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Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:15 pm
by Dragonspyrit
I found out a certain someone was still alive and making sams through Dragon Cave and.. well.. here I am c:

Some of you might remember me from wayyyyyyyyyy back when in the days of yore. I certainly see some names here I never thought I'd see again! Is exciting n.n

I would love to get my sams posted here to frolic about but... my domain (which i've had for 10+ years) expired last month, and some company who buys peoples domains for the sole purpose of putting irrelevant links on them is now in possession of it. I'm in the process of getting a decades worth in files, including all of my adoptables, back =( My stupid fault for not backing up. Hopefully I'll be able to have them again soon. If not, well.. It's nice to be here :)

EDIT: Bah. I just found out that my host deleted my data when they took the domain away ='( Time to dig around for backup CDs.. I wonder if anyone would have them saved somewhere =\

Edit again: AHA! I found a backup CD from 2002! These aren't all my sams/lams..but it is the bulk of them =D I shall keep looking to see if I cant find names and newer arrivals. Info posted as I can remember

Edit again again: Thanks for posting that list! I'm certain I have at least a few more, as I know I had at least one lam and one northern. I'm also pretty sure I bought one from the Gaia days, which were from 2003 onward and beyond the time of this backup *ponders* I shall keep looking.

Edit 3/29/09, 8:50pm est: Found another old CD. This one had a lot of repeats, but I also found several mysterious sams. Some are clearly breedings out of my song (i guess I kept them, since both baby and adult forms have my initials on them, and I don't change file names on adoptables) and one I don't recognize at all, so I'm not sure if I've just forgotten it, or if I just saved it because its cute -_-;

Edit: 3/30/09, 2:30am est: Updates updates updates! Thanks Sky/Sushi for posting the new images and info!

Song of the Mountain Springs:
Image male, Dasher of the Sun's Rainbow of Aurora Borealis
Image female, Clash of the Sepia Seas
Image female, Echo of the Sun's Brilliance
(+ Ann's Gradient of Scattered Lights)

Image female, Cresting of the Mountain Sunlight (name not 100% confirmed)
ImageImage female, Echo of the Fleeting Rainbow (in Luminaire's Song of the Midnight Enchantment) (name not 100% confirmed)
Image male, Sand of the Mingling Dunes (Dam: Echo of the Sun's Brilliance)
ImageImage (lineage not 100% confirmed-- looks like a mix between Sunsrainbow~Dasher and.. someone. The wings might be the result of a breeding charm of some sort, since his song has no lams or winged sams in it)
ImageImage (lineage not 100% confirmed-- looks like a mix between Sunsrainbow~Dasher and.. someone. The wings might be the result of a breeding charm of some sort, since his song has no lams or winged sams in it)
Runner of the Desert Dunes, owned by JadeEye - link (lineage not 100% confirmed; may be sister or daughter of Sand of the Mingling Dunes)

Song of the Viridian Wilds
The first ever arboreal samanayrs! Idea created by yours truly in a contest in 2002 #^o^#
Image male, Seeker of Hidden Skybreak
Image female, Keeper of the Verdant Illusion
Image female, Dawning of the Liquid Twilight

Image un-gendered, Bender of Leaping Branches (Dam: Dawning of the Liquid Twilight)
Image Leaf of the Flickering Swirls (f), owned by Orasteele

Song of the Desert Winds:
I couldn't remember anything about this song other than that it existed, and that it was run by SotMD and contained yellow/sand-themed members. If you know your sam was in this song, please let me know!
Sand of Mingling Dunes: =_= *lonely*
Image male, Sand of the Mingling Dunes (Dam: Echo of the Sun's Brilliance)

Image female, Purity of Unbroken Snowfall (Notes: Spontaneous albino mutation!)
Runner of the Desert Dunes, owned by JadeEye - link lineage not 100% confirmed; may be sister, daughter, or even mate of Sand of the Mingling Dunes. I just remember that shes related somehow...

Image female, Shadow of the Midnight Moon (in Luminaire's Song of the Midnight Enchantment)
Image female, Caller of the Molten Flame (in Luminaire's Song of the Midnight Enchantment)
Image male, needs new name
Image filly, "Eyrae" from Gaia; Baby, not mini
Image colt, "Shire" from Gaia; Baby, not mini
Image female, Sheet of Thinning Ice
Image ungendered, needs name; from the marketplace era

Sams un-accounted for:
I think theres a northern floating wround somewhere. Just about everything else I can remember (and some I couldn't 0.0 ) has been found =D *happy*
Sheet of Thinning Ice - Might be a northern, found name in Reptile Girl's Song of the Frozen Flame

Aquatic dragonets~ Unrelated, but also cute!
Image ImageImage

Re: Hullo c:

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:34 pm
by Orasteele
I remember you! Welcome welcome!!

Re: Hullo c:

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:43 pm
by Dragonspyrit
And I you! It has been a while :)

Re: Hullo c:

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:29 pm
by CosmicDragon
Hiya! :D I'm relatively knew here, and it's nice to meet someone from the very beginning! -noms on-
So yeah. :lol:
Nice too meet you!

Re: Hullo c:

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:12 am
by Sushidragon
Hey, long time no see :D I'm glad to see you've made your way back here! I'm curious as to how you found me through Dragon Cave, since I'm using a different screen name than when I was first doing Sams XD

My first domain got grabbed up a reseller too (since there's such a demand for, boo - but yay for backups! My files from 2005 onward are actually arranged by adopter name, and I took a look through them and couldn't find any additional Sams, so that might be all of them. Here's the name information I could find from the old adopted lists:


Sand of the Mingling Dunes


Cresting of the Mountain Sunlight (birth-Song Mountain Springs)
Leaper of Bending Branches (birth-Song Viridian Winds)
Echo of the Fleeting Rainbow (in Luminaire's Song of the Midnight Enchantment)
Caller of the Molten Flame (in Luminaire's Song of the Midnight Enchantment)
Shadow of the Midnight Moon (in Luminaire's Song of the Midnight Enchantment)

Songs you ran:

Viridian Winds
Seeker of Hidden Skybreak Unknown - stallion
Dawning of the Liquid Twilight Unknown - mare
Keeper of the Verdant Illusion - mare

Mountain Springs

Dasher of the Sun's Rainbow - stallion (birth-Song Aurora Borealis)
Clash of the Sepia Seas - mare
Echo of the Sun's Brilliance - mare
Also in the Song - Ann's Gradient of the Scattered Lights (she doesn't adopt anymore)

The number of Sams on that list actually matches up with the images you posted, so that might be all of them XD Now I guess it's just a matter of trying to match names up with images! Unfortunately I'm no help there, since my old records systems weren't that helpful if the adopter's page went down - fortunately I've learned since then XD

Re: Hullo c:

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:47 am
by Orasteele
OMG yay!! When I was updating my Sam pages I had lost Leaf's birthsong information. And I tried going through google to find it, but had no luck.

By any chance, do you remember which mare is her dam? ^_^;;

Also here is the link to the old sam thread on Gaia if you want to see if you had any on there. I still had it bookmarked. ... t.4525192/

Re: Hullo c:

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:44 am
by Dragonspyrit
Glad to be of service!

Hm, I couldn't say which mare is her mum. No idea where she got that lovely blue color from o.O There is a possibility that shes actually a third generation out from the Song, since I am missing an arboreal foal (possibly grown).

And THANK YOU for the gaia link! It seems I've two gaia foals as well! Starting to round things out!

Hm found an arboreal on this page: ... rs-8665358

Wonderign if its related to mine..or IS mine.. or was an unrelated rare sold or commissioned *hunts*

Also the more I think about it, I seem to recall having at least one more song, Maybe Desert Oasis, because I know my Shifting Sands boy had his own. *hunts harder!*

Also, hallo ther Cosmic! Nice to meet you too ^_^

Re: Hullo c:

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:37 pm
by Harroway
Hello Dragon! I'm relatively new to the Sam community in the grand scheme of things, but I do have to say you own some lovelies. <3 And welcome back!

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:39 pm
by silvermoondragon
Welcome, I'm also new. I love your little colt with the santa hat on, he's so cute! I also like that bottom dragonet, his ripply fin is so intriguing. It reminds me of a black ghost knife fish!

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:24 pm
by Sushidragon
Ah hah! I found Leaper and Sheet (who looks to be your missing Lamanayr XD)!

Image Image

Leaper of Bending Branches doesn't have a gender, but Seeker of Hidden Skybreak and Dawning of the Liquid Twilight are the parents. Aboreals were also designed for a contest :D In 2002, to be exact - I just found the contest results.

Unfortunately I don't have a name for that Mystic, but he's a fire Mystic, and you could come up with a name for him if you'd like. The two Gaia Sams will also grow, and they'll be given names when they're adults - none of the ones on Gaia had names yet because Sams aren't named until they're grown :D

The Aboreal on that Deviantart page is from a group of Sams (eg, all of them) that I believe never ended up getting adopted out XD If they did, I probably sold them.

That last little foal belongs to Kaetz - I was able to find the old file when they were named by adopter.

Ah hah, I also found another one of yours, fortunately from back when I still made pickup pages:

Name: Purity of Unbroken Snowfall
Gender: Mare
Birth-Song: Desert Winds
Species: Samanayr
Notes: Spontaneous albino mutation!

Ah, and I found another Lamanayr from the old marketplaces, although no name:


It was fun looking through my super-old folders! And thanks for the Gaia link, Orasteele! Although reading through it is painful XD;;

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:13 pm
by Dragonspyrit
omg AWESOME :'D Thank you so much for looking for these! *gathers them all up and smothers happily* =u=*

Sams: *collective* >_O!

I'll have to go through and name the unnamed/lost-named, and pick genders etc. That orange creamsicle market lam is gorgeous... I don't remember her as much (though I obviously forgot half of the others as well.. there are so many to keep track of @_@; ) but if you say so than it must be true <3 *yoink* And thank you for putting the gaia babes on the list to grow :)

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:47 am
by Orasteele
You know... for some reason I remember there being an arboreal with a flower in her mane, and I think that one is Leaf's dam. She was laying across a branch with a foot hanging down and there was a large flower above her ear I think....does that ring a bell to anyone besides me?

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:32 am
by Dragonspyrit
Hm.. doesn't sound familiar to me. I could have sworn you were the one who asked me permission for a breeding from my song, so I'm fairly certain that Leaf is one of our offspring... but it has been years :\ I'm not putting the possibility of an error out of question. There might also be a mysterious 4th mare that someone owns with said flower!

All of this makes me want to resurrect one of my many adoptions... hmmmm *eyes R-unis* *ninja*

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:16 am
by Orasteele
I know leaf was a foal adopted from your song, because I remember PMing you on Gaia about it. XD

Maybe I dreamed the mare up, or it was another mare I saw at some point in time.

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:53 pm
by Dragonspyrit
Hah, perhaps!

*putters around PI adoptabl;es forums* Pah.. I feel like I'm too old for this... *eyes Runis nerviously*

Edit: Eithr I'm too stupid to figure out how to post on the PI forums, of I cant post with a trial account =_=; *feels dumb* Now I has pets and no one to adopt them to. Sadface.

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:28 pm
by Sushidragon
I believe you have to have a paid account to post in the Adoptable forums.

And I hope I'm never too old for adoptables XD It means I get to do arts and have some fun!

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:38 pm
by Dragonspyrit
I made a whole big bunch of runi and i have nowhere to post them :'<

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:11 pm
by Harroway
Dragonspyrit wrote:I made a whole big bunch of runi and i have nowhere to post them :'<
Now you've made me curious! *detective glasses*

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:26 pm
by Dragonspyrit
Here are some old ones from years ago~

And here are some from the big batch I just whipped out~

I tried to keep them the same very basic style-- was surprised athow similar they turned out looking XD (some of the others more so than these two).

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:58 am
by Harroway
Like I posted on the DragCave forums - I like them! :)

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:45 pm
by SunBlind
You can always give them away at the orchard messagepost ^_^ It's still alive.

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:38 pm
by Sushidragon
Aw, very cute :D I'd say giving the Orchard a try too!

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:31 pm
by Dragonspyrit
I shall do just that! In fact... heres the post n_n 2/5 are still available if anyone wants, first come first serve dealie :) ... hread=3071

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:00 am
by Harroway
Well poo! I don't have my own website. I should remedy this one day! I need someplace to showcase my paintings.

Re: Hullo c: Rebuilding piece by piece...

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:01 am
by Dragonspyrit
A dedicated forum post is okay~ I know when I was on gaia, I kept all of my adoptables in a thread, and each one (or species) had their own post with their name, info, and a small writeup :)