samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 86-90 of 182

Song of the Horned Lark
ID: 292 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Trace of the Copper Horizon
Owned by Janalee
- Lead Mare -
Mystic of the Summer Foliage
Owned by Raitalle

- Mares -
Dust of the Dry River
Owned by Tervenna
Bauble of the Marbled Sands
Owned by abbeyinc
- Offspring -
Shade of the Silver Stream
Foal of Dust of the Dry River
Song of the Volcanic Grotto
Summer of the Copper Blaze
Foal of Mystic of the Summer Foliage
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Warrior's Cry
ID: 293 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

Cackle leads his Song through the forests and field around the Hot Springs for adventure and survival. A traveling Song, it tends to stick around places of plentiful flora as to be able to find what is needed for survival..

Mares of all lineage are welcomed to join, but it is highly reconmended that they have some way of protective themselves! Need that be horns, claws, magic, or what have you. Cackle would like mares that can put up with his biting sarcasm, and any arrogance will be crushed. This is not for the pampered.. Also, any thing that can hamper their movement (long fur, etc) or is fragile (butterfly wings, etc)

You need permission from WOLFRYSK to breed with Shadow.

- Lead Stallion -
Cackle of the Far Wilds
Owned by HybridSiren
- Lead Mare -
Recline of the Cooling Flame
Owned by Tasmen

- Mares -
Sting of Sharp Poison
Owned by Shlee
Rue of the Mortal Sting
Owned by CosmicDragon
Shadow of the Summer Day
Owned by wolfrysk

Song of the Cyclic Way
ID: 295 Status: Open
- Lead Stallion -
Recollection of the Ancient Path
Owned by Rekyrem
- Lead Mare -
Helix of Forgotten Dreams
Owned by amazondreamer

- Mares -
Treasure of the Midnight Glance
Owned by Pathos
- Offspring -
Rings of Concentric Glee
Foal of Helix of Forgotten Dreams
Song of the Thundering River

Song of the Thundering River
ID: 296 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

I changed this to Semi-Open, because I would just like to be notified if you are going to use Echo. Just in case I have plans to use this Song to breed. The owners of the mares might want to know as well.

Updated 10/23/2013

- Lead Stallion -
Echo of the Empty Rainforest
Owned by ElvenArcher
- Lead Mare -
Tangle of the Feral Jungle
Owned by amazondreamer

- Mares -
Chanter of the Roaring Wind
Owned by Tervenna
Snow of Winter's Night
Owned by Nako
Rings of Concentric Glee
Owned by oakleafwolf
- Offspring -
Denial of the Empty Chant
Foal of Chanter of the Roaring Wind
Song of the Ancient Gods

Song of the Sacred Ceremony
ID: 298 Status: Semi-Open
- Lead Stallion -
Memories of the Ancient Land
Owned by Zincht
- Lead Mare -
Scrutiny of the Silky Bloom
Owned by Britain

- Offspring -
Shoot of the Infusing Leaf
Foal of Scrutiny of the Silky Bloom
Not currently in a Song

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