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Birthday - Races - over!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:28 am
by Sushidragon
Image Image Image
The Samanayrs are off to the races again! The Samanayrs will be racing against each other, with prizes being assigned to the first, second, and third Sams in each race.

How racing works

There will be two different courses, one on the ground and one in the air. Each course is 30 spaces long, and has several obstacles the racers must get through, over, around, or under.

Every round, a d6 (six-sided die) will be rolled for each racer. The number rolled determines how many spaces the racer goes forward, and the first Samanayr to the finish line is the winner! There are also prizes for the second and third Sams.

The races will be run in this thread so you can keep an eye on the action! Rather than posting the movements of each Samanayr for each round, I'll just be posting the top three Sams in the lead.

Each course will have anywhere from two to four obstacles to get through. When a Samanayr reaches an obstacle, a d20 (20-sided die) will be rolled for them. Each obstacle has a number from 1 to 20, based on its difficulty, and the racer's roll must match or beat that number to successfully cross the obstacle.

Until the Samanayr is able to pass the obstacle, they will not move forward. If they successfully pass the obstacle, they will get a regular movement roll that round. If they encounter the obstacle in the middle of regular movement and successfully pass it on the same turn, they will continue forward normally.

If a Samanayr isn't able to pass an obstacle after three tries, they will pass it automatically after the third attempt and keep moving forward on their next turn.
Traits matter!
A Samanayr's features and traits can give it bonuses or penalties to regular movement and obstacle rolls. The trick is that you won't know what affect your Sam's traits will have before the race starts! Here's some examples:

- A Samanayr with the Fluffy or Extensive Foot Tufts trait will be encumbered by that extra fur, and receive a -1 penalty to each regular movement roll.
- A Samanayr with very long legs is able to leap over obstacles easily, and it will receive a +5 bonus to obstacle rolls that require going over something.
- A Samanayr with the Butterfly Wings trait will need to be careful going through a dense bramble patch, and will receive a -10 penalty to the roll for that obstacle.
- A water Mystic would be able to gauge the currents and depths of a stream easily, giving it a +10 bonus for any obstacles requiring crossing water.

Although these races are pretty straightforward, in the future the terrain itself will play a part in a Samanayr's movement roll. For example, if a course was over sandy terrain, the Desert Samanayrs would have a clear advantage and receive a +1 bonus to each roll.


The best part, of course :D Prizes will be assigned to the first, second, and third place racers in each race. The main prize for each place is a gold, silver, or bronze medal. You'll receive a pixel version of your medal for your Samanayrs webpage inventory, but if you choose to equip your medal, it will also appear on your Samanayr's image! The medal itself will be the color they placed, but you can choose the ribbon color.

Medals are special items and can only be equipped to the Samanayr that won it. If you're borrowing a Samanayr from someone else, you'll receive the pixel medal image for your inventory, but you won't be able to equip it to the winning Samanayr unless you give the medal to the Samanayr's owner.

For now, a Samanayr can only wear one medal at a time, but medals can be equipped and unequipped. There is also no limit to how many medals a Samanayr can win!

First place

- Gold medal (25% chance any offspring will be twins)
- One modiem of choice
- One random modiem

Second place

- Silver medal (gives a 20% bonus to breeding)
- One modiem of choice

Third place

- Bronze medal (gives a 10% bonus to breeding)
- One random modiem


Is your Samanayr all pumped up and ready to race? Good! Just make sure you read this important information first:

- Each person is allowed to enter one Samanayr per racing event (not one Samanayr per race).
- If you don't own a Samanayr but would like to participate, you may apply using someone else's Samanayr as long as you have the owner's permission. Please see the information under 'prizes' for what will happen if your borrowed Samanayr receives a medal.
- In the event of a tie, both Samanayrs will receive the same place and prizes.
- When submitting your Samanayr, you can choose which race you would like it to be in. If that race is full it will be entered in the next most suitable race (for example, if a Samanayr applied for the Ground 1 race and it was already full, but Ground 2 race still had open spots, it would be entered in Ground 2). If no other suitable races are available (for example, if only a flying course is available, the Samanayr cannot fly), the Samanayr will not be able to race.
- Each Samanayr can only be entered in one race.

I'm sure I'll think of more, but that's it for now XD

Apply to race

There are three races to choose from:
Ground 1
The terrain on this course is hard-packed earth and grass. Samanayrs who want to enter the ground races must be able to move along the ground. Flying is not permitted on this course.

There are 10 spots open for this race.
Ground 2
This course is very dry and has sandy terrain. Samanayrs who want to enter the ground races must be able to move along the ground. Flying is not permitted on this course.

There are 10 spots open for this race.
Flying 1
There is one race for flying Samanayrs. The weather is quite breezy and the course will take them through some narrow passages. Samanayrs who want to enter the flying race must be able to fly.

There are 10 spots open for this race.

Racing applications will open on August 9, 6pm PDT. When applications are open, please send a PM to this account with the subject being the course type you would like your Samanayr to race on (Ground or Flying) and the following filled out:

Samanayr name:
Samanayr ID:
Which race would you like to enter your Sam in (Ground 1, Ground 2, Flying 1)?
If the Samanayr is not yours, do you have permission from the owner to use it?
If the Samanayr is not yours, do you understand that any medals won cannot be equipped to it unless they're given to the Sam's owner?

Applications will be open for two hours. Once they're closed, I'll randomly draw the lucky racers from all forms received. Good luck!

If you're willing to let people use some of your Sams for racing, just reply to this post to let me know!

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:29 am
by Sushidragon
Non-owner Samanayrs

Jennalyn's Samanayrs
Available: List of Sams
Excluded: Any Sam who already has a medal, Shade of the Contentious Light

Delicious's Samanayrs
Available: List of Sams
Excluded: Jubilation of the Beckoning Breeze, Glider of the Tropical Shore

Available: Fringe of the Argent River, Ember of the Subtle Cinder

Available: Waltz of the Ponderous Aurora, Chilling of the Glacial Skies, Stars of the Falling Sky, Tremble of the Delicate Grass

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:32 am
by Jennalyn
Any of my Sams who don't already have a racing medal (!!!) are eligible for use by others. <3 The only exclusion is Shade, my Minayr, who I plan to use myself.

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:18 am
by Delicious
Any and all of my sams are available for outside use except Breeze, the Illiayr-Sa'griysar, and Glider - who already has a medal. :D

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:52 am
by Raenia
Fringe and Ember are both available for non-owners.

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:58 am
by RikkuGirl
Here are mine that are available! :D

Waltz of the Ponderous Aurora

Chilling of the Glacial Skies

Stars of the Falling Sky

Tremble of the Delicate Grass

:D Non-owners are more than welcome to use one of mine. ^_^ Good luck! :D

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:05 am
by feyani
Oof! All these 6pm PDT signups aren't good for my sleeping schedule. I can't decide if I should set an alarm for 4am or just try to stay awake until then. xD

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:14 am
by RikkuGirl
Im just glad its not THAT late for me. ^_^;; 9pm isnt too bad if you ask me. lol

*sets alarm for 845pm* O:

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:29 am
by Bluestarwolf12
This is where it comes in handy to live in Sushi's timezone. >3> *curls up to wait for the race signups, having decided upon Slice with hopes that he'll win second or third and be able to counter the -10% breeding success of his lead mare*

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:03 am
by RikkuGirl
*pokes blue* Lucky...


Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:43 am
by Orasteele
Any of my sams would also be available except for my Misery (who I'm planning on using myself).

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:55 am
by silvermoondragon
I think I will be using Spirit of the Incandescent Flames, so any of my other Samanayrs are available for people to use.

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:32 pm
by LakotaWolf
Oh man, how exciting. XD Maybe I'll use my Unique-traited Sam in the Flying race >:}

::reminds herself she DOES have a Sa'grisayr too...:: XD

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:45 pm
by Harroway
Any of mine are available minus Devil and Flood. :D

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:57 pm
by AsaraDragon
If I can make it to signups I'll be using Joy, so any of my others are available, except for Beat, who already has a medal. :)

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:16 pm
by LvSoulFriend
All of mine except Mystic and Lash are available!

Though I don't think Bounty or Charge would be good at any, as they're pudgy, and Bubble can't because she's aquatic XD Misery's just not available.

So, to sum it up:

Available - Gloss, Bounty, Mist, Melody, Whip, Force, Charge, Dancer

I still have to decide between the five above who I'm going to use *flails* The other 3, with the exception of Misery, will all be made available.

Need to decide between Lash and Mystic o.o

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:42 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
All of my Sams are available for use except Slice, who I'll be using. :3

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:47 pm
by RikkuGirl
just wondering.....

has there been a race that is for swimming? O.O!

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:54 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Nope, but there seriously should be! Bubble is a bit put out >>

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:01 pm
by Origami_Dragon
I think in the past there haven't been swimming races because there were...about half a dozen aquatics/Water Elementals total... But now with the northern aquatics tossed in, and the recent popularity that aquatics seem to have enjoyed...I think we have enough around to petition for races for them next time!

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:07 pm
by RikkuGirl
:D Yes! that would be quite the fun to watch!

Waltz: *waltzes in with floatys on* Ready!

RG: O______O um... my dear.... *pats waltz's head* I dont think youd do very well in a swimming race....

Waltz: But... but... *shakes her pudgy legs to show off her floatys on all fours*

RG: Um.....*grabs an airboat and picks up the pudgy sam and places her in it* There! :D NOW youll have a chance!

Waltz: *Wiggles her floatys while looking down into the water* ok.... *trys to sit down and hits the on button*

*flies off into the distance*

RG: O______________________O Totaly didnt see that coming. *Jumps on chilling to go find waltz in her run away airboat*

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:14 pm
by Origami_Dragon
*watches the boat vanish then goes to find Jewel* Jewel...go catch the boat please. Try to talk Flare into playing nice and helping.

Jewel: What's a boat? And what do I do with it when I catch it?

*rummages around for pictures* Just...rescue the mare in it, okay?

Jewel: *backflips out into deeper water and goes a-searching*

Well...hopefully she'll have some luck rescuing Waltz. At least the floaties should keep her afloat while being towed back and having her ear talked off...

I am curious how you're riding Chilling though since Sams are two feet tall at most.

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:14 pm
by LakotaWolf



Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:15 pm
by Pathos
If they can keep their medals, any of my Sams except Challenge of the Blood Moon can be used by non-owners in the races :)

Re: Birthday - Race sign-ups today at 6pm PDT!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:28 pm
by RikkuGirl
Oh yes... i um... ate a biscuit from alice in wonderland! O: I shrink! >.<


Sweet! Now I dont have to get waltz myself. ^____^ Your bubble breathers are very helpful, thats for sure. xD and dont worry... I think Waltz can stand a good long conversation... she tends to talk rather slowly.. so..I think she will be ok.

Thank gosh for floatys!!! xO

BIGGANAYR... *pokes*

*Giggles* O: Does that make me a Gigglanayr? xD *giggles more*