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Re: WoW!

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:40 pm
by Cheshiresneer
Yay WoW! I'm completely horde all the way.."For the horde!"

I have a couple Characters, my main is a lvl 80 hunter named AnimoraCael. She had a few pieces of Ulduar gear, but now I need the new tier that just came out! ^^ My account has been dead for a while as well, I have a card currently but I'm waiting until I get my second mac because I reinstall WoW and all my xpacs...

I played Warcraft to Warcraft III + that expansion so I really follow through wow with the lore! Not many do :)

Re: WoW!

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:08 pm
by Gelliebeen
I play WoW! Though my account went down today due to lack of funds /sigh ;p I'm not too broken up, I was a bit WoW'd out anyway. I'll probably come back for Cataclysm though!

I'm a Hordie through and through, though I have one ally toon so some of my friends can be happy. I basically only play on the Whisperwind server. My main is Rosefang, a tauren druid and my ally is Heartcake, a Dranie Hunter ;]

Re: WoW!

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:38 pm
by sera
So. . . do we have a Sam Realm yet? *Coughs* xD;

Re: WoW!

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:41 am
by Orasteele
With Cataclysm coming out I thought I'd revive this thread. I'm looking forward to the new expansion, even if it means I'll be going alliance for a while to play with the new race. >_> Right now I'm working through as many low level quests with my 80 as I can for Loremaster before they change everything.

I don't think a Sam group has been officially started yet, but It would be neat to just pick a server and everyone that plays get together on it and play together from the start. Course that means we'd have to vote on which faction to choose, but that would be easy enough I think. ^__^

So who'd be in for it?

Re: WoW!

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:40 am
by LvSoulFriend
Don't think I've posted here yet XD

I'm on Moon Guard with several others from PI and Samanayrs, both Horde and Alliance XD

Ally: Spirit of the Storm guild
Filara, Sithal, Piperril

Horde: Working on getting guild together, will be Comrades of Chaos
Mazzarn, Mahal, Zarrinal

Have one on Elune as well, Elenria (Ally)

I'm quite excited for Cata, and have been trying to explore both continents fully before it comes out XD Still have about 13 areas left, and all of Northrend and Outland XD Whee!

Re: WoW!

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:45 am
by Orasteele
Hey another Moon Guard! *high fives* I'll have to seek you out on Nevarre (my main account - horde). I got the Explorer on him, so if you want help running places let me know!

Re: WoW!

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:49 am
by LvSoulFriend
Sounds good! Horde's only lvl 17 at most XD Fi is my main, and she's Ally, lol XD Got a guild yet for horde though? Need to get 6 more signatures XD

Re: WoW!

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:16 pm
by Orasteele
Actually yes I do, but I could sign off for you on one of my newer characters or even make one to join your guild. Hehehe... What's your soon to be guild's name? Our guild is called VII. ^__^

I can still run you around if you're alliance, it just means that we need to stay in visual range and will have to communicate over AIM or something.. XD!!

I have a lvl 27 & lvl 22 alliance...then on horde I run the gambit from 80 hunter, 46 rogue, and on down from there. Though I may have a lower account that can run you around and help level you or run you through dungeons.

Re: WoW!

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:43 pm
by Raitalle
I just started playing WoW :D Just a few weeks ago, I finally bought it. I did a trial like...last summer? Or maybe the one before? I don't remember. But I just wasn't sure I could/should pay for it, but there was a nice sale on it at Target, so I decided to go for it.

I've got my Alliance on Azuremyst (since I have friends who play there), Lvl. 14 Druid, and 2 Lvl. 1 Rogues that I haven't started yet (going to remake one as either a Warlock or Mage though).

My Horde is on Earthen Ring, just one Lvl. 5 Priest so far. I do also have my Lvl. 14 Tauren Shaman from my trial too, she's on Sen Jin. I think that's the name.

Re: WoW!

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:57 pm
by Orasteele
Okay so here's what I'm thinking. If you guys want to all game together we first need to decide realm type post either: Normal, RP, PVP, RPVP
Then I was thinking we'd look at those realms with a low to medium population so we don't have long queues to get in... >_>;; (like moon guard does more often then not)

My vote is an RP realm

Re: WoW!

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:47 pm
by LvSoulFriend
No PVP, please. Do not like dieing >>

Normal or RP is good for me, tho I don't RP much XD And low population is a must! Moon Guard is ridiculous to get on some nights ><

Re: WoW!

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:01 pm
by Raitalle
Same here, no PVP XD I'm good with either Normal or RP, although I don't really RP either. I've never had a problem with a server being too full! Must be the ones I'm on are just lower pop in general.

Re: WoW!

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:22 pm
by Sushidragon
Ooh, I'd be interested :D I'll probably have no time once baby arrives, but I imagine I'll have a lot of time before then! And I've been thinking of renewing my subscription..

I also vote no PVP, but I'm okay with Normal or RP!

Re: WoW!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:27 am
by AsaraDragon
My mains are on Cenarion Circle (RP), and I also have a bunch of people on Malfurion (Normal).

And Steele/Lv, if you want to run around on opposite factions, RealID friend each other, and you can start up a conversation no matter what faction you're on. :)

I don't know that I'd be able to get super involved with a Sam guild, because most of my playtime is spent with the hubby (we're doing a 3rd recruit a friend stint to get me a rocket mount). But I'd be glad to be RealID friends with any of you guys, just send me a PM and I'll send ya my email for it.

Re: WoW!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:22 am
by LvSoulFriend
Where do you sign up for RealID? I can't find it anywhere XD

Re: WoW!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:00 am
by RikkuGirl
RealID is like ventrillo i think...

I use vent myself. ^_^;; it works for me. I havent used RID yet...

Re: WoW!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:09 am
by Orasteele
Since most of you want a Normal or RP realm that is what we will go with. There are only a few with a low population: Terenas, Uldum, Uther, Thorium Brotherhood(RP), The Scryers(RP) - Cenarion Circle(RP) has a medium population and I believe both AsaraDragon also plays there. Moon Guard (RP) has a high population - but LV, Britain, Ogre, and myself play there. Also I think Sera plays on Throium Brotherhood.

I'll let you guys choose which of them you'd prefer! Personally I like the way Terenas sounds, and I'd like to try a server that doesn't have a million people on it.

Real ID gives out your real name, and some addons will make it available to the public if you use it. You can access it through though and it will let you cross game chat to any blizzard game (ie WoW and Starcraft can talk while each playing their own game).

Re: WoW!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:53 am
by Raitalle
From my understanding, RealID is supposed to be used to keep in touch with your IRL friends, which are presumably those you're closest with, and that you'd know their e-mails/real names anyway (you add people by adding the e-mail they signed up to play WoW with). You can use it to chat with people no matter what faction or realm they are logged into, and I think the idea was that it also works across Blizzard games in general, too. I'm RID friends with the friends that I joined to play with in the first place, and it's useful for talking to them when like, I'm on my Blood Elf Priest on Earthen Ring and they're playing their Alliance mains over on Azuremyst. Since that would be double impossible usually. Some people are really nervous about the real name thing, but I'm not, personally.

As for server, basically whatever is fine. I was kind of liking the name Uther, because it reminds me of King Arthur legends, but Terenas would be just as good if that's what people want :)

Re: WoW!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:06 am
by LvSoulFriend
Shads, Syn, and Nova are all on Moon Guard too, but it's a full realm >< I wish we hadn't chosen it, but they had all created characters before I got online to have a say XD

I just vote no Llane, ex is on there, and I don't want to run into him again >>

Uther, Terenas, or Cenarion would all work for me.

And I think it might be amusing if we made characters based off our Sams >> Maybe >>

Re: WoW!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:15 am
by Orasteele
Oooo That sounds like fun! Also let me know what faction you guys would rather be!

Re: WoW!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:33 am
by Sushidragon
There, I just renewed my subscription! Apparently the last time I played (besides that free week in November) was two years ago! I don't have any of the expansions either, so for the time being I'm just limited to the basic races, although I'd love to play a Draenei XD

I actually have a level 13 Night Elf Druid on Cenarion Circle, but I'm fine with starting over too. My main is on Mok'Nathal, a level 47 Tauren Hunter. I tend to play alone and level really slowly so it'd be nice to have some other people to play with XD

Re: WoW!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:20 am
by LvSoulFriend
Either side works for me, tho I tend to favor Draenei, Trolls, and Tauren. Draenei mostly XD So cannot wait for Worgens to arrive!

I -think- I heard a rumor of November for it, but I don't remember where I heard it, so I could be making it up XD

Re: WoW!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:39 pm
by Raitalle
I'm fine with basically anything, once again XD I'd prefer to play a different race than I have already, so no Night Elf, Human, Blood Elf, or Tauren, but if people wanted to do one of those I really don't mind either :) ...Basically I think my entire contribution to this is going to be I really don't care, ha. Basing characters off our Sams would be fun though!

Re: WoW!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:50 pm
by Orasteele
Cataclysm's release was November but has been pushed back to December or January from what I understand.

Sushi! You should get the expansions! Seriously!! At least the BC one if nothing else than for the races!

I favor Belfs, Trolls, and a little Draenei...though I am seriously looking forward to the Worgen!

OKAY! SO! Lets all start fresh! Server: Uther

People, you have to choose one: ALLIANCE or HORDE

Re: WoW!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:53 pm
by LvSoulFriend
>> I've mostly played Ally, still getting used to horde XD

Does not matter to me! *flees from Steele*