I completely forgot about entering this... I had my entry form all filled out I was just waiting on scanning my drawing to the computer... and I got busy and forgot lol.
Oh well maybe next time
Oh wow, I can't believe the vairs made it! All the pets were absolutely adorable and I loved reading about everyone's creatures. This was a great contest - Thanks for running it, Sushi! And congrats guys!
Congrats guys! They are so adorable~
Rush's next pet so needs to be a Georopter. They are the cutest things ever. :O
"The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles." - 11th Doctor
*still bouncing so happily* I can't believe I finally got to really add something new to the Sam world; thanks so, so much Sushi!
And I definitely agree with needing a colony of Georopters- and you have to love that upturned nose on the Vairs! ^_^ Congrats guys!
Aw, congrats to all! Those are some very cute pets. :3 Would have loved to see an Aery or two around, but that's okay! XD I hope there will be more of these guys flapping or crawling around!