Janalee - I'm glad you got to try out your fun fish mold

Yildun - Aw, it's great you were able to get some assistance in the kitchen! My husband is the same way, he can more or less cook but never really does XD I looooove these cookies, I've made a variation before - so yummy! And no worries about the confirmation image, the username really just needs to be in one of the photos

silvermoondragon - Root beer jello sounds.. intriguing O_O That sounds tasty! And I'm sorry, but I laughed when I heard that it scared off the parrot XD If it's 'fruit flavors,' I wonder if it was originally prunes or something?!
Seren - This is going to sound really silly, but I always thought Wiener Schnitzel was something to do with, well, hot dogs XD; But this all sounds and looks delicious!
Echos - Another interesting avocado combination! I'm not sure you can go wrong with anything in a graham cracker pie crust, right? XD And I love your brother's reaction shots, what a sport XD
RikkuGirl - Hah, I never ended up doing my ‘entry' but I was totally going to go with salmon and cream of celery soup over biscuits XD Great minds think alike! But, ah, sorry it wasn't entirely to your taste ;D
CosmicDragon - I'm going through the entries while Mr Sushi is playing XBox and just yelled "AHHH! These ones are called 'lamingtons!' That's adorable!" and now he thinks I'm a lunatic XD So, if it's any consolation, you got to introduce us to an Australian classic and they sound and look really delicious? XD;
SilverDapples - Mmm, that does sound kind of like a Snickers! Sorry they weren't to your taste, I might
Orasteele - Wow, those are really cool! Like a waffle bowl, but.. totally different XD I'm going to have to give them a try!
And now, the results! A big thank you to Mr Sushi for helping with the judging, I needed the help!
The runners-up are Echos with the Avocado, Pineapple, and Lime Jello Pie and RikkuGirl with Tuna 'n Waffles!
And our reaction shot random winner is Seren!

As for the participation prizes, I'll be adding the modiems to everyone's inventories in the next day or two.. but what's this? The secret mystery prize? It looks, er, delicious! The Green Gelatin Dessert is a tradeable item worth 4 points