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Samanayr sketches! Lots of 'em!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:13 pm
by Aranea
So, I've sketched a bunch of sams as contest entries and just recently as a guest artist, so I figure I might as well show 'em off here!

Image<-the Sa'krien song in my scavenger hunt entry
Image<-the foal in the story, all grown up

Image<- drawing draw entry

Image<- sketch of a Misery who tries to hide her species. Still hope to get this one someday

Image<-Entry in a custom draw
Image<-Also a custom draw entry

Image<-666th sam entry

Image<-Holiday Spice tea drink entry

Image<-sketch of a Hunter-Joy splice possibility

And I thought I'd show off how small my capricorn sam is- that is a duplo block!

And finally- My personal sam, Judgment of the Grim Hunter!

Re: Samanayr sketches! Lots of 'em!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:14 pm
by Seren
I.. am... in... awe.

Complete awe. Yep, that's the word.
I cant even wrap around my brain how you get the colors and lines so perfect. Gah. You make me want to grab ,my sketchbook and practice for the next century or two so I can become half as good as you.
*facepalm* Oh Seren, you're so silly.
Still, you are AMAZING.

Re: Samanayr sketches! Lots of 'em!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:59 pm
by SilverDapples
You... You're totally amazing... and can color...
I really like the Misery, Hunter-Joy splice possibility, capricorn, Distraction -draw entry, and the bottom right edge of the first picture (okay I could have said I love them all... it wouldn't be a lie XD)

Re: Samanayr sketches! Lots of 'em!

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:33 am
by Sushidragon
I love that you've collected all of your Sam arts in this thread, I'm a huge fan of how you do Sams but I'm so bad at keeping track of art from past contests XD