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Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:18 am
by Sushidragon
With all of the modiems that Glint used on the breedings from his Song, there seems to be a lot of magic hanging in the air.. enough to coax a new trait into being! Yay!

The trait contest is simple - design a trait for Samanayrs! One trait will be chosen be me as the winner and become an official new Samanayr trait :D How exciting!

This time around the contest will work a little differently from previous trait/species/etc design contests. There's the opportunity for overlap between entries, and in the past I've had to inform later entrants that someone entered with their idea, and people would get annoyed and have to come up with a new idea, and so on. This time we're going to try posting entries to the forum instead of sending them in by PM. This way you can take a look at what's already been entered and judge whether your idea has already been entered.

Traits on the traits page are already official traits:

These traits also need to be added to the page. Beside the name of the trait is an ID number or name of a Samanayr that displays that trait:

Kirin scales - 158
Belly plate - 697
Flipper wings - 485
Ankle wings - 519
Spectral wings - 602
Rounded ears - 550
Curly hair - 134
Furred antenae - 683
Fan tail - 683
Spine mane - 358
Talons - 683
Splayed feet - 552
Trunk - 552
Branches - 299
Glaicies - 511
Canine nose - 662
Wrap-around wings - 558
Bull horns - 511
Multiple eyes - 575
Flexible spines - 655
Inorganic - 577
Stone talons - 660
Nose horn - 550
Maneless - 661
Reduced foot tufts - 64
Belly mane - 26
Equine tail - 434
Scythe claws - 557
Feline ears - 661
Bone mask - o416
Animal mimic - 28
Opposable claws - Talon of the Hidden Rainforest
Large hooves - 292
Rounded canine ears - 465
Integrated - 234
Crystalization - z003
Object mimc - 555
Sharp hooves - o285
Copper hooves - o422
Velveted fur -
Wolf tail - 607
Tail wings - 621
Leather skin - o033
Mystic strand - z016
Long hair - 463
Finned Ginglymus Tufts - 510
Horizontal pupil - 466
Guest artist - 431
Head mane - Lots


- All entries must be posted to this thread! There is a limit of one enter per person.
- Please review previous entries to make sure that nobody has already entered your trait.
- Entries can be drawn, written, or a mixture of both.
- If you're using a photo(s) to help explain your idea, please post it as a link (using the URL tag) rather than as an image (using the IMG tag).
- You are welcome to change your trait idea before the end of the contest. If you would like to change your entry, please edit your original post to say something like 'see later post' and have your new entry in a new post.
- Other than the above scenario, please don't edit your post!

Oh yeah, how about the prizes? :D

First place - A semi-custom Sam (you choose gender and colors) that will be the first to have the new trait!

Second place - This adorable SotR foal:


Third place - This sweet little Oquiesa:


In addition, each person who enters will receive a random tradeable item!

To enter, please reply to this post with the following filled out:

Trait name:
Have you read through the other entries?

The contest will be open until June 15, 8pm PDT - good luck!

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:38 am
by keeper
edit: ok my mistake will post again XD

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:00 am
by LvSoulFriend
(Pst, keeper, I think that trait's already listed on the traits page)

*ponders over traits*

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:02 am
by Origami_Dragon
Username: Origami_Dragon
Trait name: Bony Crest
Description: A crest growing out of the Samanayrs head similar to that sported by many of the hadrosaurs (duckbilled dinosaurs). It comes in a variety of shapes and sizes from a short simple spur at the back of the head to a long, sweeping arch, or tall thin plate-like structure, or anywhere inbetween.
Have you read through the other entries? Yes

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:06 am
by Aranea
Username: Aranea
Trait name: Bone Crown
Description: Image
A tough dome surrounded by spikes adorns the sam's head. Based on pachycephalosaurus. The dome on some might be less pronounced than on this example, though, with more prominent spikes like stygimoloch.
Have you read through the other entries? Yes.
(I nearly suggested the same thing as Ori!)

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:10 am
by LvSoulFriend
Username: LvSoulFriend
Trait name: Curly Coat
Description: Instead of the hair/coat/fur being straight, it instead curls and twists, either into ringlets, like a Baskir Curly, or into a big ball o' poof, like a poodle. Hair can be either long or short.
Examples: >[url=]Example 1[/url]< >Example 2< >Example 3< >Example 4<
Have you read through the other entries? Yup!

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:11 am
by Delicious
Username: Delicious
Trait name: Feathered Gills
Description: Feathered gills are generally located behind (or sometimes in place of?!) the ears. They look much like those on the Terran Axolotl - and have recently observed on those Sams who share a heavily mixed aquatic & land-bound heritage (a rarity in itself!). This mutation seems to allow these genetically confused Sams to feel at least SLIGHTLY more at comfortable trying to visit both sides of their family-tree.
Have you read through the other entries? Yep!

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:21 am
by amazondreamer
Username: amazondreamer
Trait name: Patagium (An alternate, more descriptive trait name might be "Glider" or "Glider Flaps")
Description: A thin membrane of skin (may be hairless or have short fur) between front and rear legs that connects to the side of the body. This flap of skin can be extended to allow the Sam to slow a jump/fall into a glide. True flight is unobtainable.
Referance Image
Reference Image
Have you read through the other entries? Yes

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:31 am
by Esperanza
Username: Esperanza
Trait name: Puff Wings
Description: Basically, these wings are made of a soft material that is similar to the material on a dandelion seed. You cannot flap these wings, but you can control when they can take flight and when you land. You have to be in a particulary windy area, however. They catch flight by the wind, and you basically just follow the breeze. ... Powder.jpg
Have you read through the other entries? Yup.


Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:40 am
by OnceUponaThyme
Username: OnceUponaThyme
Trait name: Spiral Horns
Description: Can be single or dual horns - Single: similar to a unicorn's horn, however instead of spiraling around itself, it is a TRUE spiral and there is empty space down the center of the horn. -- Dual: Twin horns that spiral around each other - forming a single tip - with an empty space down the center between the tip and the base. ... /spir2.jpg - closest I could find image-wise... each would be considered a single spiral
Have you read through the other entries? Yep :)

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:46 am
by AranelSaraphim
Username: AranelSaraphim
Trait name: Glass (or maybe transparent?)
Description: Samanayrs with this trait have part or all of their body completely transparent - in fact, it looks like they are made of glass. Sometimes their organs and bones can be seen through the flesh, but just as often, they are transparent as well. It is more often found in sams that live underground, in caves, or in other very dark, nearly lightless areas.
Reference: ... e01e8c.jpg ... G_7650.jpg ... ls-002.jpg ... ls-001.jpg ... ronima.jpg ... _squid.jpg ... lyfish.jpg
Have you read through the other entries? Yes

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:35 pm
by Echos
As my idea is already in existence, see later post when I come up with a new one.

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:45 pm
by cassiadawn
Username: CassiaDawn
Trait name: Shelled
Description: A hard carapace like a turtle's covers the Samanyar's back. May be a fairly small shell that only covers the back and does not extend very far down the sides, or a full body shell complete with a plastron over the stomach.
Have you read through the other entries? Yup!

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:46 pm
by AsaraDragon
Username: AsaraDragon
Trait name: Pincers
Description: Mainly found on aquatic or desert species, these appendages allow a Samanayr to grip or pinch objects, like a crab or a scorpion does.
Have you read through the other entries? Yes :)

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:48 pm
by YourLoveOnly
Username: YourLoveOnly
Trait name: Pixie Wings
Description: Tiny wings that seem to float above the Samanyr's body. They can vary in shape. Examples: (click)Have you read through the other entries? Yes

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:02 pm
by Janalee
Username: Janalee
Trait name: Brume (or 'Mist Hair,' if you prefer)
Description: Instead of hair, the mane and tail are made of wisps of fog; while occasionally thicker and opaque, like a cirrus cloud, most of the time they're fairly translucent. Colors vary by the thickness of the fog and the current weather conditions, generally ranging between white and dark gray during the day; 'fogbow' sorts of colorations are fairly common as well though. Like the 'Flame Hair' trait, the 'Brume' trait almost always indicates an Elemental somewhere in the family tree.
Have you read through the other entries? Yep...and I'm glad I'm not the one judging this event. *grins*

I don't know why, but I always thought it was unfair that the fire Elementals had so many traits linked to them, and the water Elementals didn't really have anything specific...well, except maybe 'Glacies,' but since it's not on the official page yet, I'm going to continue to overlook it. ^^ Anyway, good luck choosing a winning trait, and thanks for the chance!

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:37 pm
by RikkuGirl
Username: RikkuGirl
Trait name: Squirrel Tail
Description: Just like it sounds. A large fluffy tail that curls at the end like a squirrels. Fluffy and larger than their body. It is able to be wrapped around their body or just sit simply behind them. The tail is strong and could possibly hold their weight but I would think it would be more of a pillow/blanket.
Have you read through the other entries?Yup

I know it simple but i have SUCH a good idea for one that Id like to do with this trait. :3





Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:45 pm
by perryunicornboy
Username: Perryunicornboy
Trait name: Long neck
Description: The sam has usually long neck. Its used to get into hard to reach places and it tend to vary from species to species.
Example: a land based sam neck might look like this
A lam neck could be like this
an aquatic might have a neck like this
Have you read through the other entries? yes

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:28 pm
by Pristine
I'll admit it, I think all of the dinosaur ideas got to me.

Username: Pristine
Trait name: Small (Vestigial?) Legs
Description: A stubby, short, mostly-useless pair of legs... generally occurs only in the front legs (although if it became a trait I wouldn't put it past people to do front and back or... poor Sam... just the back legs?)
Here is my intention: ... manayr.png
As modeled by the dinosaur who inspired it: ... saurus.jpg
Have you read through the other entries? Yup!

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:47 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
Username: Bluestarwolf12
Trait name: Quills
-Procupine-like quills growing out of various points on the body, though usually from the back.
-Used for defense as a porcupine's quills are, and have similar characteristics (Stick into enemy and stay there because of tiny backwards-pointing barbs on each quill. Absorb water from the enemy's body and slowly swell, making the wound worse).
-Usually there are several packed close together wherever they are on the body.
-Can be a variety of different lengths
-On rare occasions, quills could also contain poison.
Have you read through the other entries? Yup~

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:54 pm
by Echos
Username: Echos
Trait name: Satellite Ears
Description: Large round ears that stick out from the face. Can be fluffy like a koalas or short haired like an African dog (just two examples I could think of).
Have you read through the other entries? Yep!

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:55 pm
by silvermoondragon
Username: silvermoondragon
Trait name: Lantern Fish Esca
Description: Fleshy growth sprouting from a Samanayrs head that provides light. Very handy for deep swimming aquatic Samanayrs, night hunters, or just those who might be afraid of the dark. Also a very cool trait to show off to friends
Have you read through the other entries? Yes

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:23 pm
by Mr. Aranel
this ought to get a few chuckles.

Username: Mr. Aranel
Trait name: Curly Mustache
Description: well, it's a curly mustache. but not like a human's facial hair. more like an Emperor Tamarin.
See these pics: ... .jpg?w=400 ... rin-sm.jpg ... 19&image=0
Have you read through the other entries? Yes.

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:07 pm
by CosmicDragon
Username: CosmicDragon
Trait name: Skeletal Limb
Description: A limb, or section of a limb, on which there is no flesh, revealing the skeletal structure beneath.
Have you read through the other entries? Yes!

... Will totally edit with pictures later. |D

Re: Festival of New Spring - trait design contest

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:08 pm
by CosmicDragon
... Or will totally not edit. XD *just reread the rules*