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Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:58 pm
by Minionayr

Firstly, I would like to say - I am horribly sorry this is so late and over due and I am sorry for that. I will not excuse this and I only hope you all forgive me in time.

It was extremely hard to even choose favored ones for me and then to pare them down to three for you to vote on.. hard! But top it all off and things are just not great right now with computer and forums for me. I don't know the issue but my husband is hard at work fixing it! That being said - here's the voting!


You may only vote for 1 favorite answer per word!
You may NOT vote for your own answers.
Be nice, do not whine and encourage others to vote too!
Everyone may vote! (We'd love to hear what you all think!)


The prizes are trade-able items for this event! Three tiers of them. ( 1st, 2nd and 3rd.)

Each vote for a favorite is 3 points. So there isn't a disadvantage to having fewer answers in the top three! ^^ In case of a tie - I will be using to settle the "dispute"

Voting begins as SOON as I've posted the lists (the next post.) Have fun and I thank you all for bearing with me on this! ^^;

Voting begins NOW and ends Apr. 16th, 2011 @ 12:00PM PST (Pacific Standard Time)

Re: BALDERDASH - Voting!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:59 pm
by Minionayr

A VolVox is something like a Faux Pas, except that it generally refers to stumbling over your words rather than other types of mistakes.

From the Latin words "Volare" (to fly) and "Vox" (voice), Volvox is a frustrating disorder in which a person's voice involuntarily 'throws' itself in the manner of a ventriloquist. This makes things like whispering especially difficult for the affected person, as one cannot simply stand near them to hear, and must instead seek out where the voice has 'flown' to, to hear it properly.

n. a highly inappropriate and often naughty member of the vulpine breed. (You may need to think about it for a minute.)


peanut butter flavored cotton candy treat

Fluffernutter is a term used to describe the way the fur sticks out on a chipmunk's cheeks when they have stuffed as much food into the cheek pouches as is possible.

(Cosmic Dragon)
An intense and utterly insane love of rabbits. The symptoms and acuteness can be greatly varied amongst individual sufferers, and it is often seen as a psychological impairment.


The copyrighted goo-like substance used in McDonald's burger patties. In some tests, it has been proven carcinogenic, though McDonald's claims that the tests hold little value due to the helpful effect of nulling of the poisons present in the burger buns.

The sticky substance left behind by Duct tape when mixed with wall paint.

(Cosmic Dragon)
A slang term for some of the messy results of McDonalds-induced food poisoning. Not to be confused with 'Burgas', which refers to a separate symptom entirely.


When a Libra gets soo mad she/he slaps anyone and everyone around them whilst producing a angry "vvvvvv" sound

A genetic disease primarily present in Hilbillies. Symptoms include the urge to slap one's knee at the telling of a good joke a slight fear of bathing. The only known cure is the introduction to society, though the disease can still be passed to one's offspring.

Vibraslaps are an obscure weight loss technique involving lightly slapping ones sides while being bombarded by sonic waves which cause the fat molecules to vibrate and become easier to burn off.


n. Headsets for entry-level chefs.

Phones used by masseuses.

A set of musical instruments played by two people.


A member of the rodent family, related to the kangaroo rat, that collects dust bunnies and hides them under your bed.

An umbrella brought to life by magical methods. It seems ironic, but most Vuvuzelas are Hydrophobic. It is believed that the pelting of water brings back painful memories of their pasts, though no conclusive tests have been run to prove this fact.

A type of flower, generally blue-green in appearance, with petals that seem to form a "u" hanging below a larger "V". The petals are shaped to allow raindrops, dew, and waterings to travel down a channel into the heart of the plant, which uses much more water than most flowers do.

Re: BALDERDASH - Voting!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:21 pm
by silvermoondragon
Is there going to be a poll? Or do we just post which answers we are voting for?

Re: BALDERDASH - Voting!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:24 pm
by Minionayr
Post your picks. I've got a running tally on this end.

Re: BALDERDASH - Voting!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:28 pm
by silvermoondragon
Ok, here are my votes:

VolVox - Pristine
Fluffernutter - Origami_Dragon
Burgoo - kitsune_greenleaf
Vibraslaps - Origami_Dragon
Sousaphones - SuperDoug
Vuvuzelas - Bluestarwolf12

Also, I have to say that Pristine's definition of a VolVox is my all time favourite out of all the words/definitions we're voting on

Re: BALDERDASH - Voting!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:38 pm
by Origami_Dragon
*tilts head* Weren't there four more words we came up with definitions for? I'm going to vote on these now...if the others appear I'll vote on them later. Sorry to hear that your computer isn't liking forums...that's never fun to deal with. And I must say I agree with silvermoondragon that Pristine's VolVox definition was great.

VolVox - Pristine
Fluffernutter - Cosmic Dragon
Burgoo - kitsune_greenleaf
Vibraslaps - Bluestarwolf12
Sousaphones - RikkuGirl
Vuvuzelas - Echos

Re: BALDERDASH - Voting!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:41 pm
by Pristine
VolVox: Origami_Dragon
Fluffernutter: Origami_Dragon
Burgoo: Cosmic Dragon
Vibraslaps: Bluestarwolf12
Sousaphones: SuperDoug
Vuvuzelas: Bluestarwolf12

I really loved this event, it was so imaginative! Many of the answers had me laughing out loud when I read them; I wish more of them could have made the "finals". I hope there will be another event like this some day :) Sorry to hear of your computer problems and I hope you get everything fixed up soon, Minionayr!

Re: BALDERDASH - Voting!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:29 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
I must agree, I loved Pristine's Volvox definition. X3

Volvox - Pristine
Fluffernutter - Cosmic Dragon
Burgoo - Cosmic Dragon
Vibraslaps - Origami_Dragon
Sousaphones - RikkuGirl
Vuvuzelas - Echos

Re: BALDERDASH - Voting!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:43 pm
by BabyDabbleMLP
VolVox - SuperDoug
Fluffernutter - Origami_Dragon
Burgoo - Bluestarwolf12
Vibraslaps - Bluestarwolf12
Sousaphones - silvermoondragon
Vuvuzelas - Pristine

Re: BALDERDASH - Voting!

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:45 am
by Minionayr
Hello! You’re votes have been cast and the winners are as follows!

We had a tie for points between Origami_Dragon and Bluestarwolf12 - each with 18 points on this scale. ^^ SO it was off to random I went – and to the COIN FLIPPER! ^^ Bwahahahahhahaah!

I assigned a coin to this (chose an antique coin for fun – Maximus Roman Coin) and gave them each a side… then flipped!

Heads – Bluestarwolf12 & Tails – Origami_Dragon

The coin flipped thus:

You flipped 1 coin of type Maximinus - Bronze/Silver Tetradrachm - Roman Empire:


Timestamp: 2011-04-19 18:25:29 UTC

First Place – Bluestarwolf12 (You have been awarded Silver Bark)
Second Place – Origami_Dragon (You have been awarded a Rainbow Lamanayr Feather)
Third Place – Pristine (You have been awarded a Gleamstone)


As to the hiccup that the forums and my computer have had – apparently it deleted parts of what I put in. Mainly because I type in groups and then copy/paste from there. -.-; This results in missing words and headaches. BUT I have a fix! I’m going to randomize a list – separately – of all the answers given and since voting is closed the top 3 will also win prizes for this horrible hiccup.

I, again, apologize for this! I’m working on getting this laptop fixed and if it’s not fixed soon.. I’ll buy a new one. It’s getting just as annoying to me as it is for all you wonderful people!

SO.. here goes:

There were 31 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
1. kitsune_greenleaf
2. echos

3. kitsune_greenleaf
4. superdoug
5. echos
6. origami_dragon
7. Pristine
8. Rikkugirl
9. silvermoondragon
10. Bluestarwolf12
11. Pristine
12. Rikkugirl
13. kitsune_greenleaf
14. Bluestarwolf12
15. origami_dragon
16. silvermoondragon
17. superdoug
18. Rikkugirl
19. echos
20. superdoug
21. Pristine
22. superdoug
23. Rikkugirl
24. silvermoondragon
25. silvermoondragon
26. Bluestarwolf12
27. kitsune_greenleaf
28. Pristine
29. Bluestarwolf12
30. origami_dragon
31. origami_dragon
Timestamp: 2011-04-19 18:37:06 UTC

Kitsune_greenleaf you’ve been awarded Tandil Berries
Echos you’ve been awarded Rosa Berries
Superdoug you’ve been awarded a Sweet scent flower!

Thank you all for playing this game! If it shows up again in future.. I PROMISE it will have undergone a HUGE re-model. This format isn't as easy/good for the forum run events. So I will be tweaking it for future!

If anyone has any ideas of games they'd like to see in future events.. PM me here or on PI (minionayr) with those ideas! I'd LOVE to hear what you think.

<3 your minionayr.

Re: BALDERDASH - Voting!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:51 am
by superdoug