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(Game?) Imagine Me Babies!

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:26 am
by RikkuGirl
Since it IS now breeding time... babies all about. Tell me what you think your breeding pair will produce! :D

I want to know what your hoping to get out of your breed! (Ofcourse we know that not all will be successful, so with that in mind its always nice to imagine and dream ;D) Everyone has a few traits they would like passed or a pattern or two... got a modium?! What do you think it will get you? What little bundle of joy are you hoping it will be?!

Not only should you do your own pair, but anyone elses as well! Is some one using one of your sams? What do you think it will be?! Is there a Sam you have always ADORED and have an idea of what you think their pair will create?!
This is just a fun little game for us to play about what we think the pairs will produce! Click ME to see the pairs that the lovely Cosmic Dragon and Lvsoul have already scrounged together from our posts in one nice neat place. ^_^

So.. what are you waiting for?! IMAGINE ME BABIES! :D

Example and the first Imagine me baby! :D The baby of my breed, Chill and Shimmer!

My hope is for it to be a northern baby. I dont really have a preference for male or female as I am happy with either. Im hoping to get the wing style of Chill (Faery and Feathered) but instead of Feathered coming out of the larger Faery Wing, I was hoping for a few small butterfly wings, almost dragonfly like out of the Main Faery Wing! Plus... yes, Im hoping for some small antlers as well. ^_^;; Im in LOVE with both of these and ever since I saw Chill i got.. well.. CHILLS! :D As for a pattern Im hoping that Shimmers swirls will pass on a bit along with the white dots of Chill. They both have my favorite blends of colors, blues, purples and white. I think, IF IT IS SUCCESSFUL, that this will be a VERY interesting baby! VERY full of action and things to see. ^_^

So in short. I want a horned fluffy faery butterfly baby. :D

Another Pair I have thoughts on is my Stallion Starsand his Lady Delight!

OF COURSE I assume it will be pudgy because both parents are (couldnt hope for a better trait ;D). I think this baby will come out to be alot like the mother. Pudgy with smaller wings. My guess is that the baby will be of a darker grey color with possibility of stripes like Delight just in rainbow along with a few white stars on the rump and dappled on the legs and face. :D I think this baby will have a good amount of colorful hair and will most likely be Samanyr.

I also have much interest in these couples especially..
Mantle and Symphony - This interests me greatly as Im not quite sure how this would turn out! Im guessing Pink with purple accents ;D
Tyger and Dance - This seems to me like it will be a VERY colorful baby Im expecting there to be some hybrid wings and plumage in there. :D
Wyrd and Memory - I dont know WHAT will come of this! The mutations along with the coloring will make for a very interesting offspring. As for coloring I assume it will be a darker baby. I think the crystal spikes will pass on along with the feet of the mother. :3

Re: (Game?) Imagine Me Babies!

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:05 am
by CosmicDragon
Ooooh, this could be a very fun thread! :O -ponders-

My pair this season, Wyrd and Memory... Well, I think I chose them mainly for the complete randomness that could ensue. I'm using modiems to make the offspring a Sa'krien. Because I can. >.>; I guess I'm hoping he/she will have the father's spines, and maybe some of those awesome star markings, but I do so love Memory's markings as well. |D I just want to see what Sushi comes up with, I guess!

Other pairs I have some imaginary-predictions for are:
Riddle x Mystic - I think the baby will be a Mystic (I dunno why. o.o) and there will be a cute little dragonet baby!! Outside of that, I think the colouring will probably lean towards the mothers.

Mystic x Sun - GIANT WINGS. 8D And maybe some piercings.

Rend x Zephyr - Oh my. Just... A wonderful elemental baby. I'm thinking it'll take after it's father (handsome devil that he is) but either way I know it's going to be magnificent. I am thinking he/she may get the mother's long body though. <3

Re: (Game?) Imagine Me Babies!

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:48 am
by Bluestarwolf12

Well, for my breeding (Devil x Slice), I'm really hoping that the foal has wings and some form of claws (either talons from dad or clawed paws from mom). Terror from above and all that. >:3 Ram horns are garunteed, of course, and any other traits that get thrown in would be <3. No idea on markings, but I can only imagine that they'll be awesome.

Mantle x Symphony - Glowy Illiayr baby. o3o With a random rare trait. How many rare traits are there now? XD Although, personally, glowing Clawed Paws would be epic. >3>

Bounty x Abundance - Abundance might be a momma. X3 A pudgy little girl with all of her parents' feather traits. <3

Chill x Waft - This. It can only be awesome. I just love seeing what results from Elemental breedings, since the outcome tends to be far more awesome than predicted. 83

Re: (Game?) Imagine Me Babies!

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:39 pm
by Orasteele
Well for my pair (Singe x Cast) this season I'm hoping it has it's father's bobbed tail and markings, while her mother's mane, and bandit mask. I imagine that it will be more blue than grey, but who knows! I'm using a Christmas tree cookie and I've got my fingers crossed for either wings, antlers, or extended foot tufts (just because all of those would be amazing on a tribal).

Flare x Jewel - Can you imagine a seraphim wingged aquatic with it's father's finnage but mother's colors? AH! it will be stunning.

Flood x Lash - I see a vicious blue and green sa'kiren in the future, probably with tiger stripes and wings.

Storm x Enticement - Purple and pink and black all over. I think this will be an adorable ball of feathers and fluff with maybe a dragonet at it's side.

Re: (Game?) Imagine Me Babies!

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:15 pm
by Harroway
I'm with Blue on the Devil x Slice pairing. I hope the baby has some kind of wings to go with those ram horns, and her bronze medal will definitely help their chances of success! The lovely Misery in their Song now has her penalty negated with all the medals on the ladies. XD I'm hoping for black and some of mama's lovely burgandy coloration. And all that vicious attitude.

For my pairing, Flood x Lash, I'm hoping for a Sa'krien baby (mama's not a 'krien, but I can hope!) with seraphim in some form and that scorpion's tail. No idea what the coloration would be, but it'll be lovely. I just know it!

And for Ogre's pairing, I'd love to see anything, really. The mom and dad are so cute that I know the baby will be just as stunning!

Re: (Game?) Imagine Me Babies!

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:56 pm
by Echos
I'm hoping for a little desert foal with giant wings for Mystic and Sun's pairing. Earrings would be nice as would *fingers crossed* a mystic.

For Snap x Whip I hope at least one baby is a sa'krien and one gets horns and whips tail. I'm guessing the foals will have lots of green stripes.

Re: (Game?) Imagine Me Babies!

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:22 pm
by RikkuGirl
xD Eeee You guys have GREAT predictions! I wonder if we should have a mini just for fun game to see who is closest! D:

*flails about*

Chill and Waft seems to be a good pair as well. That was a new one. xD I love elementals, one reason I was going to try for chill but I got my pair and I about died *snugs Puuka* ^___^

D: Clawed Glowy Illiayr... *ponders* I think i like that thought.

"Purple pink and black all over" xD Thats awesome... *giggles madly*

Echos! I think you will get the desert foal with big wings... I just feels it. xD *snugs*