A while back, when I was getting used to using Painter IX, I doodled up what I call a "Fananayr" (fan + Samanayr). He or she ended up looking a little too MLP to really be a Sam, but it was a good endeavor, I think! This is my first contribution to the art and writing board.
I remember that! I thought it had antlers from the sketch as I recall... Cute fluffy legs! Now that you mention it...something about that head does look rather MLPish...but it's still cute! Maybe if it had split hooves rather than solid that would give it less of a pony look? Very pretty color combo, though the hoove seem to stick out a bit against the softer, more blue tinge of the rest of the body.
He or she does have split hooves, and it's easier to see in the sketch but silly my put the sketch on the background layer instead of raising it, so I had to color on top of it. XD Whoops!
*looks at sketch more* Ooh, so it does! It's just that only the near hind hoof is at an angle to really see that... And the color over it hides the division...
I really like it. I like being able to see the progression from sketch to colour, and I like your colouring style. It looks like paint, and I love your shadows. Very nice.