We're off to the races! Over and results!

Contests, games, draws, and other ways to get Sams! Also custom availability.
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We're off to the races! Over and results!

Post by Sushidragon »

Please note - This event is running on both PI and the Samanayr forum. If you want to keep an eye on the PI thread to see what questions have been asked and such, you can find it here:

http://ponyisland.net/index.php?src=for ... ic=2365994


The sun is shining in the bright blue sky, and the weather is warm and breezy, not overly hot. Samanayrs are crowded around the central hotspring at the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings, where bright banners flutter from poles that have been erected here and there, and the air is loud with excited chatter and songs.

Most prominent is the pair of poles that support a bright white banner with "START" written boldly across it. Nearby, another pair of polls support a narrow red ribbon at Samanayr chest height, just waiting for the winner to burst through. Beneath the starting banner, a group of Samanayrs trot in place and stretch, preparing themselves for the course ahead.

Watching over all of the activity on a slight rise, the Glint of the Ice Prism stands ready with a silver Sharian, bundles of gold, silver, and bronze medals and a cluster of modiems on a blanket before them. The little Kirin is puffed full of pride as he sees his planning unfold before him, and is still absolutely tickled that he came up with such an activity to bring the various Songs together in play and competition.

The Samanayrs are off to the races!
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Welcome to the very first Samanayr race! As you can probably guess, the Samanayrs will be racing against each other, with prizes being assigned to the first, second, and third Sams in each race. This is my first time trying this, and to get all of the bugs out there's just going to be a small handful of races. If all goes well, look for more races in the future :D
How racing works
There will be two different courses, one on the ground and one in the air. Each course is 30 spaces long, and has several obstacles the racers must get through, over, around, or under.

Every round, a d6 (six-sided die) will be rolled for each racer. The number rolled determines how many spaces the racer goes forward, and the first Samanayr to the finish line is the winner! There are also prizes for the second and third Sams.

I will be running the races in a thread on PI and will post the results of each round as they happen, so that you can keep an eye on the action!

Each course will have anywhere from two to four obstacles to get through. When a Samanayr reaches an obstacle, a d20 (20-sided die) will be rolled for them. Each obstacle has a number from 1 to 20, based on its difficulty, and the racer's roll must match or beat that number to successfully cross the obstacle.

Until the Samanayr is able to pass the obstacle, they will not move forward. If they successfully pass the obstacle, they will get a regular movement roll that round. If they encounter the obstacle in the middle of regular movement and successfully pass it on the same turn, they will continue forward normally.

If a Samanayr isn't able to pass an obstacle after three tries, they will pass it automatically after the third attempt and keep moving forward on their next turn.
Traits matter!
A Samanayr's features and traits can give it bonuses or penalties to regular movement and obstacle rolls. The trick is that you won't know what affect your Sam's traits will have before the race starts! Here's some examples:

- A Samanayr with the 'fluffy' or 'extensive tufts' trait will be encumbered by that extra fur, and receive a -1 penalty to each regular movement roll.
- A Samanayr with very long legs is able to leap over obstacles easily, and it will receive a +5 bonus to obstacle rolls that require going over something.
- A Samanayr with the 'butterfly wings' trait will need to be careful going through a dense bramble patch, and will receive a -10 penalty to the roll for that obstacle.
- A water Mystic would be able to gauge the currents and depths of a stream easily, giving it a +10 bonus for any obstacles requiring crossing water.

In the future, you might learn what the obstacles are before a race and be able to choose your Sam accordingly, but for now they're going into the courses blind. Good luck :D

Although these races are pretty straightforward, in the future the terrain itself will play a part in a Samanayr's movement roll. For example, if a course was over sandy terrain, the Desert Samanayrs would have a clear advantage and receive a +1 bonus to each roll.
The best part, of course :D Prizes will be assigned to the first, second, and third place racers in each race. The main prize for each place is a gold, silver, or bronze medal. You'll receive a pixel version of your medal for your Samanayrs webpage inventory, but if you choose to equip your medal, it will also appear on your Samanayr's image! The medal itself will be the color they placed, but you can choose the ribbon color.

Medals are special items and can only be equipped to the Samanayr that won it. If you're borrowing a Samanayr from someone else, you'll receive the pixel medal image for your inventory, but you won't be able to equip it to the winning Samanayr unless you give the medal to the Samanayr's owner.

For now, a Samanayr can only wear one medal at a time, but medals can be equipped and unequipped. There is also no limit to how many medals a Samanayr can win!

First place

- Gold medal (25% chance any offspring will be twins)
- One modiem of choice
- One random modiem

Second place

- Silver medal (gives a 20% bonus to breeding)
- One modiem of choice

Third place

- Bronze medal (gives a 10% bonus to breeding)
- One random modiem
Is your Samanayr all pumped up and ready to race? Good! Just make sure you read this important information first:

- Each person is allowed to enter one Samanayr per racing event (not one Samanayr per race).
- If 24 hours have passed from the time applications were opened and all of the races aren't yet filled, each person may submit one more Samanayr to race.
- Please do not edit your application post.
- If you don't own a Samanayr but would like to participate, you may apply using someone else's Samanayr as long as you have the owner's permission. Please see the information under 'prizes' for what will happen if your borrowed Samanayr receives a medal.
- In the event of a tie, both Samanayrs will receive the same place and prizes.
- When submitting your Samanayr, you can choose which race you would like it to be in. If that race is full it will be entered in the next most suitable race (for example, if a Samanayr applied for the Ground 1 race and it was already full, but Ground 2 race still had open spots, it would be entered in Ground 2). If no other suitable races are available (for example, if only a flying course is available, the Samanayr cannot fly), the Samanayr will not be able to race.
- Each Samanayr can only be entered in one race.

I'm sure I'll think of more, but that's it for now XD
Apply to race
There are four races to choose from:
Ground 1, Ground 2, Ground 3
The three ground races will all be run over the same course. The terrain is hard-packed earth and grass. Samanayrs who want to enter the ground races must be able to move along the ground. Flying is not permitted on this course.

There are 10 spots open per race.
Flying 1
There is one race for flying Samanayrs. The air is fairly calm and the weather is fair. Samanayrs who want to enter the flying race must be able to fly.

There are 10 spots open per race.

Racing applications will open on July 6, 20:00 PI time (that's July 6, 12pm PDT). When applications are open, please send a PM to this account with the subject being the course type you would like your Samanayr to race on (Ground or Flying) and the following filled out:

Samanayr name:
Samanayr ID:
Which race would you like to enter your Sam in (Ground 1, Ground 2, Ground 3, Flying 1)?
If the Samanayr is not yours, do you have permission from the owner to use it?
If the Samanayr is not yours, do you understand that any medals won cannot be equipped to it unless they're given to the Sam's owner?

Remember, applications open on July 6, 20:00 PI time (that's July 6, 12pm PDT). Any applications sent before then will be deleted.

I'm off to bed shortly, so I won't be able to answer any questions until tomorrow morning XD However, I will be around three or four hours before applications are open, so there'll be plenty of time to have questions answered before then!
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Jennalyn »

...oh, this is just too cool. xD

If anyone on PI sees this, including Sushi herself, would you mind offering any of my Samanayrs for people to race with the exception of Zephyr, who I'll be racing myself? I'd be very happy to help some people who don't have Sams or don't have ones they think they'd like to race. The link to my Sams is here:


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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Origami_Dragon »

Message posted on the PI forums Race Post for Jenn. This shall be fun!
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Sushidragon »

Jennalyn, spikybluegirl of PI would like to borrow your Confusion :D
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Jennalyn »

I am perfectly fine with that, and my luck to her! <3 Poor little ground-bound confused thing. I hope all of her extras don't trip her up as much as I fear they might. xD
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Sushidragon »

Thanks, I'll let her know :D
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Kaats711 »

Jenna, Could I use Mystic of the Opaline Fire?
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Jennalyn »

Yep, feel free! He's a testy boy, so expect some attitude from him. xD
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Bluestarwolf12 »

Jennalyn, may I use your Dance of the Savannah Winds?
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Jennalyn »

Yes, please do! ^_^ She and her mother both look like quite the capable racers to me.
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Kaats711 »

Thanks ^^ Attitude shall be fun :D
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Bluestarwolf12 »

Thanks! And I very much agree! :D
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by silvermoondragon »

:D yay races, I can't wait! hmmm... now I have to decide between Blue, Soarer, or Singe.

I have some questions:
- How would different types of wings help out in the flying race? Like for example, are some wings stronger than others, and would combination wings give both the advantages for both types as well as the disadvantages for both types or would they have different advantages and disadvantages?
- Are there 10 spots for each race open on the forum and 10 other spots open on PI or are there 10 for both?
- Is the flying race up high in the clouds or low near the ground?
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Sushidragon »

@silvermoondragon -

- What wing types will give which bonuses or penalties is a secret.. for now :D
- There's 10 spots open for each race in total, there's not slots open just for PI or forum folks.
- I hadn't really thought about it, but I guess the flying race would take place closer to the ground, within the trees.

If you're curious to see what a medal might look like on your Samanayr.. well, Glint decided he could use a medal for organizing the races XD He also had a little ribbon tied around his tail and some cord and beads tied into his hair.

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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by silvermoondragon »

Hmm... maybe I'll just have to pick randomly...

And Glint is so handsome with all his accessories!
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by silvermoondragon »

*wiggles* not long now!
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Britain »

I love the bead cord, it's so delicate and pretty. ._. You're definitely an eye-catcher, Glint!
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Bluestarwolf12 »

Ignore this post...
Last edited by Bluestarwolf12 on Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Jennalyn »

You'll want to PM the form to her, rather than posting it. <3 Hee.
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Bluestarwolf12 »

*facepalm* I forgot :oops:
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Sushidragon »

Flying 1 full! Please see the second post of the PI thread for the races and their slots (I'd keep a list here too but I know I'd forget to update XD) :

http://ponyisland.net/index.php?src=for ... ic=2365994
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by silvermoondragon »

yay! I got a spot in Flying!

will the races begin once all the spots are full?
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by Sushidragon »

The races will happen a day or so after all of the slots are full, which will give me time to get them all organized. I'll post the race time when I know for sure when they'll be :D
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by silvermoondragon »

Ok! Hopefully Singe will do well.
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Re: We're off to the races! Info and apply!

Post by CosmicDragon »

Fury wishes to tell you that she will Pwn you all, because she mimics the fastest land-mammal on earth. XD

... She is so full of herself. -dies-
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