samanayr database

Song Search Results

Listed are all currently recorded Songs that match your search, sorted by ID.

Showing results 96-100 of 182

Song of the Flickering Bolt
ID: 307 Status: Open
- Description -

A stubborn and athletically gifted stallion, Charge looks for mares who can keep up with him- or sing his praises well. Ideally both. Charge can be found wherever there is competition, so the song spends its time near large hotsprings that host events.

- Lead Stallion -
Charge of the Tumbling Mountain
Owned by Aranea
- Lead Mare -
Cant of the Serpent's Tongue
Owned by Jennalyn

- Offspring -
Spark of the Inquisitive Spirit
Foal of Cant of the Serpent's Tongue
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Sapphire Skies
ID: 310 Status: Open
- Description -

This is an Open Song, meaning that anyone who wishes to request a breeding with the members is allowed to.

- Lead Stallion -
Cobalt of the Faceted Sapphire
Owned by Jennalyn
- Lead Mare -
Vanilla of the Melting Skies
Owned by Ssassoo

- Mares -
Edge of the Sharp Flint
Owned by Delicious
Eclipse of the Midnight Orb
Owned by SunBlind
Stifling of the Moldering Dream
Owned by HybridSiren
- Offspring -
Cloak of the Sunset Eclipse
Foal of Eclipse of the Midnight Orb
Song of the Vivid Sunset
Kaleidoscope of the Molten Cobalt
Foal of Vanilla of the Melting Skies
Not currently in a Song
Path of the Celestial Sphere
Foal of Eclipse of the Midnight Orb
Song of the Transcendental Spirit

Song of the Towering Kelp
ID: 317 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

The grey and rocky coastline stretches out as far as the eye can see. The ocean's waves crash incessantly upon the beach, and three streamlined forms can be seen lounging upon the rounded beach stones. This is the territory of the Song of the Towering Kelp, so named for the rich and bountiful forests of Kelp which grow in the cool coastal waters. The small family lives a peaceful and idyllic existence.

This is a Semi-Open Song; Acrobat of the Leaping Waves, Calm of the Glacial Deeps and Trance of the Swaying Seaweed are available for breeding. Please contact Origami_Dragon on the Sams forum if you are interested in breeding Churn of the Rushing River.

- Lead Stallion -
Acrobat of the Leaping Waves
Owned by amazondreamer
- Lead Mare -
Calm of the Glacial Deeps
Owned by zeigfreid

- Mares -
Churn of the Rushing River
Owned by Origami_Dragon
Trance of the Swaying Seaweed
Owned by amazondreamer
Banks of the Secluded Lagoon
Owned by Jaes

Song of the Merry Madness
ID: 321 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

If you are interested in having a mare join this song, please contact HybridSiren over PI or Sams forum. She will get to you quicker over PI, just a warning. INQUIRE requires permission from Rikkugirl to be bred!!

- Lead Stallion -
Fruit of the Crashing Meadow
Owned by HybridSiren
- Lead Mare -
Flash of the White Gem
Owned by Delicious

- Mares -
Thorn of Sultry Hues
Owned by Bluestarwolf12
Inquire of the Elusive Question
Owned by Rikkugirl
- Offspring -
Tidings of the Cave Nectar
Foal of Flash of the White Gem
Not currently in a Song

Song of the Tenacious Tracker
ID: 323 Status: Semi-Open
- Description -

A Canine Mimic Song.

Joy of the Playful Pup requires permission.

- Lead Stallion -
Drive of the Highland Diehard
Owned by Nighthenge
- Lead Mare -
Flake of Rusted Copper
Owned by Nighthenge

- Mares -
Shiver of Chilly Sands
Owned by StrangeAnatomy
Yip of the Sharp Point
Owned by Kagari
Joy of the Playful Pup
Owned by ElvenArcher

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