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Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:46 am
by Minionayr
Hello, hello!

Welcome to my little space of insanity. I wanted to introduce to you all a little game derived from one of my favorite party games. "Minionayr Balderdash Hash!"

It's simple, I'll leave you a listing of words that I've searched for (and double checked as being G-Rated in reality) and you tell me what they are/mean/refer to. BUT the catch is only the funny will win!

So, feel free to look up the words, read descriptions and what not for ideas but keep in mind, the more outlandish your entry is the better the chances of making us giggle and winning!

Game Rules:

1- All normal forum rules apply!

2- Keep all entries PG-Rated. I know some of the words get -out there- but please consider the others when posting your answers.

3- Entries -must- be your original work! No copying others! If two entries are too similar, I will ask the second person to post to change their answer(s).

4- Don't edit posts. You're allowed to post an answer for one, two, three or ALL words I've chosen but you either need to post them in one place at the same time; or separate posts if you come up with more later.

5- Each player is allowed to enter once for each word.

6- Don't complain if someone posts before you and their answer is what you would have posted; simply be awesome and come up with a new one. Also, do not make people feel guilty for their answers/winning.

7- Have fun and be creative!

Anything else? Oh yea! We're playing for points! Every word will have -three- winners for the word. This allows for point earning. 1st place gets 3 points, 2nd place 2 points and 3rd 1 point. The people with the most points at the end of the game will get to "cash in" for some Samanayr items!

So are you ready for hilarity? I know I am!

Get ready... on your marks... get set...


Game ends: March 15th, 2011 at Midnight PST.

Re: Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:48 am
by Minionayr
The Word List!

Re: Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:03 pm
by silvermoondragon
I have a question!

Will we be voting on which answers should win or are you picking the answers? Or do you pick 1st-3rd and we vote on those?

Re: Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:51 pm
by superdoug

VolVox -- n. a highly inappropriate and often naughty member of the vulpine breed. (You may need to think about it for a minute.)

-- n. The gnome in the dryer responsible for creating hard little lint pills on your favorite sweater.

Burgoo -- n. The residue left on your hands when you put too many condiments on your ground beef sandwich.

Sousaphones -- n. Headsets for entry-level chefs.


Heckelphone -- n. Brand-name phone endorsed by Bart Simpson and Crank Yankers.

Euphonium -- n. Rare element, often known by other names. You know what I mean.

Yeuk -- n. A disgusted member of the wildebeest species.

Collywobbles -- n. What you get when you give Lassie too much vodka in her water dish.

Re: Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:57 pm
by Minionayr
silvermoondragon wrote:I have a question!

Will we be voting on which answers should win or are you picking the answers? Or do you pick 1st-3rd and we vote on those?
Good question! I should have posted this before but actually I will be having you all vote on the order of the top three! I'll be getting a bit of help from Sushi for the initial judging. ^^

*gets hiccups after eating soup and reading the first entries*

I love this game! ^^

Re: Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:56 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
This. This was SO much fun. >:3

VolVox - A mutant form of Chicken Pox in which small purple lumps form across the skin. Some have reported seeing what appear to be eyes on the surface of some of the larger lumps, though this seems quite rare. Others have reported the lumps moving about on their skin, though rather slowly. Neither of these cases have been properly documented, and as a result, are believed to be made-up.

Fluffernutter - A rare form of Flufferton's Syndrome in which one coughs peanutbutter-laced goo from their lungs. This is often accompanied by the overwhelming urge to consume copious quantities of milk.

Burgoo - The copyrighted goo-like substance used in McDonald's burger patties. In some tests, it has been proven carcinogenic, though McDonald's claims that the tests hold little value due to the helpful effect of nulling of the poisons present in the burger buns.

Vibraslaps - A genetic disease primarily present in Hilbillies. Symptoms include the urge to slap one's knee at the telling of a good joke a slight fear of bathing. The only known cure is the introduction to society, though the disease can still be passed to one's offspring.

Sousaphones - The trumpeting sound prduced by an elephant trying to get a cat out of a tree. The pitch of the trumpet can only be heard by cats and elephants, though some humans report a strange ringing sensation in their ears after witnesing a sousaphoning elephant.

Vuvuzelas - An umbrella brought to life by magical methods. It seems ironic, but most Vuvuzelas are Hydrophobic. It is believed that the pelting of water brings back painful memories of their pasts, though no conclusive tests have been run to prove this fact.

Heckelphone - A cell phone used almost exclusively by teenagers for texting purposes. Though these phones are equipped with a number of different features, they are mostly installed for the purposes of driving up the price; the Heckelphone's number one consumer (the teenager) rarely uses it for other things.

Euphonium - A false sense of security induced when one is lied to on the matter of what is being served for dinner.

Yeuk - A piece of the broken neck of a ukulele. Used as currency in some foreign countries.

Collywobbles - The web patterns created by a drugged or drunken spider. These have been known to go for a high number of Yeuks on the black market (aka Ebay).

Re: Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:16 pm
by RikkuGirl
VolVox - What is created when a fox and a volvo have offspring.
Fluffernutter - When you mix feathers and peanuts in a pillow, soft yet cooling... with a soothing peanutty smell! :D
Burgoo - Burgundy colored glue! ^_^
Vibraslaps - when vibration turns rough!
Sousaphones - Phones used by masseuses, duh! ;D
Vuvuzelas- Marshmallows in your cereal! :3
Heckelphone- A hyena brand of telephone
Euphonium - A highly explosive chemical that causes those in its after math to enjoy life even in the midst of devastation
Yeuk - A cousin to the Yak
Collywobbles - When your dog has a limp.

^_^;; This is fun. I did not read any one elses so if any of mine are close to yours i apologize. ^_^;; im about to read them all now. lol

Re: Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:03 am
by Pristine
I have a feeling this is going to be difficult for me, but I have to give it a try...

VolVox From the Latin words "Volare" (to fly) and "Vox" (voice), Volvox is a frustrating disorder in which a person's voice involuntarily 'throws' itself in the manner of a ventriloquist. This makes things like whispering especially difficult for the affected person, as one cannot simply stand near them to hear, and must instead seek out where the voice has 'flown' to, to hear it properly.

Fluffernutter - A relatively rare species of bird that subsists entirely on nuts. The bird's many layers of feathers - in all colors of the rainbow - give it a 'fluffy' appearance.

Burgoo - What remains when you build a small city or town out of Jell-o and do not refrigerate it properly.

Vibraslaps - Similar in mechanics to a "slap bracelet", a vibraslap is much larger and made to fit comfortably around your torso. It features six levels and eight patterns of vibration!

Sousaphones - A set of headphones that uses a small, out-of-print French coin to act as the conductor for its batteries. The coin supposedly improves the cleanliness of the flow of power, and as a result, music is much clearer to listen to through these headphones.

Vuvuzelas - A type of flower, generally blue-green in appearance, with petals that seem to form a "u" hanging below a larger "V". The petals are shaped to allow raindrops, dew, and waterings to travel down a channel into the heart of the plant, which uses much more water than most flowers do.

Heckelphone - A device not unlike a common telephone which allows a person viewing a performance at home to speak into a handset and have their distaste with the performance known to the performers via a loudspeaker stationed directly above the stage. Performances at theaters with Heckelphones installed naturally get quite loud.

Euphonium - A large, glass container, not unlike an aquarium, but made to hold all of the lovely noises you hear throughout the day... just take your Euphonium Recorder (a small, rock-like object; no batteries needed!) along with you on your nature walk, to your graduation, to a concert, or anywhere your favorite sounds are heard, then place it inside the Euphonium. A small tube on the side of the Euphonium, when its rubber stopper is removed, allows you to listen to the sounds absorbed by the Euphonium Recorder over and over again, in a lifelike clarity you would not get from listening to a tape recorder.

Yeuk - A species of very small, coniferous evergreens. Their needles are frequently five to ten times larger than a common evergreen needle, hollow inside, and with a ridged surface. When these needles rub against one another in the wind, they can be heard making a "yukyukyuk" noise that sounds somewhat like laughter.

Collywobbles - Don't let the spelling fool you; this is actually a delicacy in many areas of the world. The dish consists of a tall tower of cauliflower, carefully and artfully placed to create a leaning effect much like the Tower of Pisa, and then drenched in a thick butter sauce, making the structure even less sound. Some say you are guaranteed good luck for a year if you eat it without it falling over!

Re: Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:27 pm
by kitsune_greenleaf
VolVox ~ A volatile concoction made from as of yet undisclosed radioactive elements, the creation of which is credited to a scientific team of highly intelligent very cute Vulpines

Fluffernutter ~ My pet Squirrel, he's really rather soft and fluffy and we can't keep him away from the nuts ...

Burgoo ~ The sticky substance left behind by Duct tape when mixed with wall paint

Vibraslaps ~ When a Libra gets soo mad she/he slaps anyone and everyone around them whilst producing a angry "vvvvvv" sound

Sousaphones ~ The phone line for Drunks to call taxis to take them home

Vuvuzelas ~ A new Latin dance a little like a cross between the mombo and the tango, and toss a little salsa (the dip not the dance) as you go

Heckelphone ~ A new form of telemarketing, they call anytime you need a good dose of reality, the operators are trained to know exactly what it is that's made you think you're better then the rest of the world and they know your mothers and all those little skeletons you'd love to keep hidden, and they'll trot them out for you anytime you need

Euphonium ~ It's a new Chat speak word meaning, "You Phoning him?"

Yeuk ~ A strange small creature that lives on the skin of humans and their sole purpose in life is to make you feel like something is crawling on your skin when you're frightened that something is behind you

Collywobbles ~ A disorder of Collies where their heads are loose and springy so they walk around looking like those bobble heads in the back of peoples' cars

Re: Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:24 pm
by Echos
VolVox-an unfortunate attempt to combine cars and telephones. The VolVox resembles a phone booth on wheels and was briefly popular in the 70's - a precursor to the modern cellphone. Unfortunately the inability to steer or brake led to such high numbers of collisions the VolVox was pulled from the market.

Fluffernutter - peanut butter flavored cotton candy treat

Burgoo - the scum left on the bottom off your pot after a few days if you don't wash the jambalaya out

Vibraslaps -

Sousaphones -

Vuvuzelas - a member of the rodent family, related to the kangaroo rat, that collects dust bunnies and hides them under your bed.

Heckelphone - a speical machine that mothers use to record important pieces of information for their offspring. The machine then plays it back on a continuous loop when they are away.

Euphonium -

Yeuk - a very small gentleman who wears tall hats to make up for his lack of stature

Collywobbles - a child's game involving blindfolds and wet hacky sacks. Everyone is blindfolded and throws wet hacky sacks at each other. Much shrieking ensues. The last dry person wins. The winner is crowed King of the Collywobbles.

Re: Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:11 pm
by CosmicDragon
VolVox - A small fluffy creature that has been trained, for your convenience, to be able to adjust the volume on your TV or Stereo when you cannot find the remote. Responds to simple 'Up' and 'Down' commands only.

Fluffernutter - An intense and utterly insane love of rabbits. The symptoms and acuteness can be greatly varied amongst individual sufferers, and it is often seen as a psychological impairment.

Burgoo - A slang term for some of the messy results of McDonalds-induced food poisoning. Not to be confused with 'Burgas', which refers to a separate symptom entirely.

Re: Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:29 am
by Minionayr
You all crack me up!

Just what I needed to get rid of those lingering creepy-feelings and shivers from the scariest sam contest.


One day left to enter!!! ^^

Re: Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:55 pm
by Origami_Dragon I've been staring at these words off and on since they were posted. Now I'm just going to give in and post at least a handful of random meanings... I've not read the other entries, so apologies if any of these are too similar to something already done.

A VolVox is something like a Faux Pas, except that it generally refers to stumbling over your words rather than other types of mistakes.

Fluffernutter is a term used to describe the way the fur sticks out on a chipmunk's cheeks when they have stuffed as much food into the cheek pouches as is possible.

Burgoo is the condition inside a chrysalis or cocoon which causes the butterfly or moth's wings to be damp and crumpled looking upon emergence.

Vibraslaps are an obscure weight loss technique involving lightly slapping ones sides while being bombarded by sonic waves which cause the fat molecules to vibrate and become easier to burn off.

Sousaphones are cell phones which have been dropped into liquid and are currently sitting in a paper bag full of dry rice in an attempt to remove the liquid.

Vuvuzelas are long, complicated, and very bad love poems. They very seldom hold a single rhyme pattern for more than two lines and do not flow well.

Heckelphone is the act of retaliating against prank callers so that they are the ones who wind up flustered and upset.

Euphonium is the act of making a great discovery, right before one cries out 'Eureka!'

Yeuk is a type of soup made with yak butter, chicken stock, one egg yolk and your vegetables of choice boiled together in a large saucepan with several small stones on the bottom. The stones must not be removed from the pan until after the soup has been served. If one of them winds up in your bowl it is considered very unlucky.

Collywobbles are simply another name for goosebumps, usually used for those caused by fear rather than cold.

Don't ask where some of these ideas came from...I have no idea.

Re: Minionayr says, "BALDERDASH!"

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:16 pm
by silvermoondragon
Random Answers Go!

VolVox - something that takes up an uncomfortable and awkward amount of space
Fluffernutter - a very angry squirrel
Burgoo - a small igloo made of dirt instead of ice or snow
Vibraslaps - a cut of meat taken from the armpit of a lemur
Sousaphones - a set of musical instruments played by two people
Vuvuzelas - a sweet and slightly alcoholic beverage drunk at 5 min past the hour
Heckelphone - A telemarketer who continuously calls you day after day
Euphonium - a shiny metal object that brings unimaginable happiness
Yeuk - an odd feeling in your right femur
Collywobbles - an exclamation of extreme surprise