Wow, she is beautiful. I want to say yes, because I doubt he will ever get such a glowing mare! but I have to say maybe, just because the mares he has lined up are not the nicest... would you mind giving a bit of information about her? He may need to sway his mares into acceptance....Since the two ladies he has/is interested in are Sa'Krien, she must be able to fit in (Personality Wise) with them... How is she at handling psychotic episodes O-o;? Can she hold her own with other mares who may not particularly like her (Or anyone for that matter)?
If you could give me a blurb, I will see if his song members would be ok with that. (They were preferring an all Sa'Krien Song... but who knows
If she can hold her own against Pearl (If Pearl indeed does choose to join his song :/), I think she will have a spot).
(Pending mare - Hopefull)