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Seren's (and Silver's) Questions

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:27 pm
by Seren
Hallo all~
You all are so lovely here ^_^ We both feel so welcomed and loved~
(btw, Silver and I are besties in real life... and kind of connected at the hip. So we go back and forth alot. FUN. XD)
And since I'm only slightly less lazy and since I found the site first, apparently that means I have to collect the questions we have and actually talk to people. *LEGASP* Okay okay Im done with that rant ^^'

If any of you can answer even one of these questions, it'd be appreciated. If there's some place where the answer already is, just yell at me, and Ill feel stupid and read it there. T^T

What does it mean if a song is Open, Semi-Open, or Closed? Does that have to do with adding mares? Or does it mean I can request a breeding from a pairing, even if I don't own them? I kind of know what it means, but i'd really appreciate a good clear explanation for my oh-so-slow brain.

When is a breeding season? and Is there some way I'll know when it's occurring?

Ah. Brain... dying... can't... think anymore... Ill probably have more questions later. XD Thank you for helping the two noobs. You are too kind~!
*hands out cupcakes* :3

Re: Seren's (and Silver's) Questions

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:28 pm
by Seren
Seren is a failure. X3

Re: Seren's (and Silver's) Questions

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:10 pm
by AsaraDragon
For the first question...

An Open Song is one where you can use the stallion and any of his mares during breeding season without asking their owner(s) for permission.

A Semi-open Song means that to use one or more of its members to breed, you have to ask its owner for permission. This is usually explained on the Song page, insofar as which ones require permission.

A Closed Song is one where you must ask the Sam owners for permission to use them for a breeding.

And the second one, breeding season will be announced on the forum (and PonyIsland). The Breeding forum on the board list will usually acquire a large red heart next to its name when the season is open.

Hope that helps!

Re: Seren's (and Silver's) Questions

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:12 pm
by Orasteele
  • Open songs mean anyone can request to breed from those Sams without obtaining the owner's permission. This means several people can request the same pairing (but only one person will be sucessful).
  • Semi-open means only some of the Sams within the song require you to obtain permission. When going through the database most song owners will put what mares require permission if the song is semi-open
  • Closed songs mean that every sam within the song requires permission to breed. Most owners generally do this to be aware of which ones are being actively used in a breeding season. It helps to keep there from being multiple people using the same pair. ^_~
Most often Sushi will post an announcement if there is a season going on. She normally gives people a week to submit their forms and then it all depends on the luck of the draw/success rate. If you check in often you won't miss out. Plus Sushi also announces most things on Facebook and on PI.

Re: Seren's (and Silver's) Questions

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:23 pm
by Seren
You two are fantastic! Thank you so much! That's what I was thinking, but I wasn't sure of things. >_< Im a bit slow...

Re: Seren's (and Silver's) Questions

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:31 am
by RikkuGirl
Ya...what they said! X3

Re: Seren's (and Silver's) Questions

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:52 am
by Sushidragon
What they all said ;D Thanks guys!