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RikkuGirl's To-Do's (GA)

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:47 am
by RikkuGirl
Current To-Do's

1. Midnight Phantom - Token (Stuck-up Luck) (Unstarted)
2. Toxick711 - Token (Stuck-up Luck) (Unstarted)
3. RikkuGirl - Volunteer Points (Sybil - Echos) - (Form Building)
4. RikkuGirl - Tribal Elemental Stallion - (Sketched)

RG's Open Tokens
1. Janalee - Waiting on Colors (Stuck-up Luck)

Finished Tokens - (Make sure they are removed from Inventories)
1. Janalee - Strive (White Elephant)
2. ElvenArcher - Swagger (Stuck-up Luck)
3. Bluestarwolf12 - Observer (White Elephant)
4. Esperanza - Sketched & Inked - (Being Colored)

Re: RikkuGirl's To-Do's (GA)

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 6:22 am
by RikkuGirl
Yay! Starting on Custom Tokens now. :)

Sorry for the delay on the luck event! o: Hopefully everyone likes what I came up with ^o^ -wiggles-

Re: RikkuGirl's To-Do's (GA)

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:09 pm
by RikkuGirl
Sorry for the delays with my stuff, mainly Esperanza. <3 I'm hopefully back in the swing of things and will get these done asap! <3 Please let me know if I am missing anyone or if there is anything I need to work on.

Thank you!!!