Along the Shore (Private RP)

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Re: Along the Shore (Private RP)

Post by Origami_Dragon »

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Flare snorted in irritation as Gyre questioned the continued presence of his ears, though he wasn't truly as irritated as he acted. "Neveyr you mind that buck. And you..." He turned his attention to Sibyl as she challenged him on his attitude, only to get sidetracked by his first good view of her and her Stellar Crown. "Hrumph. Yremind me of someone you do. Not just heyr. Odd blind thing she was. Some special Mystic with a thiyrd styrand she was. You blind too?" He tilted his head at her as he tried to recall that memory of a strange night spent far inland in some random pond.

Gyre was reassured by Gem's nod. At least he wasn't going blind...but why was the funny sea dwelling Sam accusing his mare of being blind? Or a Mystic? Gyre had heard that sometimes those who lived to a very old age started going funny in the head. If that was the case here...should he be doing something? But before he could make up his mind if or what that thing might be he was distracted by two comments. Blinking he leaned closer to Gem as she didn't seem to be involved in the conversation at the moment and whispered, "What do eayrs have to do with wisdom? And what's a buck?" He'd never heard the term used for a young male before, or for anything really. But perhaps it was just something that was used all the time outside of the desert, in which case he needed to learn it now.

Jewel was highly amused by all of this, but she still wanted her answer from Flare. Sensing that he was on the verge of getting settled into an argument or else wandering away down memory lane and doing far more babbling than he accused her of, she chirped loudly. "Flayre! Tides! Boyred!"

Out in the surf Flare vanished from site as he submerged completely for a moment before reemerging to grouse at her. "No patience, that's what youngsteyrs nowadays have. No patience! A finwidth acyross the sky, that's all. Then I have to deal with you in the flesh again. Ought to send you to the tide pools moyre often I should." Nevermind that life was certainly more interesting now that she had swum into it for him. He was going to grumble about it regardless.

((And no, I'm not exactly sure how long it takes the sun to travel a 'finwidth' either.))
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Re: Along the Shore (Private RP)

Post by Esperanza »

Gem listened to their conversations curiously, before she heard Gyre's question about what a buck was, "Eyr, I belyieve a buck is a young male." She chirped softly before moving slightly closer to the gentle tide that was softly rolling on the sandy shores. She let the water roll around her feet in a rhythmic pattern. She looked at Jewel and tilted her head, "This wayter is not driynkable, yes?" She sniffed it cautiously, "It certyainly does not smeyll normal..." She trailed off, raising her head once again to look at her. She then glanced at Flare, "What exyactly is a finwidth?" She chirped inquisitively.
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Re: Along the Shore (Private RP)

Post by Origami_Dragon »

((Bluestarwolf12's lovely young lady, Drift of the Swaying Tide, is interested in meeting Gyre and possibly joining the Song. Does anyone mind if she joins us here to meet her potential new Songmates?))
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Re: Along the Shore (Private RP)

Post by Esperanza »

((I don't mind, <3))
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Re: Along the Shore (Private RP)

Post by Bluestarwolf12 »


Drift trotted casually across the dunes, parallel to the ocean, with no real purpose but to take it all in again. The shore was where she had been raised, and the place that she hadn't seen in what felt like forever. The mare had been exploring the world, and had vowed to herself and to the ocean to come back here every once in a while. The salty tang in the air was reminiscent of her midday strolls across the beach when she was little. Ahh, the memories. Memories of her mother, father, and sister. Memories of the moon's glittering reflection on the sea. Memories of the sand between her hooves. Memories of the first few years of her life.

But that was the past, and not why she was here. She was here merely to fulfill her promise to herself and to the sea. The promise to return, if only for a day. She would be on her way soon, in the morning. Where she would go, however, Drift hadn't the slightest of an idea. Perhaps she would visit the desert and it's rumored 'endless' sands. Or maybe the jungle with it's huge bugs. Drift would go wherever her whim took her.

She paused at the top of an unusually tall dune overlooking one of the many glorious tidepools. Drift was suprised to see others there. Or at least, other land-dwelling Samanayrs. The aquatic mare and stallion did not suprise her in the least, seeing as this was the ocean, and it was totally logical for such creatures to live in the ocean.

The land-dwellers were an interesting group to say the least. Each had something about them that made them very unique. One mare had multiple sets of wings, a horn, and three white-ish strands dangling from her head. Another mare seemed to have very little, if not, no hair. And the stallion... Drift couldn't help the slight attraction she felt towards him. He was curiously handsom, with his strange collection of traits.

Drift made her way gracefully down the dune, approaching the group in relative stealth, despite the fact that they would be easily able to see her. "Visitoyrs to the ocean?" she asked, although she already knew the answer. Of course they were. What else could they be, since this clearly wasn't their home turf.
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Re: Along the Shore (Private RP)

Post by Harroway »

Sibyl was busy watching the interactions between the two aquatic Samanayrs and tried to suppress a giggle. She was happy, moreover, that Jewel had found someone she could take a liking to, grumpy or not. She wouldn't be stuck in the tidepool for much longer, she supposed, judging by the look of the sky. Another voice came to her ears and Sibyl turned to see someone much like the sea itself, at least in coloration. "Gyreetings." she said slowly, and looked over to Gem and Gyre, nodding. "Yes, we ayre visitoyrs. Ayre you as well?"

(( Sorry it's short. Life has been hectic. >_< ))
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Re: Along the Shore (Private RP)

Post by Origami_Dragon »

((I have no excuse...just kept forgetting to come reply. Anyways...))

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Gyre stared solemnly up at Gem as she answered his question, then nodded and tucked that fact away, though he wasn't sure why the odd old stallion was calling him a young young male. He watched as his mare moved away slightly to let the water of the ocean roll up over her hooves and started to get to his feet to follow her and actually touch the ocean he had wanted for so long to see.

He had gotten halfway up when yet another unexpected voice sounded from entirely too close behind. He yipped in startlement and pivoted, sand flying furiously away as he scrambled to keep his feet, tufted tail lashing madly. It wasn't that the sand was too soft and shifting underfoot. If anything, softer sand would have made it easier to keep his feet. After all, it was what he had grown up with. But this heavy, damp sand baffled him still. It just wasn't...right. By the time he stabilized himself again Sibyl was already calmly greeting the sea hued mare. "Eyrrr, yes. What she said..."

Gyre paused to collect himself and perhaps explain more when Jewel chimed in. "I'm not! I live heyre! Well, not yright heyre exactly. Tide pools ayre pyretty, but this one is a bit cyramped. But I live in the yreef out theyre with him." She waved one fin out towards the ocean, where Flare had once more vanished almost entirely under the water. Jewel however still couldn't really see out to the ocean and didn't notice that she appeared to be gesturing to an empty ocean. As Gem questioned her on the drinkability of seawater she tilted her head. "Isn't it? I dyrink it. It's saltieyr than the wateyr I gyrew up with though." Turning back to Drift she asked another opinion. "Do you dyrink seawateyr?"

Out in the ocean Flare was once more a set of beady black eyes and striped ears watching warily. He huffed softly to himself underwater as one of the land dwellers didn't even recognize what a finwidth was, but didn't resurface to lecture her. As he waited the tide steadily continued creeping in, bit by bit recovering the sandy shore, stretching towards the tide pools to refresh them.
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Re: Along the Shore (Private RP)

Post by Esperanza »

Gem jumped slightly, splashing the water over her hairless body when she heard the new voice. She turned her head quickly with surprise before noticing that it was another samanayr, noticing her shells and her colors she could somehow guess that she was born around this place. "Yes, wey're visitors," Gem smiled, her ears going forward in curiousity before they turned back to listen to Jewel, "Eh, I'd rathyer not try it riyght now. Maybe we all like differeynt types of water." She said cheerfully before looking back at the newcomer. She looked on with anticipation, slightly curious about this new sam.
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Re: Along the Shore (Private RP)

Post by Bluestarwolf12 »

Drift giggled quietly when the male fumbled a little in the sand. Definately not from around here. She turned to Sibyll. "Hmm... In a sense, yes. I was yraised heyre, but left when I was young to exployre the woyrld. Pyromised myself I'd come back eveyry now and again, though," She then turned to the mare in the tidepool.

"I drink what I can get, depending on wheyre I am. I've always soyrta had a pyreffeyrance towayrds saltwateyr, though, since it's what I gyrew up with." A light smile crossed the mare's face as she again found herself thinking of her youth. When was the last time Drift had seen her sister? Goodness, it had been so long... She whisked the thought away when she realized that she had failed to provide a name. "I'm Dyrift of the Swaying Tide, by the way. Wheyre are you fyrom, might I ask?"
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