of the Hidden Snake
Owned by Puuka
Premonition of the Jungle's Flight
Owned by Echos
Quaver of the Lingering Dusk
Owned by Kitsune_Greenleaf
- Offspring -
Sentinel of the Whimsical Summer
Foal of Lilac of the Endless Spring
Song of the Summer Moonlight

Song of the Verdant Awakening
ID: 288 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Really we'd just like you to contact one of us (Myself and Kashu on PI, or Ogre here on the forums) so that we all know what's happening and also on the off chance we have plans that might conflict.

- Lead Stallion -
Abundance of the Mossy Heart
Owned by Starwind
- Lead Mare -
Allure of the Rare Orchid
Owned by Ogre

- Mares -
Stirring of the Drowsy Rose
Owned by Kashu Arashi
- Offspring -
Lush of the Rare Heart
Foal of Allure of the Rare Orchid
Song of the Thundering Bravado

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