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Re: Hiding from Myself

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:32 am
by Jennalyn
((That sounds like a fun idea! We'll have to RP 'between' periods where she's learning to fly with Scorch and his father, like morning or evening or breaks, but that shouldn't be too hard.))

Scorch flopped down on the ground next to the mare, shoving his hooves forward into the pool and sighing happily. That felt good. It was no hotspring to warm and fizz and soothe, but it was still water and it did the trick. Dark eyes looked over at Mist and he grinned, the expression infectious. She was such a sweet thing, totally different from his mother and sister in her shyness.

Thinking of home reminded him of an idea that had been niggling in the back of his head for most of the day. "Well, we could do all soyrts of things. I'm in favoyr of some sleep soon. But afteyr that, if you don't mind a couple weeks of tyraveling, I could maybe take you home to meet my siyre? He knows moyre about teaching someone to fly than I do."

Hopefully she wouldn't take that as too forward. It was only half meant that way. The grin widened.


If the stallion had been able to roll without crushing his wings beneath him, he would have. That was something he envied his mother and sister. As it was, he settled for another boneless flop on the ground and looked over at his companion. "Ayre you sick of them yet?"

His parents had been quite surprised to see him back so soon, and even more so to see a shy young mare in tow. He'd flapped his wings excitedly and told them that he found her around the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings, and they saw a Sharian, and she needed his help! Their help! To learn how to fly properly! Their mountain home would be a lot better for that, though the flows of lava not far from their hotsprings were perhaps intimidating. He was so used to them that he hardly thought anything of them.

Re: Hiding from Myself

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:05 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Mist flopped down next him, only partially succeeding in holding back a groan. "Payrt of my says yes, I am, but payrt of me says no." She grinned at him then, having lost much of her shyness in the past few weeks. It helped that his sire and dam were also brightly colored, and as welcoming as he was. "The payrt of me that aches is tiyred of practising, but I can't wait til I can fly well." Wistfully, she thought of cool water to soothe sore muscles, although warm water worked just as well.


Mist sighed softly then, easing herself a bit deeper into the soft ground. She'd been here at Scorch's birth-song for several weeks now, and the change in her was amazing. From a shy, uncertain, frightened young mare she has blossomed into a quiet mare, somewhat poised, and much more confidant. She tilted her head back, gazing at the stars.

She was, she admitted to herself then, in love with Scorch. She had probably first fallen in love with him when he was so nice to her at the Rainbow Hotspring. She smiled then, remembering the fun they had there. She had noticed the way his father and mother had interacted, and had started trying to show Scorch how she cared for him, without telling him in words. She wasn't quite that confident in herself, not yet!

A somewhat mischievous glint in her eyes, she looked around for Scorch.

((Totally forgot it was my turn XD ))

Re: Hiding from Myself

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:35 am
by Jennalyn
Scorch had a new appreciation for 'home' with someone different to share it all! Living so close to the volcanic flows, he'd never really thought much of them. Showing them off to someone else, though, they became exciting and novel through her eyes.

The night sky saw him in earnest conversation with his mother, discussing Songs and living arrangements and, oh so casually, what impressed mares. Dance thought all of this was deeply amusing and tried to give him advice without laughing in the young stallion's face. He'd gotten a lot of his father in him, that was certain.

Her voice trailed off when she noticed the silhouette of a winged form approaching in the gloom, murmuring to her son that she was planning on retiring early that night. Good thing it was dark enough that he couldn't see the laughter in her eyes.

About to protest, Scorch let it go after a moment with a sigh. If his mother was going, then she was going. That was that. He turned to leave and spotted the approaching mare, his stance visibly perking from disappointed to pleased. "Oh, Mist! Hello. I hadn't yrealized you weyre heyre. Nice night foyr a walk?"

Re: Hiding from Myself

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:34 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Mist hesitated, just for a moment. She had been looking for him, true, but she wasn't sure why his mother would leave so abruptly when she approached. Did she mind her being here? But no, Scorch's parents were kindness personified. She flicked her wings then, dismissing her worries. They'd have told her if something was wrong, surely. And now she did have Scorch to herself, for now at least.

She grinned at the enthusiastic stallion, "Yes, it is indeed a nice night for a walk. It feels good to walk now and then, and give my wings a break from flying." She laughed. She'd done so much flying lately, that walking was a pleasure now and then. "Feel like watching stayrs with me foyr a bit?"

She hoped he did. Star watching was fun, especially when she could say that she was cold, and cuddle up next to him. Her grin widened just the slightest bit.

Re: Hiding from Myself

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:41 am
by Jennalyn
The stars? Scorch had barely even noticed their presence tonight, despite the fact that they were brightest in the mountains. If you'd asked him whether or not there were any clouds in the night sky, he would have had to look to answer.

Reflexively, his neck craned upward and he stared at the sky. His dark eyes reflected the glint of the moon when he turned back to look at her. "Ceyrtainly! If you don't want to fly anymoyre tonight, I know a vantage point we could walk to. It would only take about fifteen minutes. Most of the otheyr good ones can only be yreached with wings, but this is the one my motheyr uses. She's going to bed eayrly tonight so I know she won't be up theyre."

His wings tucked tightly against his sides as he started walking. Thoughts of his previous conversation were still flitting through his head, though, and one question in particular niggled at his thoughts. "So I have to ask," he hedged, "do you like it heyre in the mountains? Or do you pyrefeyr the plains? Oyr the foyrests? Wheyre do you, ah. See youyrself? In a few yeayrs?"