Puffballs Please!

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Puffballs Please!

Post by AsaraDragon »


A young stallion steps forward, with a flirty twinkle in his eye.

Hello ladies! My name is Leaf of the Edging Foyrest, and I am looking foyr some special giyrls to join me in a Song. I'm a stallion who's biggeyr than life, and the fillies who yrun with me had betteyr be the same. And I don't just mean in peyrsonality! I love my fluff, and I'll love youyrs too, you'd betteyr believe it! If you'yre looking foyr a man who tyruly believes that size does matteyr, and the biggeyr the betteyr, you've come to the yright place!

((What he's saying is that he's mostly interested in fluffy or pudgy mares. He flies on occasion, but not so much that wings are a requirement. He generally only uses them to get fruit from the trees if there's not enough on the ground!))
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Re: Puffballs Please!

Post by AsaraDragon »

Leaf would like to welcome superdoug's Flurry to his Song!


He wants me to mention that he still has two open spots, come and get him, ladies! :)
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Re: Puffballs Please!

Post by Jennalyn »

I'd just like to say that those two are one of the most PERFECT PAIRS EVAR!
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Re: Puffballs Please!

Post by RikkuGirl »

*Nods* I agree... perfect couple :3 I cant wait to see behbehs XD
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