Here's how this works:
The image below is the Purble Place Bakery. Look carefully at all of the different options and take your best guess at what the cake looks like. Here's some important facts that you need to know. All three layers will be the same shape. Cakes are completely randomly generated. They do not always have icing, powdered sugar,or torching. They do always have a decoration and there are always fillings between layers.

This will be played like a fast franken. I will ask for one of the options on the cake, and the first person to guess correctly will earn a point. The person with the most points at the end of the game will get a surprise Samanayr. Other participants earning points may trade them in for tradable items.
Here's an example:
Let's say this is our cake:

Rasa asks: What flavor is the first tier?
Person 1: Chocolate
Person 2: Strawberry
Person 3: Chocolate
Person 4: Yellow
Answer was Chocolate, so Person 1 will get the point. Remember cakes are built from the bottom up.
-Game Begins at 6:00pm CST. That's in appx 10 minutes. We'll play 3 rounds. So there's lots of opportunity to earn points.
-Person with the most points will win the prize
-Please bold your answers so I can distinguish them easily from chatter.
- Here are the options for each category in case you can't see the picture:
Shape: (Round, Square, Heart)
1 tier: (Chocolate, Strawberry, Yellow)
1 filling: (Red, Green, White)
2 tier:
2 filling:
3 tier:
Icing: (Chocolate, Strawberry, Yellow, None)
Decoration: (Gumdrops, Smilie Face, Heart, Clover)
Extra: (Powdered Sugar, Torching, None)