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Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:33 am
by Xenon
Username: Xenon
Samanayr name: Wake of the Rushing Wave
Category (lightweight or heavyweight): Heavyweight
Throw force (gently, some effort, or FULL FORCE!): Some effort

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:54 am
by Yuiven
Username: Yuiven
Samanayr name: Automaton
Category (lightweight or heavyweight): Heavyweight
Throw force (gently, some effort, or FULL FORCE!): FULL FORCE!

My apologies. Could you disregard the first entry form in favor for this one instead, please. There was a typo, and since you aren't allowed to edit I just posted another entry form with the correct, typo-free information. Thank you!

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:58 am
by Orasteele
Username: Orasteele
Samanayr name: Riddle of the Hidden Spark
Category (lightweight or heavyweight): Lightweight
Throw force (gently, some effort, or FULL FORCE!): Full Force!

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:16 am
by LvSoulFriend
Username: LvSoulFriend
Samanayr name: Whip of the Baleful Hunter
Category (lightweight or heavyweight): lightweight
Throw force (gently, some effort, or FULL FORCE!): Some effort!

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:46 am
by Nighthenge
Username: Nighthenge
Samanayr name: Dagger of the Prismatic Refraction
Category (lightweight or heavyweight): lightweight
Throw force (gently, some effort, or FULL FORCE!): some effort

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:53 am
by Bluestarwolf12
I believe there is one heavyweight and two lightweight slots left. <3

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:07 am
by Echos
Username: Echos
Samanayr name: Nature of the Generous Earth
Category (lightweight or heavyweight): Heavy Weight
Throw force (gently, some effort, or FULL FORCE!): some effort

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:24 am
by Echos
And since I have no idea if catagories are full:

Username: Echos
Samanayr name: Nature of the Generous Earth
Category (lightweight or heavyweight): Light weight
Throw force (gently, some effort, or FULL FORCE!): Full Force

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:39 am
by Aranea
Username: Aranea
Samanayr name: Contemplation of the Bustling Bazaar
Category (lightweight or heavyweight): Lightweight
Throw force (gently, some effort, or FULL FORCE!): Some effort

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:03 pm
by tbiris
Username: tbiris
Samanayr name: Refrain of the Wind Hymns
Category (lightweight or heavyweight): Lightweight
Throw force (gently, some effort, or FULL FORCE!): FULL FORCE!

Not sure if I missed them or not <<;

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:45 pm
by Willow
That serves me right for going out for dinner xD;
Good luck everyone that got slots <3

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:01 pm
by Sushidragon
All of the slots are full :D Here's our participants:

Lightweight slots
1. Tangle of the Feral Jungle (amazondreamer)
2. Dance of the Moonlit Waves (Tervenna)
3. Drowse of the Drifting Dream (Esperanza)
4. Strength of the Highland Piper (CosmicDragon)
5. Strut of the Rising Sun (Takaeji)
6. Riddle of the Hidden Spark (Orasteele)
7. Whip of the Baleful Hunter (LvSoulFriend)
8. Dagger of the Prismatic Refraction (Nighthenge)
9. Contemplation of the Bustling Bazaar (Aranea)
10. Refrain of the Wind Hymns (tbiris)

Heavyweight slots
1. Cackle of the Far Wilds (HybridSiren)
2. Vigil of the Lonely Hunter (oakleafwolf)
3. Beat of the Energetic Drummer (Delicious)
4. Guard Slice of the Sinister Skies (Bluestarwolf12)
5. Yearning of the Frozen North (PoisonedPromise)
6. Fluff of the Floating Flurries (AranelSaraphim)
7. Singe of the Wild Contempt (Rekyrem)
8. Automaton (Yuiven)
9. Wake of the Rushing Wave (Xenon)
10. Nature of the Generous Earth (Echos)

I'm going to get started on running the tosses, but it might be later tonight before I can get them done - lots to do today still!

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:27 pm
by Sushidragon
The first half of the lightweight tosses has been run!

Tangle of the Feral Jungle threw the caber 17 spaces!

Dance of the Moonlit Waves threw the caber 19 spaces!

Drowse of the Drifting Dream threw the caber 16 spaces!

Strength of the Highland Piper hurled the caber 24 spaces!

Strut of the Rising Sun hurled the caber 24 spaces!

The remainder of the lightweight tosses will be run later this evening, and then it's on to the heavyweights :D

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:12 pm
by Esperanza
Are we only throwing the caber once?

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:00 pm
by CosmicDragon
Atta boy, Strength. |D Glad I gave in to your demands.
Also... I set my alarm for 3am to get you in, so be darn grateful you silly sam. -__-
*yawns and stumbles off*

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:31 pm
by Sushidragon
The thrilling conclusion of the lightweight tosses :O

Riddle of the Hidden Spark got ready to throw, and.. oh no, he tripped and dropped the caber!

Whip of the Baleful Hunter threw the caber 18 spaces!

Dagger of the Prismatic Refraction hurled the caber 23 spaces!

Contemplation of the Bustling Bazaar hurled the caber 22 spaces!

Refrain of the Wind Hymns threw the caber 19 spaces!

It looks like we have a tie for first! It's time for a tie-breaker toss between Strength and Strut to determine who will be first place and who will be second :O

Strength of the Highland Piper got ready to throw, and.. oh no, he tripped and dropped the caber!

Strut of the Rising Sun threw the caber 16 spaces!
Image Image
Strut of the Rising Sun got first place and Strength of the Highland Piper got second! Congrats!
I'll be running the heavyweight tosses after Baby Sushi is in bed, in a couple of hours (hopefully) :D

@Esperanza - One toss per Sam unless there's a tie, then it's tie-breaker toss time!

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:36 pm
by Echos
EDIT: Totally misread the entry list. I didn't realize she'd made it into the heavy wieght group :)

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:39 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Looks like Nature made it into the heavyweights ;)

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Signups Aug 6 at 10am PDT

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:04 pm
by Sushidragon
A hefty-looking caber is brought out for the heavyweight round. Here's how it all went down:

Cackle of the Far Wilds got ready to throw, and.. oh no, he tripped and dropped the caber!

Vigil of the Lonely Hunter hurled the caber 20 spaces!

Beat of the Energetic Drummer threw the caber 16 spaces!

Slice of the Sinister Skies threw the caber 14 spaces!

Yearning of the Frozen North threw the caber 15 spaces!

Fluff of the Floating Flurries suffered a strain trying to throw the caber!

Singe of the Wild Contempt threw the caber 14 spaces!

Automaton threw the caber 15 spaces!

Wake of the Rushing Wave threw the caber 17 spaces!

Nature of the Generous Earth hurled the caber 21 spaces!
Image Image
Nature of the Generous Earth got first place and Vigil of the Lonely Hunter got second! Congrats!
Looks like we have our winners :D Echos gets first prize pick, then Takaeji, then oakleafwolf, and CosmicDragon will receive the final prize! Just post here with what you'd like :D

And since I forgot to give out random items during tosses, everyone who participated will receive a random tradeable item XD They should be in your inventories in the next couple of days!

Thanks for playing!

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Results page 2!

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:15 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Congrats guys!

And whee! Item! Thanks Sushi!

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Results page 2!

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:23 pm
by Echos
Oh wow, I totally didn't expect to win that, not with all the tough sams that entered the heavyweight. I'm even more amazed Nature didn't conk herself on the head with her caber.

I think I'll choose the Job Token since I never seem to be able to save up enough points when job fairs tend to role around. This way one of my sams may get employed someday...when I can make up my mind on who XD

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Results page 2!

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:38 pm
by Takaeji
Yay Strut! Wow! Congrats everyone! <3

Well, I've been dying for another one, so I'm going to grab the Semi-Custom Token. :)

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Results page 2!

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:36 pm
by Aranea
Ooh, Contemplation did rather well! Guess he's got a bit of his mother and grandmother's competitive streak after all!

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Results page 2!

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:02 pm
by oakleafwolf
Amazing! I was worried Vigil might have picked up more than he could carry with that! Congrats to the other winners... which really includes everyone now, sinsce Sushi is awesome!

As interesting as the new steam trait is... I think perhaps I'll pick up Curl of the Diminutive Brush to match my Flash. ^_^

Congrats again, everyone and Happy Birthday Sams/Sushi!

Re: Birthday - caber toss! Results page 2!

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:12 pm
by CosmicDragon
*shakes head*
You nag and nag and nag, and then fumble your tie-breaker throw? Hopeless. |D
Strength: *huffs* Tis not my fayult. I cannot compete properly under the gayze of so mayny beayutiful mayres.
Suuuure. >.>; You still did really well though! *pets* Second place in your category!
And I got the coffee-based sam? :O Thank you so much! The new trait is gorgeous! I'll need that on something else in future. >.>