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Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:21 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Okay. This going to be a private RP between Hybrid and myself >> We've done a bit already, just need to post it XD Feel free to follow along!
*dances off*
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:26 pm
by HybridSiren
Despite how late into fall the seasons had turned, the desert remained, as always, greatly hot and scorching. Any being unused to the desert's merciless tendrils of heat would call this madness, but any native would just deal with it like every day. Such was the case with Mystic of the Shattering Glass, who’s green-blue eyes stared out from the edge of her desert home under a scraggily tree. Its minute shade was a wonder and blessing to any, though.
Her body was tired, her limbs ached, and her integrated parts burned against her flesh. Her chest heaved with heavy, deep breathes after this chase. Why did those beings always chase this lone Mystic?! She never tried hurting them! She only wanted to get some fo- BAM. What was hunting her before, had found her once more. Persistent tribe, weren't they?
(Posts are slightly short due to the fact we did this over IM. xD; )
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:02 pm
by LvSoulFriend
(Annnnnnnnnnd it's everybody's favorite Misery!
Misery felt dry. For a water-storm mage, the desert was not the best place to be, especially during the day. Dried out, he had no magic available to him, and there was no water below to help him replenish it. Still, the thermal was wonderful, allowing him to soar without effort. He pondered, again, on why he was here in the desert, while his mares were at home in their rock spire, safe and with plenty of water.
Ahh, right. He'd heard talk at the Hotsprings about a desert fruit. Mangos, it was. He'd come to see if he could find some for their home.
Tilting his head down, he peered at the landscape, trying to spot where they might grow.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:03 pm
by HybridSiren
A pained, spitting-like noise escapes her mouth quickly as she feels a giant stinger whack at the back of her neck. Clickings and gurglings of the small pack of giant-sized scorpids alerted her finally of her returning adversaries. With a pained and startled scream, she scrambles up to her feet with her own metal parts clinking together. Shooting up to her feet, she darts out from under the dying mango tree, the sand getting every from each push of her hoofs. Oh come desert spirits, come to her! Come to her! These scorpids will hound her down until they can get their stingers in her, and her flesh in their giant stomachs!
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:04 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Drifting in the thermal, lost in his own thoughts, his attention was attracted by movement on the ground. Frowning, he started to circle lower, and then sped up. The something was being chased by more somethings. Obviously things were not going well down there!
Swooping lower, he discovered that it was a Samanayr out front, and giant bug like creatures chasing after the Sam-kin. Keeping pace behind, high enough above to be out of reach of the creatures, he tried to assess the situation. What was going on?
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:05 pm
by HybridSiren
The bones that were once her wings arched out, as if wanting to fly, but this merely caused more pain on her expression and the four bones folding back in. Her eyes scan around as she spots once more her home: a small, but lush oasis. It had a small pond just big enough to keep the inhabits alive, including her. The scorpids were gaining ground on her though, trying to nip at her long tails, as if wanting to take this mutant out completely. Letting out another scream as she feels the bite, she clenches her eyes shut as the sands around her begin to swirl. Slowly, they gather around her feet almost like sand-tornadoes.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:05 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Misery winced at the screams. Judging by the pitch, the Samanayr was female. And the bugs chasing her, they were trying to eat her! Desperately, he wished for water, any water, something to rehydrate him so that he could help! Eyes flicking between the race below and the land around them, he almost misses it. A small pool of water ahead!
Shifting his wings to increase his speed, he angled slightly up. The ground ahead was starting to stir. Banking, he swerved around the mare, aiming for the pool. Braking, he landed on the shore, and then dove in. Water! How he loved the feel of it! Wings spread, he soaked it in.
Then, launching himself upwards, he hovered, the hair on his back starting to quiver and stand on end.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:06 pm
by HybridSiren
The Mystic mare's eyes broke open and shot up towards the flying being, about ready to shove it out of the air with a punch of sand. Seeing him land in the pool was the last thing she saw before one of the scorpids grew tired of this chase, and lunged its gaping pinchers and stinger to the mare, flooring her and the growing sandstorm she was starting. She was hoping to have lost herself in the sandstorm, but now it hadn't grown all too much. The pinchers grabbed hold of her sides as she let out a screeching scream, her hoofs digging at the sand desperately as the scorpid readied its stinger for her back.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:06 pm
by LvSoulFriend
With a snarl, the Misery let loose. Sparks flew, and thunder split the air. Bolts of lightning arced up, and then stabbed down, seeking out the creatures that were attacking. He'd practiced after the bird hunt, after that beast. His accuracy had improved, as well as his stamina. He was nothing like an Elemental, but still quite talented in his own right.
Each bolt of lightning found their mark, crisping the creatures dead. The smell of roasted and fried -things- filled the air. However, all of that was lost on him. Immediately after attacking, he had dived, mouth open, teeth seeking the tail of the creature directly below. Jaws closed around the tail, and the wind and his wings lifted the two of them into the air, off of the mare.
Upon reaching a safe height, he sent out one last pulse of electricity, killing the beast.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:11 pm
by HybridSiren
The stinger of the attacking scorpid has found itself in the back of the mare for only a split second as it was ripped out by the spark-flying stallion. At first, it had only noticed the sparks in the air, not realizing it had roasted the rest of its pack. At first, when lifted, it clung to the mare, who struggled and screamed more, but soon let go of her as it attempted curling up to try and bite, scratch, or sting at the being bring it up and up. Gurgling, odd noises escaped its pinching mouth, trying to sound threatening. That didn't last long though, as it ended up fried, just like its companions.
The mare fell back to the ground, luckily only having being lifted a few feet. She felt dizzy nonetheless from the fall, her body aching from all the running. Her sides bled from where the pinchers had grabbed onto her, and her mind whirled on as the adrenaline kept pumping through her body.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:11 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Anger still coursing through him, he shook his head viciously, the way he'd seen an oquiesa do to its prey. Still sparking, he let the body fall to the ground below. His flight had taken him slightly away from the mare, and the other bodies lying behind her. Landing, the sand condensed in spots; heated to melting by the sparks he was still throwing off.
Ignoring the mare for the moment, he stalked to the bodies, checking to make sure they were truthfully dead. Satisfied that they were, indeed, dead, his temper started to cool. The ground beneath him had spots where the sand had melted and condensed. Turning towards the mare, he stopped, and closed his eyes.
Breathing deeply, he released the rest of the anger he felt, and shifted. The hair on his back still crackled faintly, but it was lying mostly flat. Blinking, he viewed the mare clearly for the first time.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:14 pm
by HybridSiren
Her chest heaved heavily as her body remained awake, but limp. Everything ached, burned, and pained her too much to move by now. She was so close from the soothing oasis, but just far enough that she can't feel it. Her concentration lost, as well, the start of a sandstorm she had planted now wavered in and out naturally, but remains weak. Her metals parts shined in the bright sun, and where it connected, they were covered in sweat. Her long mystic strands sprawled out beside her with her hoofs, laying uncomfortably on her metal, blazing stomach. Her large ears were folded back, and her three tails and bone wings all laid motionless.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:14 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Concern flitted across his face as he surveyed the mare before him. She looked to be in bad shape, and he wasn't entirely sure that he'd got the bug thing before it had stung her. He'd met a sa'krien once, who'd had a tail very similar to theirs. He'd been a nasty tempered thing. Shaking his head, he approached cautiously. Mystics usually hated his presence. "Can I help you at all?"
He was tired himself, that many bolts usually had that effect, but she looked much worse. He wasn't entirely sure that she'd make it, to be honest. Wistfully, he remembered the Healer from the bird hunt. What a pity there wasn't one conveniently nearby!
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:19 pm
by HybridSiren
She has certainly heard the stallion, but her own Mystic side and senses weren't able to tell he was a Misery, with her eyes closed as well. The stinger had only been in her for a split second, so there was a pain, but only minute amount of poison that was easily diluted in her blood. To try and at least let him know she noticed him, she lets out a slight "uuhnnf" just loud enough so he'll hopefully hear it. Oh holy sunshine, her metal parts are burning her so bad right now..
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:19 pm
by LvSoulFriend
He edged forward, and a smell teased at his nose. It was a familiar smell, considering what he'd just done to the bugs. Making up his mind, he concentrated. Bringing winds without the storm was harder, and he was starting to get dehydrated again. "Come on," he muttered under his breath. An outsider looking at him would think that he was about to eat her, from the look on his face.
In reality, he was concentrating on using the winds to move her just that much closer to the pool. Preferably in it, but the sand on the edge of it was bound to be cooler than the sand in the desert! Speaking on which, his feet were starting to overheat. Just in time too, as she was just at the edge of the water. He lifted himself from the ground by more conventional means, using his wings.
Doing so distracted him just enough so that a "splash!" was heard.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:22 pm
by HybridSiren
Feeling the movements of her body being forced by the winds, her eyes slowly open to find herself being lifted. With great effort and pain, she forces herself up onto her hoofs, only to be pushed into the water by the winds that had lifted her. She lets out a yelp with being pushed in, going in tails first. The pond was deep enough to dive and swim in, as there were a few fish colonies in there. In the water, she just let her body relax, holding her breath as she waited for her body to be lifted back to the surface. She didn't struggle with it, enjoying the cooling, soothing feeling of the water.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:23 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Cursing softly (he'd learned some interesting ones in his younger days), he hop-flew to the pond, splashing in after the mare. He let the winds die as he dove under her, no longer needing them. Swimming down, he revealed in the feeling of water. Oh, how he'd missed the feel of this! He'd definitely have to see about speaking with the Sharians.
There must be something that he could do to get another pool put in back home! The hotspring was nice, but sometimes, a cool pool of water was just the thing. Angling himself back up to the surface, he came up with the mare's forepart across his back. It was slightly awkward, but she was no longer in danger of drowning, and he got to swim for a bit. All in all, it seemed like a win for him!
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:24 pm
by HybridSiren
She uttered out very weak thanks to the stallion, unable to really do more than focus her energies in keeping her organic front leg around his neck. Most of her body was limb and just in pure pain, her eyes just a sliver open so she can see what's happening. Her large ears flop backwards, her bone wings cling to her sides, and her limbs just felt heavy. She tries to give his cheek a light nuzzle without poking him with her fangs.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:24 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Misery craned his head around, keeping an eye on the mare. She seemed so weak, and unable to do anything but lie there. He hoped she wasn't going to die on him. He didn't think that would be fair to either of them. Even if she did end up chasing him away, something that happened to him quite often.
His ears twitched at her thanks, surprised by it. It was one of the few times he'd been thanked for -anything- that he'd done. He shifted slightly under her, swinging his hindquarters over so that she was lying on top of him, his body fully supporting her. The nuzzle that she gave him would have caused him to fall out of the air, had he been flying at the time.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:26 pm
by HybridSiren
Burying her face into the fluffy back mane, she lets out a slight murmur. Attempting to tell him to go under the largest palm tree in the oasis so both can rest, it doesn't work too well with her lost voice. Her metallic front leg feels cold and wet, against him, but it seems to act like her other arm, now limp that she's basically on top of him.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:27 pm
by LvSoulFriend
The murmur she makes has him twitching his ears, again. Glancing around, for even a storm mage gets waterlogged; he spotted trees, with dry sand underneath them. Glancing back at his passenger one more time, he slowly starts swimming over to them. While he was making progress to the edge, he made the discovery of fish in the water. Gritting his teeth, he makes it to shore, and glares back at the water. One thing he does not miss about his spring back home, it has no fish in it!
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:29 pm
by HybridSiren
At least the fish in the pond weren't all too big. They were primarily herbivores too, so it's wasn't like any were trying to bite at him or his passenger. Speaking of, weakly spying they were heading for dry sand, an every-so slight grin breached onto her face. Most the blood had been washed off, but her body was still drained, but maybe with direct contact with the sand she'll be able to make something to bandage her sides up.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:30 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Reaching the shore, he shifts slightly, concentrating again. His back mane fuzzes slightly, each hair gaining a slight charge. Not enough to shock, but enough to fluff it up. Winds swirled in, easing under her body, carefully lifting her off him, and onto the sand. Striding out, he shakes himself off, then returns, and relaxes on the sand beside her. Curious, he looks her over.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:30 pm
by HybridSiren
Lying on the sand, she gently nuzzles the sand underneath her, her organic hoofs on her front leg digging into the dry, but cool sand. Her once, at least feathered, wings now lay limp across her back, her metallic under belly shined with the cold pond water, and her mystic strands laid down from behind her large ears. Speaking of... One seemed metallic like her other front leg. The other ear seemed to have large metallic piercings, as well. Odd.
Re: Searching the Desert
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:31 pm
by LvSoulFriend
A Mystic. He'd rescued a Mystic. Somehow, it hadn’t sunk in before as to what she really was. Scrambling to his feet, he looks around, positive that there would be an irate stallion charging in, demanding that he leave and not contaminate his mare. The horizons were empty. Winds blew across one side, carrying sand within them. They were traveling sideways, however, and not towards them. There was no Elemental or Mystic inside them.
Looking back at the mare, he took in her features once more. Metal leg, metal ear, metal belly… What had happened to her, to warrant the replacements? What tragedy had occurred? Thoughtful eyes turned towards the oasis, while his mind processed his thoughts. He was hungry, she had to be hungry, and there had to be food somewhere.